Horoscope reading

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Horoscope reading

Post by ganesh3885 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:18 pm

Dear All atrologers,

I would like to have reading on few aspects of my life which are of  extreme importance at this point of time in my life.

Date if Birth : 03/08/1985
Time :  8 pm : 21 min
Place : Pune , India

Male , single and currently living in India.

i. I have done B.E. ( Mechanical) and working in Design Consultancy since 2 and half years.
I am interested in further studies. My interest is in MBA and UPSC (IAS) services but i want to confirm in which area there is suceess as seen from astrological point of view.
Also i want to mention that i couldnt make admission in good college this year for MBA even after preparing and again i will appear for exam next year but along with UPSC exam.
So your view will be very much guiding for me. :)

ii. I want to know about my spiritual growth in Life?

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Post by Chandal » Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:42 pm

The respected ganesh3885  ! You already were born in a womb of mother, or at 13:30, or 12:55 ??? As I do not understand your reductions and all your lexicon, wash the translator cannot translate it into Russian also the exact times of your birth remains in doubt more truly. You have written that you one child at parents, or you have sisters, and you one man??? It is necessary to specify. But if you arrive to study, it will seems to me you to do three attempts. And for time of your birth given by you nobody was born on co-ordinate of your city. I wish good luck to you

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Post by ganesh3885 » Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:49 pm

Dear Sir,

Thank you so much for the reply. I will try to make it more clear.

My time of birth time  is not exact , but it is around 8 pm on 3rd August 1985 in pune , india.

I have to sisters and myself single to my parents.

I want to know that

i. Should i pursue Masters education in Management or i should prepare for Indian government Administritative services exam.

and also

ii. I would like to know my spiritual journey if possible to predict.

If you want any additional information please let me know.

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Post by Chandal » Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:06 pm

ganesh3885. Try to write and translate into Russian that that you here have written. I can understand nothing. At you examinations absolutely others than at us, also write simple words that the car could translate it clearly. It has no intelligence and is similar always to the founder. When you write dates of birth of sisters and brothers, I will find your time of a birth which can seem to you impossible, but it from not knowledge of laws of a birth in this world. And that your parents have fixed that, as your real birth, it is deceit Майи. And the main thing explain a principle of your examinations and on what speciality you arrive? A trade of your father and mother? I wait your letter in my personal message here at a forum.

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:29 pm

Board language is English...sry...moving to spam.

Sry again...it was requested...I will copy his answer here......

Уважаемый  Chandal,

Мое время рождения не точно , но это - около 20:00  В Pune, Индии.

Я имею сестрам. Одно моложе чем я то, чья дата рождения - 30, май 1989  
и другой старше чем я чья дата рождения - 14 октября 1982 и я не имею брата.
я не являюсь  женатым. я являюсь мужским
я сделал степень в машиностроении.

я имею следующие вопросы,

i. Шоулд and го фор a post градуате дегрее ин манагемент
или если я добиваюсь индийского governemnt обслуживания в администрации

я готовлюсь к обоим экзаменам и неспособный решить между двумя
я буду счастлив знать мой рост карьеры в будущем

ii. как - мое духовное продвижение в жизни?

Мой отец - правительственный служащий в отделе безопасности и мать - домохозяйка

если Вы хотите любую другую информацию , пожалуйста сообщите мне


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Post by Chandal » Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:14 pm

ganesh3885.  To me not it is clear point №1????

i.Шоулд and го фор a post градуате дегрее ин манагемент
или если я добиваюсь индийского governemnt обслуживания в администрации
Here has translated not into Russian, and me not the clear??? And this word has not translated  “governemnt”.???  

Give to me exact,  or approximate date of delivery of your examinations.
I have found your time of a birth. You already were born before occurrence in this real world
In 13h.33m.26s.

balaji suresh
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Post by balaji suresh » Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:50 am

i have seen ur chart, you were born in aquarius lagna and aquarius moon sign.as per ur chart ur 4th& 9th lord(house of higher education) is in 5th house in a friendly sign.ur 9th house has saturn and kethu aspected by rahu, hence highly afflicted.mercury the planet for intelligence and jupiter the natural teacher are in 6&12 respectively.hence ur chances are not good for higher education.ur 10th lord in 6th house means a service horoscope.mars ur 10th lord must be powerful for enjoying a high professional status but he is debilitated in 6th and combust.hence expect average professional prospects only.thank you,good luck.

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Post by Chandal » Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:31 pm

balaji suresh .я видел диаграмму Ура, Вы родились в водолее lagna, и луна водолея sign.as в Ур картируют Ур 4th&, 9-ый лорд (дом высшего образования) находится в 5-ом доме в дружественном sign.ur 9-ом доме, имеет Сатурн и kethu aspected rahu, следовательно высоко afflicted.mercury планета для разведки и Юпитера, естественный учитель находится в 6&12 respectively.hence возможностях Ура, не хороши для выше education.ur, 10-ый лорд в 6-ом доме подразумевает обслуживание horoscope.mars Ур, 10-ый лорд должен быть сильным для того, чтобы наслаждаться высоким профессиональным статусом, но он истощен в 6-ом, и combust.hence ожидают средние профессиональные перспективы only.thank Вы, удача.
At that time the person could not be born. If it certainly Spirit then I think, воемя births it suits it?

balaji suresh
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Post by balaji suresh » Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:24 am

can you explain with reasons why it is not the exact time of birth?

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Post by Chandal » Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:47 pm

balaji suresh ….can you explain with reasons why it is not the exact time of birth?
When to me will answer ganesh3885 and I will finish work with its rectification then I can tell its Apparent time of a birth, and to you as to the astrologist giving consultations to explain it is not necessary, here when you will apply an astrology to self-development and free aid by another then to you the God both will tell, and will submit. And if you at me ask, why the child at that time could not be born, means you have no knowledge in an astrology and be engaged in self-deception and a deceit of others. About such astrologists as prophets say, what the blind conducts the blind??? That who knows the answer, will never ask and furthermore to speak all to light about sacral knowledge. I Wish you to mature.

balaji suresh
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Post by balaji suresh » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:02 pm

to the best of my knowledge and conscience i have never deceived others and above all i am not interested in mud slinging like you.either give the reasons for ur so called correct time of birth or stop making such noise.infact empty vessels make more noise.

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Post by Chandal » Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:07 pm

balaji suresh
to the best of my knowledge and conscience i have never deceived others and above all i am not interested in mud slinging like you.either give the reasons for ur so called correct time of birth or stop making such noise.infact empty vessels make more noise.
You need to learn before Веды then also the astrology to you will be a little more clear? You should know, that in a matter all are mistaken, only outside of space and time is not present error, knowledge from the higher forces there is given, and in a matter illusion and knowledge gives all to you astral to essence which help those who costs at emotion and mind level. The woman the fortuneteller uses the lowest astral, сикхами levels above, for example yoga’s, and супраментал, it already knowledge received directly out of a matter use. So the astrology all works, but everyone costs on the distance from True. You apply in the  standard knowledge which you have received from the father, or Guru? And I have received from the God in that condition where there is no matter and I the knowledge in difference from your Gurus have no right to transfer. I can show and direct only you, giving your advice. In the company of my acquaintances which only two persons anybody never at a meeting set questions as everyone knew, that only the God can answer on them. And you as the child, wish to receive all not having made effort to it and start to use a trick of the simple swindler which he thinks that the cleverest and all can receive in this the world for nothing.? It is done only by the person of mind as there only there is a nature of a dual condition, and it will never have reason. You look in the horoscope. If at you Venus in exaltation also is connected with Ketu then you the carrier of a spiritual seed and at you is reason which should be at each astrologist from the God. After all only the person has a seed, and a matter it has no. To the woman нельзы to be engaged in an astrology for this reason, and to that man of whom the Holy Spirit yet did not visit, the astrology of the level of error is given. You as follower Ayanamsa Lahiri, receive a deceit for a general plan, as well as weight other world of your astrology? And the proverb says, that in the world of fools it is more.??? I think further comments it is not necessary?

balaji suresh
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Post by balaji suresh » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:00 am

please dont live in your own world.your personalised attacks are not justified.we are practising hindu astrology,if you feel that this is wrong it simply means you are a wrong person in the right place.i leave the rest to the moderators to decide whatever they want to.as the member has been abusive and has displayed wrong age on his profile.

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Post by Chandal » Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:34 pm

balaji suresh   .  please dont live in your own world.your personalised attacks are not justified.we are practising hindu astrology,if you feel that this is wrong it simply means you are a wrong person in the right place.i leave the rest to the moderators to decide whatever they want to.as the member has been abusive and has displayed wrong age on his profile.

The astrology has come to this world one, it owing to circumstances it has been divided, as societies in the spiritual development the different. You were enslaved by society of the lowest matriarchy---Great Britain, you have spiritually fallen and in all India there would be no person which perceived the world as it was at the beginning of its creation. Those Souls already have left from India you use Ayanamsa Lahiri, and it already an indicator of low Spiritual development of your astrologists. Mind level — a Jew, has open 12 bodies of perception, the Hindu as the transitive form has 14 bodies of perception, the Slav, that primary that has come to you as the soldier of the God the Frame, had open 16 bodies of perception, a Sanskrit how we have given a figurative language to you? That I remember those embodiments have been connected with an astrology in ancient Egypt, I was a priest. And has come to this world even before its creation. The astrology is my level of development and I the carrier of its primary seed. To you we after all too its distances with knowledge Vedic?
I can define on mentality of the person, what is the time it is in this world and as shifts at transition big do not happen everyone comes to time of development similar to its world. The limit of prescription of arrival of the most ancient soul which now develops at you in India, concerns no more to 2700 years till an Era of the Christ. At that time the world has fallen to demonic levels of mind, and since summer of 2006 has already passed border of the world of the Hell that are fauna of levels in a human cover. And as this world is created as the world  middle its transition to levels of lower level happen time and are a signal to end of its existence. The world is destroyed, and souls will mix up on houses, or pass in other world.и there begin the development, as the primitive form of that world. All rather in this world and progress in material worlds always exists thanks to wars and sufferings. And all of you reach for the best life, not noticing, what is  destruction as a hobby?
From that summer of 2006 in this world people any more are not born. India from reason level has fallen recently to mind level. Now your scientists set a rhythm advanced демонизма in in illusory sciences of mind of this world.
In days of my childhood, in this embodiment, old women of my society spoke to the grand daughters that those have not taken in head to marry the scientific person therefore as will spoil the family tree. You think, why these wise grandmothers so spoke? At you at astrological forums of the man set questions, only about a marriage, money and formation? Very few people will ask about the Spiritual development? At us at forums there where I conduct themes on rectification and time of a birth of children, only women address with such questions to me. It also is an indicator of that India any more that, that was earlier, at you the woman corrects, and it is an indicator of falling of society to matriarchy level., or demonic levels? After all the allegory speaks. What everyone the people deserve свого the governor? And there where the woman at the people of a level of development similar to it corrects there is seed of creativity of the God, after all the woman by the nature not кмет no seed therefore differs from the person?
Here тепер I will look what level of development a society of India, and it is able to accept the truth about itself, what defines Spiritual level the people as uniform society?

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:13 pm

Again I will point out....discuss Trade....avoid discussing each other.....much of this goes on belief....on belief even the strongest mind can fail....then silence might be the best tool :)

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