Can sum1 help me to do reading for my job

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Posts: 2007
Joined: Fri May 19, 2006 12:56 pm

Post by govardhanvt » Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:20 pm

Rahu in 12th , Mars 9th lord, Venus 3rd and 10th lord, and Venus Dasa, Mars and Rahu Bhukthi certainly as per classic dictum, foreign travel  is indicated.

Venus is the lord for you as regards to your profession and employment.   Mercury is enemy to Guru, while Guru is neutral to Mercury. Mercury combust is favourable to Guru. Poorvapunyastanadhipathi in lagna is good along with Lagna Lord. But the combination of Jupiter Sun and Mercury in lagna is factor to reckon for your profession

According to Bhootapala Vargottama and Combustion of planets are to be recokened separtely while predicting . Planeteary Strength  varies on several factors, like digbala, chesta bala, Sthanabala, Kalabala etc which are otherwise called shadbala, which the planet excercise on the native.

This is very big subject , by itself and hence i stop at this

Raman Deep Singh
Posts: 1447
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:17 pm

Dear govardhanvt Ji,
Thank you for replying to my questions. U know it is shocking to know that there r still people like you who actually consider shadbala and vargottama otherwise these r the words i hav read only in books,i dont know even single astrologer who actually considered shadbala.. I have met many astrologers  most of of them wee professional ones but not even one has ever discussed vargottam or shadbala.

One of them claimed to be practising astrology for 30 years but i was shocked  when he just start predicting by looking at lagna chart only , he didnt even look for their degrees , not even navamsa leave apart dasamasa or shadbala.

Its sad to know that in the place like india we hav to hunt for the right person who actually has studied astrology.

Can u please answer few left over questions from my last conversation.

Is there any use of Nirayana Bhav chalit chart in Vedic astrology

Anything important u can say about my Career.please do mention it .

Thanking you


Posts: 2007
Joined: Fri May 19, 2006 12:56 pm

Post by govardhanvt » Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:14 am

Dear Raman Deep Singh

Astrology is a complex subject. There is difference between who practice astrology as profession and for their livelyhood and those who practice it as hobby.  If a practioner who does it has livelyhood starts predicting based on Navamasa, and other divisions or for that matter considering several other matters , then he will be spending more time and efforts to pridict and hence he may not be able to earn his livelyhood. Hence , though they may be knowledgeable they would confine to Rasi Chart only and do the prediction unless otherwise it requires looking to various other aspects of astrology. But it could not be ruled out that they will not knowing more than the prediction . God is only person who knows everything. Neither I could say I know each and everything. There are great people in this world , who know better than me. Astrology is a such a science, where you learn each moment .

Secondly as regards the use of Nirayana Bhav chalit , I would say, in vedic astrology there are several methods of prediction and  not a single methodt could be discounted. Thus the importance of Niarayana Bhav Chalit cannot be over emphasised and it is equally important according to the circumstance of the case. To be very frank I am not using the same as I had not mastered much in it. If one go by the fact and circumstance, many do not use Kalachakra  too in the predictive astrology. Don't you think that is important. Even Astakavarga priciple many do not use. Now a days we have many astrologer who use modern techniques and other intitutive powers. In the process of their predictions they use Vedic astrology as only a pickle to taste for the wholesome food they take . What do you say about that? According to me VEDIC ASTROLOGY is mother of all astrology and is a divine science and it is occean by itself. The more one dwlve in it the more nectar could be tasted.

Hence I do wish to stop at this  and say that I would like to learn more on the new topics in VEDIC AStrology which I do not know


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