Horoscope prediction regarding

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Horoscope prediction regarding

Post by janakiraman » Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:47 am

Dear augustus members of this forum,
                 I got one proposal for marriage. My position is that I am a widower with 2 girl children. since no one is available to take care of my kids and for housekeeping, I want to go for remarriage. In this circumstance, I got a proposal and approached many astrologers in my place. Each astrologer's views are different. One astrologer said it is matching and another one told it is not matching. Now, i got the info that as per her horoscope, if she marries her husband will die.

I am very much confused. I request this august board to review my horoscope and the girl's horoscope and give your valuable opinion. In case of any parihara, I am ready to do it.

My DOB:21-01-1966, Time: 20:10 hrs, Place of birth: Vellore, Tamilnadu, current residence: Chennai, Tamilnadu

girl's details: DOB: 29-09-1974, Time: 17:20 hrs. Place of birth: Chennai

Thanks to this board and its members,



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Post by Mlady Raka » Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:02 am

Dear Janakiraman,

I have all the sympathy in the world for your situation....  I understand from another post you have made that your elderly parents are taking care of your children, but since you need to go out and find work, they insist that there be someone else (for example a wife) to help them take care of your daughters.  

You do not mention if your government has a program to help people who are in this kind of situation.   Have you thought of boarding schools for your daughters, or perhaps foster care until you can establish yourself financially again?

See, the problem with marriage is that no matter how good horoscopes are....it is still people who need to live together, and would it be fair to marry someone just so that she can become a caretaker of your children with a previous woman?  What about her feelings?  What about love?  

Perhaps your religious establishment and/or community could contribute in helping to take care of your daughters, they would probably be able to advise you too on where to go and/or what to do.  I am sure there are other options than to tie a woman to yourself by marriage just for the sake of taking care of your children.  She may resent you for that...

In my experience, I have found that the reasons marriages don't work out is because we enter into them for all the wrong reasons...These reasons being, financial, comfort, security, revenge, loneliness, convenience....

If you were attracted to a woman because of love, and she was attracted to you because of love.... it would not matter what her horoscope said.  Any person can get along with someone else if we honestly cared about them and were honestly interested in their needs and desires and truly cared abou their wellbeing....

Then her taking care of your children would be a pleasure for her BECAUSE they are a part of you....and your daughters would benefit from this as well...

So please dear man....consider this.  Marriage is not business, you are dealing with another soul here...and her thoughts and feelings are just as important if not MORE important than her astrological chart....

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Post by Mlady Raka » Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:11 am

I would just like to correct myself here.....

You said that you needed to be able to concentrate on your career....  Not looking for work.  My apologies.....

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Post by janakiraman » Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:48 pm

Dear Madam,
           You have mistaken me. I have said that I need some one to take care of my children. But I will never run-away from the duty of being a husband and I will show all love for her along with my kids and I will not give any second-rate treatment. She will always be happy to be a part of my family. I will create an environment like that. I am already searching for a middle-aged care taker at the age of 50 or so who can take care of my children at home. But, so far I haven't got anyone who will show affection towards my children. In such situation, I have to explore all the options. That is what I am doing. I have already surrendered to god to show me the way. I hope, whichever the way, god shows me, I will accept that for the sake of my children.

Thanks for you comments and advice.


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Post by Mlady Raka » Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:52 pm

Dear Janakiraman,

In this case I am happy that I was mistaken, and my heart rests at ease...  May you find all the happiness you and your family deserves...

love and rainbows


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Dear Mlady Raka And Janakiramanji

Post by RishiRahul » Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:49 pm

Every experiences are personal experiences of life. The pain is not expected to be experienced or felt  by all, probably because they have not faced it in their life in the same way as others, though we tend to think so. Feelings are  very individualistic and tpersonal.

Astrology and palmistry, medical and psycholgy consultancy are divine sciences, not meant to hurt the negative sides of people. In fact who does not have negative sides?

We go to a doctor for uor physical problems. They are expected to give us the best remedies without unnecessarily alarming us. Remedies are important for our mind, physique etc. They are solutions for us.

What is love? Practically speaking everything arises out of need, so also love. That is why fire was created, food was created, sex was created..... etc... stc.. etc.
No human or even animal is perfect, so do we have to critisize them?
With no offence meant to all.
Last edited by RishiRahul on Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Dear RishiRahul

Post by Mlady Raka » Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:01 pm

I understand where you come from when you say what you say, and I would just like to put down for the record that what I said was not criticism or judgement, but concern from the bottom of my heart for someone whom I sensed became so desperate to solve a problem that he perhaps did not think it through completely as to what kind of consequences his apparent solution would conjure up.  Since so many have suffered the consequences of desperate descisions, it would have been wrong for me not to speak out about this and just let someone else reflect upon their solution of choice, before they pass the Rubicon (the point of no return).

In my experience, Knowledge gives us Foresight and allow us to predict the outcome of our actions...(i.e. if a partner would be compatable according to a chart), but only Wisdom can give us Insight and warn us of the consequences, since a partner is made up of more than the sumtotal of his/her chart.

I never speak lightly, since I have had vast experiences with wrong descisions made by myself and others around me, and I suffered first hand the consequences of those descisions.

You ask what is love....?  I will tell you how I see love....

"Love to me, is a Divine gift bestowed upon mankind in order that they may show truth, kindness, compassion, tolerance, understanding, loyalty, generosity and consideration and affection to another being (not necessarily of human kind, but all living things), without the latter having done anything to warrant or deserve it."  This is what sets us apart from and above primordial needs and wants, even if on a lower level we are also prone to these afflictions.

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Post by janakiraman » Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:24 am

Dear Madam,
         Please don't take it otherwise what Mr.Rishi rahul said. He is absolutely true in his sense. For that I dont want to say you are wrong. You have put across your knowledge and experiences and wanted to show me the other side of the life, suppose, if I am not aware. I won't say it is wrong at all, but you have to accept the truth in the words of Mr.Rishi rahul. He said that every individualistic experience is different, need is different and the intensity of the problem is different. If I arrange a caretaker at home and if she is crooked and torture the children in my absence, then I cannot imagine the repercussions. I still have love for my late wife, nobody can remove it from my heart. Even still, her soul may be thinking that what she has done is stupid and foolish thing. She may be repenting, but it is irreversible.

         I thought over my problem in practical sense and trying to solve it in a better way. So, please don't take Mr.rahulrishi's remarks as personal. He has written in general. As far I am concerned, you wanted to make me aware of the other side of the problem in your own words. That's all. Let us not carry it over. Let us bury this. Every action and movement in this world is the act of god. Without him, nothing will happen, but for all the sufferings and good position of one, it is the person's previous birth karma which is accountable. We are reaping the results based on our past deeds. As lord krishna said, whatever the good or bad you do, it accumulates in two different panes and at the end of that janma, it is balanced and the result is carried over to the next janma for that athma to experience.

         Thanks for Mr.Rishirahul and madam Mlady Raka for their concern towards me.



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Post by janakiraman » Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:25 am

Dear Madam,
         Please don't take it otherwise what Mr.Rishi rahul said. He is absolutely true in his sense. For that I dont want to say you are wrong. You have put across your knowledge and experiences and wanted to show me the other side of the life, suppose, if I am not aware. I won't say it is wrong at all, but you have to accept the truth in the words of Mr.Rishi rahul. He said that every individualistic experience is different, need is different and the intensity of the problem is different. If I arrange a caretaker at home and if she is crooked and torture the children in my absence, then I cannot imagine the repercussions. I still have love for my late wife, nobody can remove it from my heart. Even still, her soul may be thinking that what she has done is stupid and foolish thing. She may be repenting, but it is irreversible.

         I thought over my problem in practical sense and trying to solve it in a better way. So, please don't take Mr.rahulrishi's remarks as personal. He has written in general. As far I am concerned, you wanted to make me aware of the other side of the problem in your own words. That's all. Let us not carry it over. Let us bury this. Every action and movement in this world is the act of god. Without him, nothing will happen, but for all the sufferings and good position of one, it is the person's previous birth karma which is accountable. We are reaping the results based on our past deeds. As lord krishna said, whatever the good or bad you do, it accumulates in two different panes and at the end of that janma, it is balanced and the result is carried over to the next janma for that athma to experience.

         Thanks for Mr.Rishirahul and madam Mlady Raka for their concern towards me.



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Dear Mlady Raka

Post by RishiRahul » Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:40 am

Your reply was  very eductaive. I read a part of your blog and you have much wisdom.... Your solution to Jankiramanji very practical.
In my first prediction to Jankiramanji I had advised him to concentrate in his career and not look for marriage for the present, although I saw that, most chances are that, he will get married in 2007. You could check out my first prediction.
        But since he is under social pressure to get married and he wanted to know what would happen if he did so, I had offered him the later predictions.
         In our lives we are faced with croosroads and options , and we choose a road. We should take the right one, but no one always takes the right one. Since this is a vedic astrology forum and not a counselling one, I felt it was inapropriate to offer out of the way predictions, but I guess its ok now. The option of the hostel thing is ok, but the period when the daughter attains puberty is a very sensitive one and the comfort and guidance of close family members is required, particularly when the daughter is not used to living in hostels, and she could take it as rejection during this stressful metabolic change.
          From the daughters point of view, if the father could play the mothers role too, it would be an ideal situation.
Astrologically, I see that the environment becomes better from 2009.

I like your definition of love. There are so many definitions. Hope you liked mine?
You are a good person. Love and rainbows to you too.

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Post by janakiraman » Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:49 am

Dear Madam and Mr.Rahul,
                 I got the opportunity to read the blog. I was really moved by that. I appreciate the concern shown by madam towards my children and out of her knowledge what she said. Though, I knew to some extent what she said, my need overwhelmed me. But, now, I am thinking of going for a caretaker. I cannot leave my children at hostel, because, I know the quality of hostels here and how it will affect my children. I already suggested this, and talked to my daughters, they started weeping telling that they are not prepared to go to hostel. Then only, I started searching for a good soul who can be a mother to them. Whatever is the situation, I will never leave my children in hostel and I will bring them up on my own irrespective of the hurdles and hardships. They are my soul and part of me. I will never ever do anything which will go against the interest of my kids.

         I owe my thanks to you people for enlightening me.

Thanks and regards,


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Post by Mlady Raka » Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:55 am

Dear Janakiraman,

May you and your family be blessed beyond your wildest expectations...and may the Creator and Cosmic Forces help you find the right solutions for your situation.  

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Post by janakiraman » Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:13 pm

Dear Madam,
      Thanks for your blessings. With the blessings of all, I can overcome any situation and keep the life going.

Thanks for one and all


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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:15 pm


The chart of your prospective spouse has the following features:

Her present Saturn transit in Leo for the next 2 years is not favorable for her ‘love feeling. In fact she will feel constricted in love.

Since end 2005 she is going thru a very confused phase, which will last till June 2008.
Her chart is favorable for material/ financial comforts. She is not very expressive, but confused in thinking regarding personal matters.

Her marriage is favored after Sept 2008.


P.S.: The analysis of your late wife has been posted in your other post.

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Post by janakiraman » Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:28 pm

Dear Rishirahulji,
      Thank you very much for your matching. If at all, I can do anything, please tell me. Any remedies to satisfy the malefic effects of the planets in my chart so that myself and my kids will not face any further problems in life.



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