avamji, Astro_scholrji & other learned astrologers...please help!!

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Post by Chandal » Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:29 am

Rahulji...I am eagerly awaiting your guidance.

Accept the mother-in-law as the most favourite person after the husband and you become mother and your children will be concerns you also as well as you to it. You need to give it a gift and to talk to it, to divide influences in the house and you will see, that your mother-in-law becomes you the assistant. It is necessary to be wise as a dragon. But you have a chance to battle up to the end and to turn out bad карму. Choose. I too correct karma the parents and I try surrounding to make all world me the friends though I see, that it is useless, but the world began to influence me less. And it and health from my psychological condition

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Post by ankita23 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:24 am

I'd just like to add that I do not know if my birth time is exact....my mom's no more and my dad says it was sometime between 1pm to 1.45pm...I believe that can make a lot of difference while looking at the detailed charts. Is there a way to pinpoint the exact time of birth?

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Birth Time check

Post by avam46 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:43 am

Hello Ankita,
I would suggest you indicate some important events with dates, year and month of your mothers demise,
number of brothers and sisters.Also a brief description of your self like height-tall medium short,Medium or thin build or aftter side,
fair,very fair, darker side.....just to name a few...but whatever you feel comfortable sharing will help.....
All the best

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Post by Chandal » Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:43 am

Your time of a birth if it is not correct, but is in limits of the period specified by you will not change a horoscope overall picture even in the small period where the signifikator of mother corrects. From destiny to you not to leave, so do not oppose to it, all the same you will win nothing, only aggravate position.
If you wish to rectify time of a birth, please lay out data about yourself in this theme under the list given here:
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=65469

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Post by ankita23 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:47 pm


Do not misunderstand....my intent is not to alter what is laid out in my horoscope...I recently read abt importance of exact birth details for reading the divisional charts which set me thinking about my birth time.


Following are as much details as I could think of, let me know if more info is required -

Birth - November 21, 1980 in Dares-Salam, Tanzania
Lived in India with my grandmom from 1982 to 1984
Parents and I came back to India in early 1986
Mothers demise - November 28, 1986
Father's remarriage - November 15, 1987
Number of brothers and sisters - no real siblings, 2 step sisters
Height - 5'2" short, thin built  
Complexion - Fair
Marriage - December 6, 2004
Arrival in the US - May 19, 2005

My husband and I had a love marriage, we've known each other since 1997. We had a break-up of sorts from August 2002 to June 2004. My career took a good turn after Feb 2007 and very good after October 2008.

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Birth time

Post by avam46 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:33 pm

Hello Ankita,
The info given is fine.Let us work out.
You are very right,  the correct birth time has impact on the Divisional chart especially D9,D10 and higher.....each person analyses in his or her own way.....but it is always good to know it. God bles...

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Post by Chandal » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:28 pm

ankita23. On additional data, that you have given your birth in 13h.19m.11s. On 24's to a daily scale. I in your measurements am confused. At you conception will be one of these days, from 29.08.---03.09.2009th years, and the child to be born 03.05.2010 years. The girl, or two. I will not understand shows that there will be a brother. If you did not have before children then you will have twins. Divorce at you will not be, this position is not present in your horoscope. You from the husband will be separated only by death. It is not simple so, to learn about two births in one day.

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Post by ankita23 » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:42 pm


My request was for my correct birth, not my children's. I am only looking for my exact birth time right now.

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Post by Chandal » Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:35 pm

I have not understood you? I have given you your time of a birth. It is 21.11.1980, 13h.19m11s., +3.00E, 39°E17 ’ 00 ”06°S48 ’ 00”, Dares-Salam, Tanzania

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Post by ankita23 » Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:44 pm

I am sorry, my mistake in understanding the previous post.

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Post by ankita23 » Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:07 pm

Rahulji and Avamji,

Eagerly awaiting your comments. Please help.

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My mails sent get stuck in mail box

Post by avam46 » Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:04 pm

Hello Ankita,
It is sad but I am not sure if my mails that are leaving the outbox  reach you at all
for reasons I am not clear....this is a test mail....God bless...

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Post by ankita23 » Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:50 am


I got your mails, and cannot thank you enough! I wrote 2 emails in response and they are also sitting in my OUTBOX.....do they go out on their own after a while? What can I do?

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Post by avam46 » Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:10 am

Hello Ankita,
You seem to know astrology well.

I have very basic understanding, thats it.
Astrology is too deep and vast and I have only surface knowledge.

My humble findings from your Horoscope is as under.

1. You are born under Bharani Nakshatr.Shukla Chaturdashi. Persons  with this nakshatra can be generally quite revolutionary in their ideals and do not tolerate things which are carried down from the past but do not serve the purpose. Since a change in the established practices is a painful process, the natives need to pass through painful phases in life, when they are hell-bent in changing them. Usually such natives have a very strong character and they can withstand turbulences and turmoil in life with poise and equanimity and eventually grow stronger with each of their experiences. Each such experiences in their life are transformational and they are ever eager to take more such transformational journeys in life. Due to their propensity to withstand negative experience with poise, they are always still on their face, in spite of having a raging volcano or tsunami inside................................

This is quite right, even some of my closest friends dont know I have a step mom coz I dont want any sympathy  It should be remembered that you lost your mother pretty early, ..........................

2. when you were hardly 6 years of age.
3. The Lord of the7th ie the Sun is placed in the 4th from 7th or the 10th House of m-in-law in the Horoscope. The tenth House is aspected by Saturn besides Rahu. Besides Sun is opposite to your Upapada Lagna and your moon is in 12th from Upapada Lagna showing problem areas from your mother in law and father in law. .....................

Are there any remedies? I used to deeply care for them but am frustrated because they dont seem to care for me...or my husband, they only seem to think abt themselves.

4. Mars in 11th shows drive,achievement in field of wealth,and a tendency to to be dominating at times with a tendency to do things”My way”. You are an independent Girl though. Surya in 10th with Sani’s aspect tends to make you defend your independent behaviour, and accept the constaints imposed on your independent behaviour. You attain success through your Hard work. But the aspect of Rahu on Surya does make you occasionally flare up.............

i used to quite short tempered, have mellowed down a lot since marriage. I try hard to keep my reactions in check but yes, do flare up with my husband now and then .............

5. Your Venus karka for marriage and marital bliss,Lord of 4th and 9th is hemmed between Sun and Saturn. Both Lord of second from UL and Venus are placed in Badhaka Sthana in Libra. Though Venus is good in 9th and in swasthana it is somewhat tied or bogged down with his friend Mercury.
The second from Upapada denoting longitivity of marriage is threatened
by Graha aspect of Mars and Saturn. But the benovelent Jupiters Rasi aspect on it will be a protective shield. There are constant threats which you are able to ward off.  ..............

My husband and I were seeing each other since the age of 17 and got married at 24...our relationship has always been rocky and we've had problems...but we always believed our love was bigger than any problem. We had broken up for almost 2 years from 2002 to 2004, but could not do w/o each other. I came back into his life when he was at a very low point, and I loved him too much to see him like that. My husband loves me a lot, but can be quite dominating....which is a problem because I have this major independent streak....................

6. The Nisargika and Tatkalika sambandha between the two Lagna Lords and Rasi Lords of your Husband and yours shows that you both will continue to be loving and supportive of each other inspite of various odds, difficiency In sexual attitude[represented by AL-A7, venus in 12 th from Sun and Mars-mars in 2/12 of both] . That is so right
7. Rahu in 6th good for material happiness but not very good in relationship does show  occasional conflicts.
Overall I would humbly put it that the relationship conflict between you and your hubby[for reasons already enumerated] though it would crop up now and then, would get solved and there is no break up of marriage seen. There is definitely no hatred or enemity threatening the two in future too. Tell me who does not have tiffs in marriage? It is an opportunity for increasing your love for each other. .....................................
I agree, we often fight becuase we care too much, and are very involved in each other's life...we are truly 'partners' in many ways...we just need to give each other some space I guess. I just want to tell you something...my mom-in-law does astrology too but she does really analyze in depth...like she does not know about aspects, and divisional charts, etc. She told us that both my husband and I have indications for two marriages in our charts, and we should have another ceremony when somebody else is getting married. In general, she has made my husband and I wear Neelam and Emerald and she also made me wear an Akeek stone.....i wear these just to make her happy because she otherwise takes it as an insult. .......................

Now coming to your Dasa and Transits.
You are running your Rahu-Rahu till October 2010. Rahu will keep giving
occasional problems, but not unsurmountable. So you need to control yourself. Rahu-ketu in transit are presently passing through natal position
energesing the two into action. They would also shift by year end.
The Saturn in transit would shift to virgo in mid September. Though Saturn
Is Lagna Lord, it is also the Lord of 12th House, there by giving mixed effects.
It would aspect Natal Saturn,Natal Jupiter, 7th Lord Sun in the 10th, 5th House
of love and Romance,and second House. All these areas get affected.
In your Hubby’s Horoscope Saturn would shift to last phase of Sade Sath.
By December Jupiter would shift to Aquarius protecting the 7th House of marriage and 5th house of Romance and love for next one year. So between sept to December this year you need to be extra careful. .....................
I'll keep this in mind..end of Rahu Dasa means Oct 2010? My husband and I are thinkign of buying our first house in Sep-Oct of this year...is it an ok time?..................
The Rahu Dasa ending you should be careful.

Now let us come to the Remedial part. I for one is a positive person, and
Strongly believe in God and his Grace. I also am of the firm opinion that
We should correct our follies, our drawbacks. With this in mind I suggest
as under.
1.The main area of problem revolves round your in-laws. He is not one
who would just give them up. You need to control your flare ups...........
you need to live your life. .................

God bless them with a long life...so you see, my life will be half over before I get to live it my way ................

I can teach you simple meditation cum self affirmation technique.
Please remember that your Atma Karaka planet, the planet supposed to
Teach a lesson to your soul in the present birth and help it evolve in its road to merge with God,Is moon. This signifies lessons in patience, caring and compassion. So you need to develop these qualities even more. This
Is the area of free will I was talking to you about.
2. The best remedy I advocate is vrat on navami  day based on your second sign from Upapada  from Sun rise to sunset and on this day you will need to live on Milk and fruits besides uttering some simple Mantras which would hardly take 10 to 15 mins.Besides daily prayers are also required. I don’t
Want to go into area of Gems as it is a bit controversial. Do let me know
your views on this..............................

I am more than willing to fast and say prayers...praying calms me. Please let me know what I should do. I am already wearing Blue Sapphire, Emerald and Akeek..also a diamond solitaire. I say Hanuman Chalisa everyday (and whenevr I feel agitated), I also say Shani Chalisa everyday and Shiv Chalisa on Mondays. I used to say Durga Chalisa everyday too. ..............
3. You need to do good to others,help people, help spread happiness
Wherever and whenever possible.At least a nice simple smile from the
bottom of your Heart would make someone happy. This is a very good way
of decreasing your negative Karma.
Think positive, be positive, and on the face of it I see all your problems are Solvable with a little bit of effort from your side.
Don’t worry…cheer up….Om sri Sai Ram..  ............................

I like to think that I am mentally very strong, but I crumble at times and feel really depressed and pray to God because I dont confide in or discuss problems anyone....I dont want to sound dramatic...but I feel God is speaking through you and telling me everything will be ok. God bless you. ...............


PS I shall publish this in the forum after I see your reaction ............please do

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Post by ankita23 » Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:42 pm


Glad to see you got my response email. Please do me let me know your suggestions regarding the gemstones I am wearing currently..and the mantras and fast that you're prescribing.


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