What is causing my laziness?

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What is causing my laziness?

Post by rebecca10 » Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:51 pm

Hi everyone!

I am new here, but very eager to learn. I have been trying to understand my own chart for quit some time and am looking for some expert advise.

Here is my info:
Scorpio Ascendant
1st House- Shani
2nd House- Mangal
4th House- Guru
6th- Moon and Rahu
8th- Surya
9th- Mercury and Venus
12th- Ketu

I am currently running a Surya mahadasha with a Budh antradasha.

One of my present concerns is that I feel like I have an extreme lack of concentration/ will power and overall laziness. I find myself wasting more time in the day than I spend time on accomplishing anything. I want to do a lot of things but can never get myself to manifest them or put anything into action. Why is this the case? What planet or planets are causing this and what is the remedy?

Being that today is Sunday and that I am running a Surya mahadasha, I have decided to put on a ruby ring because I have been told that I have an afflicted Sun. Do you think that this is appropriate, or that it will be effective?

Any and all comments are welcome, please let me know what you think.

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Post by rebecca10 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:14 am

After writing my first post, I realized that it might be helpful for some to actually know my DOB and time.
July 1, 1986 at 5:00 pm
Punjab, India 31.3256°N 75.5792°E

Again, I look forward to hearing from you, thanks!

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Post by GeeEyeEl » Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:01 am

Hi, i am only starting to learn Astrology but do want to help you out.  First, i want to ask you if you have frequent headaches or if this laziness has been an ongoing problem?  Secondly i want to tell you that the moon and rahu in the 6th will have negative effects in your health.  Your Rahu in Moon will cause you to have problems with the mother, heart problems, and will cause a some trouble with the mind.  Are you and your family in happy terms?  This is another question i want you to answer to see if i am in the right track.
   I will try and examine more about your chart and find any remedies. Just tell me if any of this is true.  If it is not, i will come back and correct my analysis or further my analysis later.

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Post by rebecca10 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:36 am

Thanks for your response GeeEye.

I am on very good terms with my family, in fact, they are probably the most important thing in my life. As far as headaches are concerned, I do not experience them frequently, but perhaps on occasion. As far as laziness is concerned, I would say that it may be character flaw (due to Shani in lagna?) and maybe has always been a background issue. However, now it is coming to the forefront. I feel as though it is being magnified and is creating hindrances in my life to a much stronger degree, which I don't understand.

Also, I too have heard that the Moon is afflicted in my chart, but that it effects me more on an emotional level rather than physical. I don't know how accurate that is, but I hope that helps.

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Post by kandhan.t » Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:17 am

I feel wearing pearl would help your immediate problem and coral should be good for overall beneficial effects.  wearing silver jewellery like necklaces/rings and using silver utensils for drinking water/eating food should also help.  let us wait for readings and remedies from learned members also.

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Post by kandhan.t » Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:17 am

I feel wearing pearl would help your immediate problem and coral should be good for overall beneficial effects.  wearing silver jewellery like necklaces/rings and using silver utensils for drinking water/eating food should also help.  let us wait for readings and remedies from learned members also.

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Post by rebecca10 » Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:56 am

Thanks for the reply kandhan. It seems that thus-far there have been suggestions for using remedies regarding the moon. I will definitely look into this.

I did want to share something interesting that happened to me since my first post. As I had disclosed, I decided to wear a manik ring yesterday. I performed the suggested puja and performed the advised ritual for putting on such a ruby ring. However, yesterday after putting on the ruby ring I felt a degree of fear and anxiety that I never have in my life before. At first, I thought I was feeling this way due some personal issues, but as I began to resolve those problems the feeling of uneasiness still would not subside and remained pronounced. I decided to take the ring off today as it clearly did not suit me. What I want to know is why I had such a reaction. In many of the sources that I have looked up, none describe a manik as giving such an effect, in fact they state that if the sun is debilitated in one's horoscope that a ruby will eliminate any ill effects.

Anyway, I thought this to be a very surreal experience and wanted to get some feedback as to why people think this might have occurred. Do you think that it is my grah or do you think that it is just the ring itself?

- Also, as a disclaimer, I was told by a pundit to wear a manik, he gave me a certain weight and instructions on how to put it on, which I thoroughly followed and is why I am confused by experience....

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Post by kandhan.t » Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:49 am


Experts say that sometimes effects of stones can be felt within 2 to 8 hrs of wearing it. So some of them say that one should always wear a ring for the first time during the daylight so that any malefic effect can be noticed and corrective measures can be taken.  

What you have described looks like the effect of ruby itself.  I am not sure about it though.   There is also no unanimity on the weights of stones. There may be nothing wrong with the procedure you followed.

The problem with stones other than pearl, coral i.e. the transparent stones is that it requires an expert eye to detect the defects in the stones.  Tying the stone to one's upperarm in cloth on trial basis is a good idea to know the effect of the stone.

This problem will not arise in case of genuine pearl and coral.  Only requirement is that they should touch the skin and its prefeerable to wear them in fingers than as lockets. Pearl and coral are suitable for you and not expensive too.  I have heard that for those born in waning moon, pearl should be set in gold.

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