Horoscope Reading

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Post by govardhanvt » Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:15 pm


Can you throw some light about the events of the girl in the month of march 2004


Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:32 pm

Dear Friend,

I met the mother and the daughter only for an hour and what the mother told me I have mentioned. Since the experience is painful for them I did not think it proper to ask in detail.

What I was surprised at was the fact that the mother told me her daughter kicked out her Dad. These were the words she used and I was surprised. Because from my experience Daughters normally take after their Dad and Sons always take after their mothers. I had a feeling probably the Father might have abused his Daughter. So I put the question to the Astrology Board as I could not get confirmation.

At this age of 18 she is very emotional, sensitive but brilliant in her studies. She maybe 18 but she talks like 10 or 12 year old girl with all the innocence.

Well that is all I know and may God bless both Mother and Daughter.

Pravin Kumar.

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:07 pm

AJ wrote:Namaskaar Rahulji,

Om Gam Ganpataye Namah.

God chooses whether what we say will be right or wrong, I can claim no credit other than for being completely sincere. You move me again with your humility and thirst for greater knowledge and I wish I were more like you. I am a small man of ordinary ability and cannot possibly presume to answer your question in the manner you wish. Any learning that has to happen between us must flow the other way around, from you to me.

I can, however, reveal why I said what I did so you may teach me more.

1. Lagnesh Mercury being exalted is a strong base.

2. Mercury as natural Buddhikaraka, exalted in the 4th house (Virgo) of education gives her the ability to acquire special technical skills because of an inquiring, logical mind, well suited for any career where analysis, detail and precision are required.

3. 5th house from Moon is again exalted with the same combination, so apart from good education she is also naturally intelligent and not just a 'book worm'.

4.. When Mercury and Jupiter (Vidyakaraka) are well placed and Mars joins it in the 4th there is a proficiency in Mathematics or anything to do with number crunching.

5. Saturn's 10th aspect on the 4th adds the final ingredient of organized discipline and power of concentration so necessary in a technical field.

God bless :)

Thanks A.J.ji,
Thanks a lot. That was a beautiful piece. Believeme, I saved it  ---- just perfect logic.

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Post by govardhanvt » Thu Mar 29, 2007 3:59 am

I see the following

From Ascendant SUN , pitrukaraka is in debilitation . Jupiter Bhadaka planet for Gemini Ascendant aspects the Pitrustanadhipathi Saturn in the 7th house. 7 th house got corrupted. From Moon  Pitrusthanadhipathi again Saturn is aspected by 8th lord from Moon  . 7th Lord from Moon  being Mars  is also corrupted by the natural Malefic Saturn.  Jupiter placed in the ascendant  also aspect Pitrukaraka  in the 5th house to Ascendant. 5th, 7th , 6th , houses appears to be corrupted. I leave rest for others to Judge themselves

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Post by AJ » Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:26 am

Namaskaar Rahulji,

Thank you for your kind words, although I am completely undeserving of them.

God bless :)

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Namaashkar Pravinji

Post by RishiRahul » Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:18 pm

            Pitrukarak Sun debilitated in rasi, navamsa and dasamsa show a father as a weak person, but of rigid nature. The house of home gets affected by combust Mars. The native will develop strong spiritual energy and wisdom due to the absence of the father/ lack of a proper father figure. Spiritual influences because she would want to undo the powerful influence of the mother, which is powerful enough to spoil a marriage, unless other factors rule.
            See, the moon in the 12th, exalted is very good for the mother factor in her life, but the native’s soul portray a continuous need of undoing of the mother figure, yet rendering the mother important. In Navamsa moon is badly afflicted. The mother factor, with the moon exalted in the 12th in the house of Venus. with the aspect of Venus from the 6th. house, and it being Scorpio, confirms the mother fixation.
            Thanks to the 4th lord being in a proper state, but being with Mars show the the mother poses a much powerful influence or is also of more Martian capabilities as the Mars aspect the moon (in bhava). From this problem the existing bhadra yoga and good aspects to moon show that proper dealing and counseling can help to alleviate this problem.

              Mercury is adverse only in terms of health matters; the problem lies with its partner in conjunction combust Mars, the 6th. and 11th. lord, being the houses of recovery in terms of health, and also affecting other advancement factors. Therefore the blame goes to Mars, which is also uncomfortable with mercury and in Virgo. Again only mars in the fourth can bring sudden happenings of this nature at the house of home.
              I have seen the 8th. Rahu damaging home life in painful ways. But this Rahu will not damage her life in later years. Even the Ketu gives better with age in such a nativity; this and due to other factors, it is certain that the overall life of the native betters as she grows older.
              Problems between the parents surfaced with Rahu dasa after Oct 1996. Came out to affect her strongly after third quarter 2004.

              The seventh house supports late marriage. The position of Uranus with Saturn in the seventh can attract rash, impulsive marriages or marriages out of infatuation. The aspect of Mars in the seventh house aggravates it. Marriage in Rahu dasa can prove troublesome. Ideally speaking a marriage during Jupiter dasa is better…but let us see as I check the chart further.

               2008 will see a major change of environment for her, where she would get much freedom from limitations! Her interests will be swayed by opposite sex, the need being from lack of father figure, and indirectly, dominating mother. Circumstance to blame. The mother has to be, in this case overprotective.
               2009 being the year for her to fall into a proper line of studies etc. as shown by the chart, but more focus is seen directed to other material interests.
               2010 bring the native to problems, due to hardheaded activities.
               2012/2013 A change of environment is seen again, but a confusing one, with 2013 showing marriage chances strongly, best avoided though. This period can also see an educational change. Pursuing education and not marriage or such related activities is the best remedy.

A feedback would be appreciated, Pravinji, for the efforts taken.

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Mar 31, 2007 2:38 pm


Your reading is excellent. Future events I cannot say as I am not an astrologer and to me the mother looks full of confidence in facing life and her daughter is even at 18 just a child of 10 or 12. Very sentimental and does not seem to be grown up emotionally.

The senior astrologer whom I did consult said that she will have a love marriage and may get married within 4 years time and due to the planetary position of 4th house and 10th house (the first being of mother and the second being that of father) clashes between both parents from August 2006 came to a boiling point.

What I could not understand was the mother saying that her daughter kicked out the father and both mother and daughter stayed in the same house (of father) for 2 months till alternative arrangements could be made by the mother. Now the husband is all repentent and wants his wife to stop divorce proceedings and is prepared to pay monthly expenses to his ex-wife sort of, but the lady has refused the monthly expenses too.

Another thing I was informed by this astrologer was the girl will become a politician. I know for certain that this girl's maternal grand mother was a member of Congress party long time back.

I could meet them again but do not think it wise to do so.

What I wanted to know was whether the Father has abused his daughter because otherwise how can she throw out her own Dad. You must be aware how much daughters take after their Father and sons take after their Mother. So it is all the more puzzling to know the above -- Daughter throwing out her Dad.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by govardhanvt » Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:51 pm

Dear Pravin

Was the event happened in March 2004 ? Can you confirm


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Post by rahulbanerji » Sat Mar 31, 2007 7:32 pm

Thank you for appreciating my predictions. So many persons from Mysticboards do. Maybe it is my EGO speaking tall enough. But I did realise your intuition factor in prediction in the Palmistry forum.
A daughter throwing out the dad, is a very difficult proposition. I could have answered tis question better if this was a psychology sub forum.
However allow me to explain to the best I can with the help of the sactoned tool, that is Astrology.
Speaking of the fathers nature in depth. Sun. Pitrukarka is debilitated and Vargottama. The rasi Sun is aspected and out of papakarhthari yoga due to more degrees of Mercury than Mars; therefore out of malefic aspects or conditions.
In Navamsha, the Saturns affliction shows the hurt factors only, and does not render the father bad, only it shows that he is hurt in soul, but Vargottama means two things: The father has enough self respect and wisdom, even being the imperfect humans that we are.
But the in Navamsa the moon is afflicted by the nodes, betraying the internal inconsistency of the mother factor. Please dont take these as theories, as My mind works taking too many other technicals as you call intuiion.
The 9th. lord Saturn, even though 8th. lord( 8th. lord is out of context here) is in the 7th. house, with Lagnik Jupiters aspect, and having Digbala shows the neccessity of the factor in her in her life.
Her Moon is not afflicted in Rasi, showing that her mind has not been tampered with violence, even in March 2004.
The story is between parents. Without the parents charts I am not able to be more confident in my predictions, for which I apologise.
Regarding the daughtet kicking out the father, the aggression should be seen in the daughter's chart in that year.
I see the daughters wisdom going astray, aggerression I see, indirect though.
Prbably I am beating around the Bush. The daughter still loves the father...
More technicls could render me a male Chauvinistic Pig (MCP) in short.

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:23 am


There is something in your prediction which rings true to me. When I asked the girl to write down her name, date of birth, place of birth and time of birth she wrote against her name her Dad's surname. Whereas her mother writes against her name her own father's surname. For a girl who has thrown out her Dad, as told to me by her mother and not in the presence of her daughter, this sounds quite strange. That is why I am puzzled as to what could be the truth. The mother did not give me her birth details.

Well all I can say is May God Bless them with Wisdom and happiness.

And what is more this horoscope reading has generated so much interest in this forum I can hardly believe it.

With kind regards.

Pravin Kumar

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Dear Pravinji

Post by rahulbanerji » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:05 am

Regarding the daughter’s surname bit, I think is alright, because after legal divorce between parents the fathers surname is retained by the children. This happens naturally.
               The mother writes against her own father’s surname= this is natural too as the mother is divorced from the husband, so automatically her husband’s surname is deleted from her name, and she retains her father’s name.
                However I do not see any deep-seated aggression in the daughter’s mind against her father. In the rasi chart Saturn or any other malefic is not inspecting the pitrukark or matrukarak, that is, Sun or Moon, respectively. But in Bhava chart Matrukarak moon is disturbed by Saturn, though Jupiter’s beneficence is there too. What I find surprising is that matrukarak and pitrukarak are not much afflicted, as it should have been.
                Her exalted moon in the house of Venus, aspected by Venus betrays great compassion in her mind, and this gives more stable form from Vimshottari Jupiter mahadasa.
                From Moon lagna and Sun Lagna Pitrukarak is better of. Her home life was damaged by the 8th. Rahu.
                I feel that after the daughter’s Rahu dasa is over, her relation with the father will become strong.
                I wonder what Pravinji feels from the palm?
Anyway let us wish them Best of Luck. I would also appeal to RohiniRanjanji for his valued commentary regarding this chart; please Sir, if you kindly address us please?

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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:37 pm

Since these are new topics you all could make new posts rather than adulterate this present thread.
Just a suggestion.

Have moved 2 request and made 2 new threads. Rhuto

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