Broken engagement though match score is around 29.

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balaji suresh
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hello kiran

Post by balaji suresh » Tue May 17, 2011 10:06 am

ur chart has saturn retrograde in 2nd.this delays matters relating to it.2nd house signifies family.further though mars is exalted in 8th he is afflicted by saturn from 2nd.jupiter as 7th lord in 12 is not welcome, also he is debilitated in navamsa.ur moon is afflicted by nodes which is responsible for depression. coming to the girls chart she has 2nd lord jupiter debilitated in 3rd.7th lord venus debilitated in 11th a common sign and is afflicted by 6th lord mars.also a martian navamsa is rising in both charts which can bring about a divorce or break in engagement. you are running mer/moon which is not a good period as moon is afflicted by nodes.hence pray to god and concentrate on ur future.thank you.

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Post by dreamz86 » Tue May 17, 2011 1:25 pm

prasanna wrote:Hi Kiran77,

Had u not done the mistake of registering   the marriage before conventional marriage U are safe  and dont bother for the break of marriage. Some Good girl might be waiting for u . Now a days it has become fashion for girls to disagree to marriage after Engagement . In few cases it is done by boys. So before marriage my kind advise is , never,  do registration of marriage before conventional marriage as our deremas86 did.

warm wishes,
ohh i read your this message now..seems like u have talked a lot about me on this site..
let me tell you i was not so excited to do this reg marriage, but as it was urgent so we did it.
and the guy took this mariage more seriously than me, i always believed in vidhi marriage... he was the one ready to take me to his place right after this registered marriage!!
it didnt seemed mistake then. we were very sure tht the marriage will happen, both mutually!

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hi there

Post by kiran77 » Fri May 20, 2011 10:06 pm

I thank Mr Rajat and balaji suresh for interpretation.

For dreamz86- Even my engagement didnt look like breaking at all but did happen all of a sudden so people do things with hope that things go well but unfortunately it turns otherway around sometimes.

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Post by dreamz86 » Sat May 21, 2011 5:29 pm

and then u should thank god that he is with you....
becos whatever happens happens for a purpose which you will surely know at certain point of your life as in why it happened.
and whatever happened happened for good.
one of my dad's frnd where the girl side said no just b4 1 day of marriage and now he is happily married to a very nice lady.
who loves him a lot.:)

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Post by kiran77 » Sat May 21, 2011 7:27 pm

Dear Dreamz,
I thought what I went through itself was painfull and to call it off one day before the marriage is most painful and fortunately he got somebody better. But was shocked to know girls have started doing this and my parents told several incidents like the one I experienced. Really sad to know the degeneration of cultural values though.


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Post by dreamz86 » Sun May 22, 2011 2:31 pm

i dont know about other girls cos i am not one of those i believed in this sacred decision of god...
i tried hard but he did not listen...
in my case it was a guy... so i dont trust any guy anymore.
i believe there is a time to say no...saying no after engagement or just b4 marriage is not fair at all.
every1 is being given many chances to know each other then only we say yes to a marriage right!
i dont know why are human beings so confused... nobody has given them the right to destroy any1s life or to push them into mental trauma.

i just hate people who keep so many faces of being so nice at one minute and being such an creepy person the other.
i can only say for you that please dont loose hope someone somewhere better than that girl might be waiting for you.

everything is his decision i guess, we can never go against him... atleast now i believe in this.

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Regarding your reply

Post by kiran77 » Sun May 22, 2011 3:21 pm

Dear Dreamz,

Let me clarify few things- I felt Prasanna was merely quoting your case as an example regarding registered marriage while at the same time she meant girls have been doing this frequently now a days. Please dont mistake me ( or Prasanna who is again new to me just as you are ) were merely quoting about the trend being set but we were not targetting you.
               Later on, learnt that many girls have done things like that.

In my case certainly I tried my best to clarify their doubts and even apologised for  their misunderstanding but let me hereby also tell you about the girl's personality based on horoscope and the person as I have known --- arrogant, self centered, materialistic, cunning, disrespectful and a compulsive lier. I thought this stupid girl ( sorry for swearing )is going to change for good but did'nd think she is going to behave the way she did. During conversations with this girl even without me asking her to change she used to say several times she doesnt listen to her parents and they have to listen to her indirectly saying I got to listen to her while she doesnt listen to me. This girl was highly pampered since childhood as she was the only girl and her family never said no to her.
If this girl is like this what is she going to teach her children in future.She was a spoilt brat.
Last edited by kiran77 on Sun May 22, 2011 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Further to your response

Post by kiran77 » Sun May 22, 2011 3:29 pm

My family asked this girl's choice before  our engagement several times and confirmed by myself,  in the absence of any of her family members. She said she was interested. This girl is a doctor as I am and do you know she lied about me to her family members in order to break this engagement, stooping down to my character being assasinated. She indulged in smear campaign. At one point of my conversation she lied to somebody and when I asked her why she was lying she said it is better to lie than tell the truth and be in trouble and she was'nt even ashamed of it, infact felt comfortable to do so.

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