Why have I suffered for so long?

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Post by AJ » Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:19 am

Hello iloveamma,

I'm sorry to hear of the delay you've had trying to get your husband's chart read by someone. If I have been at fault then please accept my apologies. I just fail to remember encountering your post regarding your husband on this forum. And no, he needn't write himself - I'm certain that isn't the reason why you haven't got a response thus far, it's probably just 'one of those things' :)

If you consider me worthy, I am always available to be of service to God's children. All the best.

God bless.

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Post by iloveamma » Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:14 am

Thank you AJ so much! There are several questions in this post...

If you could help me with his information, it would be greatly appreicated. Is he in his Sade Saati? I am not even sure what that is? can you explain it to me?

But since we met in Oct 2005, my life has gotten better, but his life has gotten worse..he is being forced to work to support us as I have been unable to find a job here in Sweden. I have been told that should get better after July of this year.

If you could help me with suggestions for him, with mantras and pujas it would be great. He also suffers from physical pain in his back , which I am guessing is becasue he is in Rahu.
His day is JUly 10, 1959 Danderyd Sweden 2:15 AM

We are going to India and would like to have real big HIndu pujas done for us by a priest. Can you tell me which pujas would be good for us to have a Brahmin do for us and our realtionship  and also individually? Should I have a Venus puja done for my health?

And as for Jen...I also do the Mruntanjaya mantra everyday and I find that I cannot live without it. Doing it 108 times only takes 25 minutes when you learn it and is something I use before sleep. It makes ALL the difference. Try to do it every day without fail, if you can! It has changed my life!

Thanks so much you guys.

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Post by AJ » Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:42 am

Hello Nityasree,

Om Gam Ganpataye Namah.

I will try and answer your questions as best as I can since I am dependent completely on God for any little morsel of wisdom He may throw my way :)

1. Yes, your husband is running his Sadesati. It began around September 5, 2004.

2. Sadesati literally means 'seven and a half' or the approximate time, in years, taken by Saturn to transit the 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from the Natal Moon in a persons chart. Since Saturn takes about 2 1/2 years to travel the 30 degrees of each house, the total time to travel these 3 houses becomes approximately 7 1/2 years.

3. Sadesati is a karmic time when Saturn - the Supreme Court of the zodiac - decides on the basis of your past karma whether you will be rewarded or chastised, and in what measure.

The reason why people are wary of Sadesati is simply because they have done mostly bad in their lives - after all, who volunteers to stand in line when the queue is for front row seats to the divine retribution premier :)

But for people who have Strong natal Saturn and Moon, this is a blessed time with gains in fortune, auspicious events in the home, acquiring a new house or even becoming Miss Universe! True story.

Advise your husband to do remedies for Saturn:


2. 1 mala or a minimum 11 times daily of

3. Read the HANUMAN CHALISA every Saturday and offer prasad at a temple. Donate Urad dal (a pulse), oil or black clothes to the poor.

I'm sure there are shelters that are filled with the needy, be of service to them. Saturn represents the old, poor and downtrodden masses - always be kind, respectful, helpful and genuine with them and your Saturn will never harm you.


Do this and his situation will improve.

For your relationship and general condition, have a proper Shani (Saturn) puja done by an experienced priest in India. For your health, have him do a proper Shukra (Venus) puja as well.

I hope this is of some little help. All the best :)

God bless.

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Post by iloveamma » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:17 am

This is amazing. He will be so happy.

I will certainly pass this all on to him.

I hope that I can ask you one thing, though.

You wrote this: "But for people who have Strong natal Saturn and Moon, this is a blessed time with gains in fortune, auspicious events in the home, acquiring a new house or even becoming Miss Universe! True story. " Does he have a strong natal sun and moon?
I am asking because we had an astrologer tell us in Dec. of 2005 that "miracles will happen" in Sep. of 2006...and well, our financial situation keeps dragging on.

Was he lying to him? Or is this 7 1/2 years supposed to be very good for him?? I don't think he has very much karma to attest to, except with me...since we both have our Saturn's in the 7th.

Please tell me your thoughts on this.

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Post by AJ » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:39 am

I am not in any position to comment on the motivations of the astrologer in question, however I am inclined to be generous in accepting that he meant well and honestly tried to help your husband. God decides whether what we say is right or wrong, we can only be sincere in every effort that we make.

There is an improvement possible between 25th May and 26th September, 2007. Begin your pujas immediately and share the results with us when the time comes.

If you can, spare some time for Rahu puja since it's MD is on:

Keep or feed a black dog :)

Till then, God bless.

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Post by netthef1 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:55 pm

I,m Truly sorry but i have a confession to make I should have mention that i am trying to learn astrology and didnt know what i was talking about. like you said i was just trying to make her feel better about life in general. hope everybody that read this accepts my appology I am going to stop making predictions and leave that up to someone that knows what thay are doing but i am going on trying to learn. Have a Question for sombody when you read astrology do you go by your birthchart or by the chart for the current date would it be a double chart like your birthdat on the outside and the present date on the inside that just one of many things i,m trying to learn i will take all the information i can get and i promise no more pridictions once again i,m sorry and thanks for getting me straight

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Post by AJ » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:31 pm

Dear netthef1,

I think you are a truly wonderful human being for having the courage and integrity to share with us what you have. And I am thankful to God that you have responded so positively to my post. This is the wisdom of your richer life experience that I spoke about that shines through your humility, and we should all learn from it. You have my utmost respect, Sir.

As regards your query, the Birth or Natal Chart is key to evaluating a nativity and the strength and significations of that person's planets. All other divisional charts support and clarify the significations of the natal Chart.

The chart for the current date, as you have described it, is really what we call a Transit Chart. This helps in timing predictions based on the Dasa System. How strongly transits will effect the main dasa varies greatly from one nativity to the next, but the accepted figure is about 25% effect of Transit and 75% of the main dasa. An example of transits is the Sadesati, a time of great impact and import in a persons life.

Vedic Astrology is a wonderful gift and should be approached with dedication and sincerity. If you do, one day it will open it's arms wide and welcome you home :)

Thank you for setting an example for us to learn from.

God bless.

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Post by iloveamma » Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:56 pm

I appreciate your comments. Of course he was trying to help, as I feel that is the real motivation of almost all good astrologers. I appreciate your diplomatic response.

I am eager to hear that a Saturn puja will help him. I will make sure that we do one when we arrive in India, along with a Venus puja for me. I have done at least 8-10 Rahu pujas over the years, as well as chanted the Bheej Rahu mantra 18,000 times in 40 days...and have not felt that they changed much, only temporarily. I feel that the chanting 18,000 times did help, however. I think that worshipping Shiva is a stronger method to appease Rahu for me, since I also have Saturn afflicted in 7th. BUt this I am saying from my own personal experience. I really know hardly anything about astrology, only what is effecting my life and experience of it.

Thank you again so much. IF you can think of any other things to help my husnabd, I would be very open to hearing it.
I hope you will think it is ok if I ask the other astologers to comment also on his chart to hear a variety of feedbacks. I hope you will not take it personal if I should do so, as we will follow your advice. I have found that when I consult several astrolgers on the same issue, each person offers their own gifts and knowledge of speciifc areas of expertise.

God Bless you and also to the man who was humble enough to admit his shortcomings earlier in this post.

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Post by AJ » Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:41 pm

Dear Nityasree,

Why, of course you MUST seek a variety of opinions :)  I hope you don't have some horrible impression of me, I've always considered myself unworthy and undeserving of God's kindness and it is not in me, and never will, to be conceited. Quite the contrary, in fact. You know, there are no teachers in life, only students, and it is up to us to have the commitment and humility to always want to learn and to defend the principles of learning.

And if I should come with more suggestions that benefit your husband, I will not delay in writing to you :)  I have attended to so many people today that my brain feels deep fried, you must forgive me so I may recuperate. Till then.

God bless.

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Post by iloveamma » Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:41 pm

Never should I think you conceited in any way!

Quite the oppostie!
You ahve been VERY humble and shown great kindness and giving in helping me with my issues.
Love and Light always to you..

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Post by netthef1 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:10 pm

thank you so very much for understanding makes me feel a whole lot better took you peice about the charts and copyied it down in my notes hope you dont mind thanks again

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Post by AJ » Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:33 pm

May God bless you with all the knowledge you seek, and then some more. That is my sincere prayer for you.

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Namashkar A.J.ji

Post by RishiRahul » Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:36 pm

You have good wisdom, generally lacking in this material world. Added the strnght of conviction. I admire you.

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Post by iloveamma » Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:10 pm

I can't tell you how greatful we both are for this information.
My spouse has already asked me to print this out for him.
He said he has a Tulsi mala.

Does it matter which kind of mala he chants with?

And also for me? Should I use a certain kind of mala as well to chant my mantras?

I wish you all the love and light God can grant!

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Post by AJ » Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:41 am

Namaskaar Rahulji,

You are indeed very kind, Sir. The fact that God gifts me the blessings of people much better than myself is far more than I ever dreamed of, and a very uniquely humbling experience. I always look forward to learning from your wisdom and generosity.

God bless.

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