Destined to be a Millionaire & a Positive Leader of Humanity

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Destined to be a Millionaire & a Positive Leader of Humanity

Post by ElaineLeon » Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:26 pm

Ever since I was a kid, I have had a strong feeling that I'm destined to do something really great that would positively impact many people.

At this moment, I see myself helping others find inner happiness. I also see myself organizing a way of educating humanity, so that we can work together as one, with love and acceptance. :)

I am including my Birth Data. Does my chart show anything strongly reflecting how I feel? Are there any important dates? Is there any other information that may help guide me?

Thank you,

Date of Birth: 10 - Jan - 1986
Time of Birth: 11:45 pm
Location of Birth: Miami, FL, USA (Lat.: 25:47 North, Long.: 80:11 West)
Time Zone: 5.0 West
Daylight Savings: Yes 1.0

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:58 pm

I did like your opening statement, I am no Astrologer, so other have to give you the Reading you asked for, I will only share some of my own thoughts, after a long life,...take them...or waste them :)

When we have belief in our-self, and work toward a goal, then we can make great wonders.

When we start to have doubt in our-self, and start to ask for advices, and goals, then we transfer away our goals from our-self to the one who gives advices.

It is always nice to get advices, but advices must be given out from our abilities, and from those cases we "burn" for, and from people who have experiences in those fields.

Our mind is a strong tool, and we can achieve a lot, when a thought is planted in our brain, then it can lift us up, but also "bring" us down if we get wrong impulses.

So my advice is....follow your own feelings....go are on the right track....but always "protect" yourself....Why?...the longer you last...the more good can you achieve....if you on the other hand always put other in the front seat, then you will soon feel misused, or be burned listen to your inner voice, know you can never save them all, and you can never manage to have all to agree with you, but if you do this right, and feel you have lived a rich life, then what more can one wish for :)

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Post by ElaineLeon » Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:22 am

Wow... thank you so much, Rhutobello. Your message is very helpful. I completely understand what you explained. The mind and self can create anything. I've been focused very long on my goals and I feel more content, now than ever.

I would like to know my reading, though. I also feel it's a must to have complete faith in our goals and desires. Thoughts become things.

Thank you for sharing your light and wisdom.

:) Elaine

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agree with grandpa

Post by fasiha » Tue May 25, 2010 2:32 pm

i am not any knd of expert person though and im also seeking advice for my readings but this post has convinced me a lot
this is more important to have determination and focus on ur goals and u can achievements.same here i am focues to get my goals and looking for advices after.
best of Luck   :)  :)  :)

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Post by VIVEKANANDA » Mon May 31, 2010 12:21 pm

Period from 2047 onwards will bring the kind of luck u wish to have to be a millionaire.

All the best.

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Post by Chandal » Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:56 am

Respected Elaine. The destiny will conduct you and without your permission. You not in a condition to change it, as well as other mortal. And still I to you will tell, that for time given by you in Miami births of the child were not. The first child was born at 7:12 АМ c +4 group of blood. Then even earlier with +2 group of blood. And then even earlier with +1 and +3 group of blood.
Tell the group of blood and describe itself a little and give data on the brothers and sisters and I to you will make an exact horoscope of your birth. You should know, that the birth occurs in a womb of mother, and the birth can occur after days.
As position specifying in your qualities in a horoscope there are some days if your time a birth to accept for exact then your psychotype can be described, but the predicting astrology loves accuracy. If you the Latin American, or black, this information too is very necessary, as each kind is born on the code of destiny, as the representative of the society and the demigod.
Excuse for my bad English if you know Russian, can answer me on my native language.

VIVEKANANDA . Period from 2047 onwards will bring the kind of luck u wish to have to be a millionaire.

All the best.
VIVEKANANDA. You have not considered one detail. This world after 2018 already гне will be. ElaineLeon it is necessary to hasten to realise the desires.

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Post by kshantaram » Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:34 am

your sun would be in saggitarius the 9th sign representing spiritual/philosophical inclinations and love for dharma/justice. sun in saggitarius is venerated even by the yogis.

currenly jupiter is transit own pisces for a year from now and good for spiritual development.

however, saturn is opposite jupiter and  could cause some stress in the process.

rahu the node is transit over the natal sun yet for a year or so and could impact self-confidence and career prospects - could light a camphor lamp at the alter at home daily with special prayers to Mother Mary. could observe fast on saturday evenings. prayers to a saint of your faith could bring jupiter's blessings especially of thursdays. ketu in the gemini opposite could give a sense of isolation and accelerated analytical sense - hope does not lead to paralysis by analysis.

hope this helps someway,

wishing you well,


ps : pasting a chart for ready reference helps

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:14 am

Interesting. How do you come up with a specific year like 2018 or 2047 like that. I've often had similar feelings though I never knew that could show in one's chart. I'm curious if you could see similar in my chart. You have me intrigued. I'll provide my birth data.

Date of Birth: December 4th, 1983
Time of Birth: 2:20 pm
Location of Birth: Seaford, New York

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