i see no hope..

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i see no hope..

Post by ankush141 » Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:29 am

i am really ashamed of myself rite now fr being a
pessimist,but i cant help it because i see no hope,Ive tried every thing  but
nothing works my life is into pieces,seems like every thing i touch turns to
stone from my relationships with my family,my career,my health every thing seems
to be falling apart even if i give it my best shot!!i am tired of searching fr
answers,Ive gone to many astrologers and counselors but nothing clicked!!

so i seek your help and pardon me for saying this that this may be the last time
i am doing  this because i am just fed up of trying and loosing and i just want
to end this whatever way possible,i never thought my life would turn into
something like this but since it is ,i want your help...desperately because i
cant take all this any more.

please i just want to know is there any good phase in my life???what are the
chances of me having a successful career and healthy life?? because past week i
was diagnosed with jaundice,had a dreadful accident in which i nearly lost my
leg and my family has left me too  above all this i couldn't appear fr my m.b.a
exams,so is there a silver lining in my life???and i expect you to be dead frank
about it!!

name:ankush d.o.b:23/01/1986 t.o.b:1:45 am p.o.b:Agra{up}

awaiting your reply..

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:06 am

Well....your story is sad....but far from unique.....and it show that you are in a negative state of mind...that only will bring you down, and prevent any happiness.


To end your life is just a dumb solution, the solution to the coward, and if you believe in reborn, well then you only transfer your misery to the next life, and create a lot of misery for your family in this life.

IF you on the other hand believe that you have an impact on your own life, that you by using your free will can change your path here in life, WELL THEN THERE IS HOPE!!!

The first thing you have to do is to work on your negative attitude.

As said, your story is sad....but there is billions who have it worse then you....and millions of them live a "rich and good life" because their expectation of life tells them that they are happy....tells them that they have food...they have friends..they have family...what more can be important?

I am sure you have heard about a lot of rich people, that drink themselves to death...that use drug...that is hiding in fortress because they are afraid of the public....do you believe that such people are happy?...If not...then it show that you can't buy happiness...only create it.

Our brain is our strongest tool.
It is capable to destroy you (which you are a proof on), or build you up to have a rich life even with small means, which Mother Theresa and many other was proof on.

In a negative state of mind you mirror such outwards.
If you try to get yourself a new job, people will notice your negativity, and will avoid to take you in, because you will be a strain to firm..and who will pay for such a thing?
If you try to connect to new friends, they will avoid you, because as a negative person you will burn their energies, you will have nothing to contribute with...you will be dumped.
Your family will slowly be burned out if you are negative, there will not be much happiness back...there is nothing that will bring you energies...
You will attract other negative people, who together will tell each other how awful the world and your situation is, and the brain listen and accept...and in the end suicide seems like the only option.....HOW DUMB!

Start smile....start telling yourself that you are a lucky man....tell yourself that everything could be much worse...that this small obstacle shall not bring you down.
In the start this will be very difficult, so you need to have focus on the positive....you need to force your brain to see it....but soon you will notice a change both to yourself and your surrounding, which will speed up your recovery.
Positivity is the only way out of this, and even if I am not an Astrologer, I can tell you that this is the ultimate solution to your problems.
By Birth you was give a great gift, which is YOUR FREE WILL!
You notice this free will every day, you notice it by choosing what to eat, and not only be given something to eat.
You notice it by watching a game instead of a show.
You can choose coffee instead of tea....you can tern left or right instead of going straight ahead.

If everything was told in the star...then such "Free Will" could not be, because if 6,5 billion people should do a "little" adjustment, the result would be enormous and unpredictable.
Astrology can give leads, or ideas....but can never give anyone any finish solutions.

In order to achieve what the start have in mind for us, we all have the responsibility to do the best out of our life, we can't just sit back and say.".Please fix it" ...we our self are the one who carry the key for that.

So "DUMP YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT SUICIDE", and start working with yourself, only then will happiness again start to smile to you!

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what you see is what you get

Post by triguna » Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:19 pm

hope it will help in seeing good thing

God hates me

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:17 pm

this is not a good response...and I point to this thread:

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=64671

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