How will I get married if I'm already married?

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Location: Olympia, WA

Post by ZenHaltija » Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:29 am

Wow, okay. That was a lot to take in I had to think about it for a while.. Thank you very much Dux for the reading- so incredibly detailed and precise. I am flabbergasted at the results. I will do my best to use this information in the most positive way possible, starting with acceptance. :)

This is something I am going to have to ponder on for a while, especially with the thought of twins. Again, I thank you for your time, consideration, and your wisdom.

Love and Peace,

Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:46 am

Post by Dux » Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:51 am

Rhutobello I'm on your case for the first time I see someone who has full confidence in his five senses?? This is the height of stupid. The Vedas warn about this, but people did not want to listen to the prophets and all the while stepping on the same rake in their incarnations ..
Rectification and there in order to correct the mistakes the time of birth. If it does not coincide with the methods and views of the world, then the world must make a wise saying of Lao Tzu. It is not verbatim, but it displays the truth of this world.: "If the world accepts me, it means to me that something is wrong.." Or the other.: "Fools in the majority of the world." Or here is this, that God gave to me personally, and points to intelligence material, which at present is developing all over the world: "The world is flat and round fool."

You have guessed that the knowledge that gives you the world through public material astrologers, as Dr. Rao. and Raman and others, it's a bluff. none of the enlightened will not give knowledge of the world. It will look like a bug century, and indeed the fate of not knowing people will give the world of knowledge. And more so in the science of fate, or the creation of the image? Then, anyone who has common sense will understand that Ayanamsha Lahiri is another delusion. That the matter had prepared for his children who are naive and believe that it should be accurate? Since you probably joked officials when, after taking this as a reference Ayanamsha accurate real shift your consciousness.? It has shifted so far that may than one revolution around its axis made with the moment of creation, and you are naive to believe in it? Again you forget that you can not trust their organs of perception, which is ruled by forces of the astral plane, according to your operating time. It is time to trust only in God and do not forget that the material world has its laws that give knowledge in certain points of development. when the fate of the enlightened created by God is given by the soul, which at that time it will give her Zadie him walking. Only then will an epiphany, but not before. And in this world, the fate of those already employed and other astrologers have to wait for the next creation.
Then if you have common sense should understand where the real astrology. and where it is a false similarity, leading to confusion?

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