Placement of Rahu in 11 and 4 other Grahas in 8th Bhava

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Post by rajat19731 » Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:19 pm

Om namo bhagvate hrishikesaya
Hare Rama Krishna
Dear Krishna,
I have gone through your chart and here are some of my observations through the teachings of Parampara (SJC) :-
You are born on Krishna Chaturdashi tithi, which is a very inauspicious tithi and it shows the wrath of Lord Shiva. Normally people born on this tithi have a medium life. The remedy for this tithi dosha is very very necessary as unless u don't do the remedy for it, not a single rajayoga or any yoga will fructify in your chart. Thats is the major reason why you are not having money despite having Rahu in 11th house (upachaya) and Venus, making Vipareets Rajayoga being the 6th lord placed in 8th house. There is brahmana saapa also in your chart as Jupiter is aspected by Rahu and Saturn through graha drishti. Being Jupiter placed in 5th house and being the lagna lord and 4th lord, it will give sufferings related to health as well as happiness, home, fortune, education and vehicles. Hence remedy for brahmana is also very necessary. If you see the tithi lord is Venus and is the planet forming vipareeta rajayoga, so unless the tithi dosha will not be remedied, venus will not be able to show the results of rajayoga. Your karana lord is Saturn and is placed in 8th house, hence there will be lots of ups and downs in your career. As your nakshatra lord is Rahu, hence you will have the higher end of the age in medium life span means approx 62-63 years of age. This also shows that Lord Shiva wants you to have suffering in your life and hence giving a quite long life. There are lots of yogas that are cancelling your vipareeta rajayoga and showing daridra yoga. The major point is that AL lord is in 12th house from AL and the 12th house from AL is very very heavy. AL is in the 9th house and mars is situated in 9th house. Mars is having argala on 8th house, which is the house of debts and karmic burden. Argala of a malefic planet on 8th house indicates that you will be having debts and the karmic burden is there means nij dosha (the sufferings are becoz ur own karmas in past birth). There is a very serious kalasarpa yoga also which is luckily getting broken by Jupiter and Jupiter is your DK, so your wife will help you in breaking this KSY. But as i earlier mentioned, there is brahmana saapa and DK is under curse, so your wife is also not able to help you. I will suggest some remedies to you and if you will follow them sincerely, believe me your life will have lots of happiness. Here are the remedies :-

1. Chant Om namah shivaya vishvesaya haum jum sah. This mantra will not only help you end your tithi dosha but also will reduce the effects of Brahmana saapa and will break the KSY too.
2. Without fail, every year on the tithi of your birth (Asadha Krishna Chaturdashi), get the rudrabhisheka done. Please don't forget any birth tithi from now onwards.
3. Fast on the day related to UL lord ie on wednesdays. Start this fast after the pitri paksha.
Wish you all the best for your future.
Jay Jagannatha

Rajat Kapoor
Vedic Astrologer

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11 th house rahu 5 th house kethu............... Vishdhar ka

Post by prasanna » Thu May 26, 2011 5:22 am

Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga

Vishdhar Kalsar DoshaVishdhar Kalsarpa is the 11th Kalsarpa Yoga in the series of Kalsarpa Yoga. Vishdhar Yoga means that Yoga which assumes poison. Generally, this word is used for poisonous snakes, but, Rahu is the only planet which assumes poison that’s why it is also called poisonous planet or Vishdhar in Hindi. Rahu forms one of a very important Yoga in the birth chart with Ketu i.e Kalsarpa Yoga. When Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga forms then the person gets many difficulties and problems during Dasha and Mahadasha of Rahu. Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga creates various hurdles for a person. Therefore, let’s see how it is formed and how will be its impact.

Formation of Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga
There are many reasons which can create possibilities for the presence of Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga in the horoscope of a person. It is a belief that if any person gets sudden death and may not be able to fulfil his desires before his death then he gets new birth and will get Kalsarpa yoga in his birth-chart. If poisonous planet Rahu is placed in the house of income which is the eleventh house and if Ketu is located in the fifth house which is the house of education and children and if other seven planets occupying between Rahu and Ketu then Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga forms in the horoscope.

Influence of Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga
If the person has Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga then he will face obstacles in his education specially when he wants to attain higher education. Rahu occupies the eleventh house that’s why the person may face many problems to earn good income. He will work harder for earnings. He may perform immoral acts which may create loss in his respect and prosperity.

This Yoga is painful for his children. He will not have good relations with his children and will get delayed to have children. Combats with siblings will happen due to this Kalsarpa Yoga. The person who has this Yoga will suffer  from eye related problems, heart diseases and insomnia. This Yoga affects his memory power.

Remedies for Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga
Establish Kalsarpa Yantra at home and worship it regularly for pacification of Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga. The lord Shiva wears a wreath of snake and contains poison in his throat. The person can remove the influence of Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga if he will worship the lord Shiva regularly.

The month of Monsoon (Saavan) is a month of devotion. In this duration, the lord Vishnu used to sleep on the bed of Sheshnaag that’s why lord Shiva will get responsibility to look after the world. Worship of the lord Shiva will is very beneficial in this month. The person will get relief from malefics of Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga if he will worship the lord Shiva in this duration. He should chant Rahu’s Mantra and feed barley and millet to  birds to reduce negative influence of Vishdhar Kalsarpa Yoga.
The Mantra of Rahu is ओम रां राहवे नमः

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No fear for Kaal sarp yog

Post by acido255 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:36 pm

36 years and 46 years of age will be the golden period for you.
yes you have kaal sarp and manglik dosha but forget it.
Once man changes his karma (swabava) then he  never have to do any remedies.

your rahu in 1th house will trouble your father and

once stop uttering lies and stop doing "Farebs" which this rahu in 11 makes u do
This rahu will not harm you.
And to get blessing of rahu in 11th house
wear gold as much as you can.
and use silver utensil as much as you can
And you are smoker ,get urself a silver pipe for smoking.
wear a yellow thread

observe result after doing above things.

May god bless you

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