Stars indicates Money-Field !

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Post by astrobhadauria » Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:55 pm

[quote="whitey"]higher education.. wat does that mean.. like college ?? in which one can i make the most money tho.. n i kinda hoped medicine or doctor was gonna be in the list..[/quote]
Higher Education Means Grand education,from college,or Higher Education center.I am not saying about Doctors,or simple like medicines etc,your luck is describing to make you,highest person,from your thinking.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:59 pm

You are a dreamer and muse  often about  the higher  aspects of  life. Since you  may not  be content  with the  way your  life currently  is going, you have the desire to search for fresh fields. This search may take you on many long travels, both physically and mentally.  Security may be found in a religious or philosophical ideal. Your philosophy of life is what nurtures you and gives you security. You  have a  variety of interests, in sports, hobbies and studies.  You make a  stimulating teacher because of your personal interest in the  subjects you  teach.  They are  really a  part of  you and  that comes  across to  those who listen  to  you.   You  may  have  precognitive  dreams.    Concerning vocation: the emphasis is placed upon the higher mind, the  dimensions of philosophy, public mores, religion, law or sharing the reasoning of the  public.   Issues  regarding  foreign  travel,   relocation,  even citizenship change are important dimensions to  consider in  the quest for work conditions that will bring personal success.

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Post by ChanDubai » Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:37 am

Respected Guruji,

Here's my details:

DOB: 10th Feb 1975
TOB: 10:47 AM
POB: Nargund, Gadag, Karnataka

Appreciate your kind reading on my chart with regard to MONEY Not only JUST MAKING but also how do i SAVE???



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Post by astrobhadauria » Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:35 pm

The lord of first house is Mars and having place in 9th house.this house related to luck and religion.Also showing the past works,and giving degree or diploma,with the grand position,by the position of Mars.mars is making connectivity with 12th house,and this house making sense about expenditures,travels,worship place etc.Mars also giving informations about connection with  Saturn in 3rd house.Third House related to communication,media,fabricating sheet metal works,and also giving using method of tools.If you can see,check your chart,in the right side of chart like house no 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,there are only one star having position,in third house,that is saturn,and one shadow star Ketu in the 2nd house.Only stars are giving informations that in your side only Ketu (Helper of Money in 2nd house) and work (Saturn in 3rd house) other stars like Star of Money in 11th,with the lord of grand family member,she is your wife,this Star combinations like Jupiter and Venus both are opposite star,if both will make cooperations with each,then possibilities for the saving your money,in life you are only supporter and your works are making hard and manufacturer works for others.In the House of Saving Rahu having place,make remedies for the Rahu,like chanting the Mantra of Rahu-Aum Bhram Bhreem Bhrom saha Rahuve namha,daily,this will support your for the collections and saving your money.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:48 pm

The Helping nature is making moneyless to you
Your needs for growth and expansion  are perhaps  best satisfied  when you are working to help raise mankind to a higher spiritual level. You recognize that we are all in this together and what is bad for one  is bad  for  all. You  are sympathetic,  charitable, genial,  unassuming, quiet, visionary, intuitive, with a subtle sense of humor. You have an interest in spiritual  or metaphysical ideas  and issues, but you need to find your own path and experience Truth for  yourself. Periodically retreating from society and the people closest to you is good for your nerves and your own mental health.  The strong desire you have to help others comes out in your willingness to help the unfortunate.  Perhaps you volunteer hospitals, jails, or other places of confinement. You give hope to those who need  it most.   You probably  love nature  and large  animals,  especially  horses.   There  may  be  an  interest in healing.   On  the  negative  side  you  may be  hypersensitive, over- emotional, too sentimental, have a tendency  to exaggerate,  or to  be too extravagant or self-indulgent.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:54 pm

You are strong-willed
Inndependent, original, perhaps a bit eccentric, freedom-loving, and intuitive.  You have an  exciting and  stimulating personality which tends to draw people  to you.   You may  be willful, high-strung, nervous,  and anxious.   You may  experience feelings  of unrest and  loneliness, perhaps  because of  the uniqueness  you feel.  Seeking new and unusual ways of  expressing traditional  ideas appeals to you.  Listen to your intuition because it is probably  very strong, or could be developed to a high degree.  You can  become a  leader who will pioneer new paths for others to follow.  You may be ahead of your  time. You may not pay as much attention as you should to your physical state and appearance because  of the  myriad of  thoughts that  occupy your mind.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:47 pm

If Mars in the 12th house,and there are power of communication destroyed by Mars,the 7th House is the house of gains for living in world,but if there are not any supporter in life,this Mars damage automatically more and  wealth.This Mars always love to make credits and make more money by the enmity,court causes etc.

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Post by janakiraman » Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:07 am

Dear Sir,
         You are doing wonderful service to the community. Most of the people, who never had belief in astrology itself seems turning to see the real side of astrology. Only a few like you are doing this service to the mankind, I can say proudly. I have already raised one question in this forum which you have replied promptly and I really owe a lot to you.

          Since this post was interesting, I too wanted to ask you one question and if you are free, please help me sir. My DOB and other details are given below. Can I have the prediction for the cause posted by this post.

My DOB    : 21-01-1966
Time        : 20:10 hrs
Place of|
birth     |  : Vellore

Latitude   : 12° 34.6' N
Longitude : 78° 49.6' E

Thanks and regards,


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Post by astrobhadauria » Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:48 pm

You are a very intense person who takes almost everything seriously. You tend to go to extremes, which may make other people uneasy.
You enjoy having power over people and being in a position to make changes. It is extremely important that you develop a strong sense of responsibility about using power, because you will probably always use it to some extent, and if you are not careful you can create problems in your life and the lives of those around you.Other people will either be drawn to you very strongly or will not like you at all. The main problem signified by this aspect is in your relationships with other people or with external circumstances. You may feel that the external world demands that you change when you do not want to change, or that it forces you to stay where you are when you do want to change.Ideas are very important to you, but you must learn to keep them in perspective. You must always be careful that your beliefs serve you and reinforce the quality of your life. Do not become a slave to them.If you follow this advice, you will achieve a great deal in your life, and you have an excellent chance of becoming a leader within your world.
The first of these effects is a definite problem in getting along with people at close range. The problem is that you think of a relationship as a responsibility that has very few compensating pleasures. Even though you feel quite lonely at times, you prefer to be alone.
If you experience the other effect of this placement, you still view relationships as a responsibility, but that only makes you more conscientious about living up to your end of the bargain rather than fearful of entering into one. Also you are careful to choose partners who are worth your while, people who can do something for you or teach you something. Thus you often prefer to be with older people.
When you are older, this energy will probably result in your marrying late, because you want to be really ready for it. Or you may marry a considerably older person.
You may feel that you cannot do much in life, that you are more limited than you really are. You may also feel obliged to satisfy other people's needs before your own so that you never achieve satisfaction. And you may deny yourself in many other ways as well, because you believe that having too many material possessions interferes with your life. Above all else you need simplicity.
You may be too idealistic about the people who serve as your guides, those whom you pattern yourself after, so that you can't accept any kind of weakness or frailty in them. When you discover their weaknesses, you may be disappointed, and eventually you won't believe in anyone. Scale down your expectations and realize that you can learn something useful from everyone, even those who appear very flawed.
Relationships may be difficult for you. When you have to work closely or just be with someone, you feel a constant tension between what you want and what the other person wants.
Often in close relationships you contain your sense of frustration and keep on plugging to make the relationship work. But eventually the tension becomes unbearable, and you lose your temper or take an unexpected and hostile action against the other person. Such sudden flare-ups can do great damage, because they make people afraid of your unpredictability. The answer is to learn to release your tensions gradually and not hold on to them. Very often you may feel that circumstances or persons limit you unnecessarily, and you work very hard to get around any limitations imposed by others.You want to be a person of some significance in the world. However, your restlessness and impatience may cause you to lose out on many opportunities. You must calm down and be a bit more accepting of life as it is.Try not to constantly change your activities and objectives. You can accomplish a great deal more if you stick to one objective for some time, because you do have many skills and abilities. Life can give you quite a bit, but you must learn to live within its limitations.
You will come out of the fantasy and daydreaming stage of life rather early because you understand that you will get what you want in life only by working in the real world.You have ideals as well as a strong sense of reality, so your philosophy of life will be based on discipline and deferring today's pleasure to achieve distant goals. But you may find it hard to let go and have a good time unless you can see that it has some purpose in the larger scheme of things.Later in life you may develop very strong religious and spiritual principles based on renouncing the pleasures and comforts of life in favor of hard work and discipline. Even if you don't consciously follow a spiritual path, part of you is very puritanical, so you may not be able to enjoy the comforts and pleasures that you will achieve at times.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:08 pm

Jupiter in Your birth chart having retrograde position,and always giving troubles,in family life,at present this star is having place in 11th house,seeing to 7th and there are Saturn,staying from last 2 years,giving mind to choose a partner for the life,but Jupiter have retrograde position,and time of choosing the partner for short time is coming near,6th April 2007 to 6th August 2007.This time you enjoy life partner,and it is cheating with you,you are alone after this time,Only body satisfaction will be seeing from 30th June to 15th July 2007.So make care about yourself by the dis fame.
Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

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Post by astrobhadauria » Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:55 am

There are four steps to find money in the life.
Money is the physical satisfaction related to life.
Physical satisfaction we can find from 2nd house.
Second house always have connectivities with 8th house.
If both have good relations that means there are more and more achievements.
Drum always beat from 2nd house.
Every beat of drum hit the personal desires.
If more then two lines on the Mercury mount in right hand,there are full sense about next coming troubles,and there are more ways to fight with them.
Saturn and Mercury always give lot of work to search good path of money.
Mercury is the star of communication,and if Sun is making conducting to nearer Mercury,that time Mercury helpless,and can not give good money.Leave communication and go directly to Sun related persons.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:56 pm

How we read which star favour for the money? ... eadow5.gif

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Re: Stars indicates Money-Field !

Post by hemal_bhach » Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:28 am

several laxmi Yogas are there, and mainly the house governing accumulated money or means of accumulation are basically two , the 2nd house and 5th house. The lordship of these house, and planets governing those, as well as it positions, afflictions can help in prediction of wealth in general.

Apart from these two houses, the lagna, 9th house and 11th house can be stated as supportive houses which indicates or helps in predicting, easy money, or hard earned money, sudden or longterm gains, etc. Houses like 6th, 8th and 12 signifies, also support to the jatak, interms of victory over enemies, badha, inheritance, and expenditure. The placement of its lords, the grahs, and its afflictions, help in general to predict balance of accounts, which ultimately leads to satisfaction of earned money. The role of 4th and 10th house also equally important, since these Bhavas, signify sukh and work, which helps or opposes the influx of wealth, or attainment of peace.

Its a nice article of analysis, but needs detailing, which would help in more analysis

astrobhadauria wrote:Dear,
How can you earn money?In which time?Which power you use in the gaining field?,these three questions are important in earn money.There are Nine Stars describations written in the Vedic-Astrology.But these nine stars making a long combinations,like water-suger-milk-tea makes,tea,by that type moon-mars-venus-saturn=makes venus+mars,this theory is important in the life,Sun and Mercury both make a new hidden mars,and Rahu and mars makes hidden Sun,by this theory,you can found the hidden power for earning money.Write your date of birth and time with your birth place,and living place,I will try to predict your earning field,but only on this foram,not write me privatly.
Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

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Post by Chawla » Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:14 pm

Respected Astrobhadauriaji
It is amazing to see that vedic astrology is so accurate that it makes people to believe the theory of Karmas and rebirth. There is no way in this world other than vedic astrology which can prove effectively that each and every person born in this life had a previous life too and brought his specific character and luck into this birth.  The contribution of astrologers like you is highly appreciable.

At present phase of life, I have spoiled my engineering career and doing survival jobs in far away country. Will you please spare your valuable time for my horoscope to analyse whether the combination of 2nd and 11th lord in 6th house will always keep me in this struggling mode though this yog has aspect of 5th and 9th lord (mars & Jupiter).  My Date of birth is 13th January 1965, at 19:05 hours at Agra (78E01, 27N11)

Last edited by Chawla on Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stars indicates Money-Field !

Post by hemal_bhach » Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:12 pm

Dear sir,

Thanks for explanation and I always positively view on any comment here.  I wish predictions for money and earning potentials are always the issues which one looks for in this material world.  We would be grateful if we can share each others knowledge base to explore this amazing, and potential science ASTROLOGY...backed up by analytical skill.

I am obliged since you asked about my DOB and details to know my predictions.

DOB...1ST JULY, 1965

Shall luk forward.


hemal_bhach wrote:several laxmi Yogas are there, and mainly the house governing accumulated money or means of accumulation are basically two , the 2nd house and 5th house. The lordship of these house, and planets governing those, as well as it positions, afflictions can help in prediction of wealth in general.

Apart from these two houses, the lagna, 9th house and 11th house can be stated as supportive houses which indicates or helps in predicting, easy money, or hard earned money, sudden or longterm gains, etc. Houses like 6th, 8th and 12 signifies, also support to the jatak, interms of victory over enemies, badha, inheritance, and expenditure. The placement of its lords, the grahs, and its afflictions, help in general to predict balance of accounts, which ultimately leads to satisfaction of earned money. The role of 4th and 10th house also equally important, since these Bhavas, signify sukh and work, which helps or opposes the influx of wealth, or attainment of peace.

Its a nice article of analysis, but needs detailing, which would help in more analysis

astrobhadauria wrote:Dear,
How can you earn money?In which time?Which power you use in the gaining field?,these three questions are important in earn money.There are Nine Stars describations written in the Vedic-Astrology.But these nine stars making a long combinations,like water-suger-milk-tea makes,tea,by that type moon-mars-venus-saturn=makes venus+mars,this theory is important in the life,Sun and Mercury both make a new hidden mars,and Rahu and mars makes hidden Sun,by this theory,you can found the hidden power for earning money.Write your date of birth and time with your birth place,and living place,I will try to predict your earning field,but only on this foram,not write me privatly.
Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

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