Stars indicates Money-Field !

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Re: Stars indicates Money-Field !

Post by astrobhadauria » Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:53 pm

hemal_bhach wrote: HEMAL
DOB...1ST JULY, 1965
You count your money field by your own side after calculating these six points.:-
1.Lagan:- Your Lagan is Mithun,Lord of this lagan is (1Mercury),(1Sun) in the house.
2.Lagnesh:-Lagnesh in the house of wealth,(2Mercury),Lord of House is (1Moon),
by the stithi (2Moon) with Lagnesh,(1Venus) with lagnesh.(1Jupiter)seeing to Lagnesh by 3rd dristi.
3.Moon sign:-Lord of (3Moon) sign is Moon,and in own House (4Moon) has Sthan bala,(3Mercury)with Moon,(2Venus)with Moon,(2Jupiter) giving full support by 3rd dristi.
4.Moon sign Lord (Rashipati):-(5Moon) sign Lord,(6Moon) house lord,(4Mercury) in Rashi,(3Venus) in Rashi,(3Jupiter) giving strength by 3rd dristi.
5.Sun sign:-(5Murcury) house lord,(2Sun)Sthanadhipati.
6.Sun sign Lord:-(6Mercury)Sun sign lord,House lord where Sun sign lord(7Moon) with lord of Sun sign (4Venus),and (4Jupiter) giving full support.
You calculate in above by six points,and count which star have more points,then automatically you find the star of Money.

You can find the most powerfull star in your birth chart is "Moon"and after Moon "Mercury",After Mercury is Venus,after Venus is Jupiter,there are points of Mars and Saturn are Zero,and Sun has only two points.

You can make good money through works of the Moon like-
Commerce, domestic related projects, liquids, food, small transactions with a large turnover, general public, gardening, women, breeding of animals, silver, commodities, hotels restaurants, groceries, domesticity, music, those who cater to and serve the public, nurses, airline attendants, dieticians, dry cleaners, housekeepers, cooks, bakers, landscapers, merchants, cashiers, grocers, milkmen, obstetricians, meteorologists, counselors, restaurant workers, hydro-therapists. Sympathy, tenacity, compassion, and sensitivity. Sense of rhythm, timing, and tune. A need to be liked. Interest in nutrition, foods, beverages, or diet. Likes to cater to and serve the public. Feels comfortable in the mainstream, rubbing shoulders with the masses, mixing and mingling with common people, especially in feminine situations. Isolated places and purely mental activity rub the wrong way.
After Moon the Mercury is the next for making money like-
Travel agencies, writing, youth-oriented students, oral transactions, contracts, mental activities and abilities, speaking, teaching, printing, shooting the breeze, bookbinders, graphologists, canvassers, stenographers, bank tellers, analytical chemists, bus drivers, osteopaths, book editors, messengers, shipping and receiving clerks, mailmen, food checkers, cab drivers, elevator operators, railroad men, solicitors, animal trainers, computer programmers/operators, librarians, inspectors, lecturers optometrists, interpreters, reporters, typesetters, navigators, travel agents. Constant use of intelligence in solving problems, speedy writing down of thoughts, and the ability to impart information to others.

The time of Moon from-19th June 2006 to 18th September 2006.
The time of Mercury from 1st September 2007 to 17th January 2008.
These are minor times and good time will be give fruit from 21st September 2012 to 27th July 2015.
Broad time of life for making money will start from 2022 to 2032.(You can check your past from 1972 to 1992)


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Post by whitey » Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:30 pm

Can i have the same analysis as HEMAL  for me ..

My DOB is
JULY 21 1989
Time: 4:17 AM

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Post by astrobhadauria » Sat Apr 21, 2007 6:18 pm

Dear (Whity)
I read your chart:-
2.Asc Lord-Mercury,Sun,Mars,Moon.
3.Moon sign-Saturn,Moon,Saturn,Venus,Mars,Jupiter.
4.Moon sign Lord-Jupiter,Saturn,Jupiter,Venus.
5.Sun sign-Moon,Sun,Mercury,Mars.
6.Lord of Sun sign-Moon,Venus,Mars,Saturn,Saturn.Jupiter.
Power full star in your chart is "Saturn"=6
Then Jupiter=5,and Venus=5.Moon=5
Mars in 3rd Number=4,
Mercury in 4th=3,
Sun =2.
Saturn's work
Hard, steady work, organization, caution, shrewdness, projects directed to senior citizens, agriculture, wining, secret and hidden things, farming, business and trade atmospheres, shrewd buyer, basic utilities, building materials, real estate, methodology, systems, long range planning, elderly people, economics, hidden things, civil engineers, dentists, physical chemists, statisticians, typesetters, paleontologists, industrial engineers, geologists, chiropractors, proofreaders, custodians, claims adjustors, draftsmen, masons, efficiency experts. Hates waste, loves efficiency, economy, long and hard work. Needs to be doing something. Dull, monotonous, routine application whets the appetite. Abides by rules and regulations, preferably constructed by others. A hard and careful worker who absorbs responsibility and duty. Can undergo rigid training due to persistence of character. Is diligent, using system, method, and organization in his work.

But present time "Moon" is heavy in your life up to 7th May 2008.
Rahu is covering to Moon and giving effects of Related to works of Rahu with people-Astrology,Computer related works,works related to paranormal strength,works related to vehicals,works related to calculation by computers like making programs,petrol,deisal,petrol,education,stationery etc.

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please analyse

Post by slerocks! » Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:00 am

my date of birth 26/09/1986
my birth time 10:20 am
my birth place mumbai (india)

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Post by Chawla » Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:28 pm

Respected Astrobhadauria ji
Hope you will spare time for my horoscope too.
Chawla wrote:Respected Astrobhadauriaji
It is amazing to see that vedic astrology is so accurate that it makes people to believe the theory of Karmas and rebirth. There is no way in this world other than vedic astrology which can prove effectively that each and every person born in this life had a previous life too and brought his specific character and luck into this birth.  The contribution of astrologers like you is highly appreciable.

At present phase of life, I have spoiled my engineering career and doing survival jobs in far away country. Will you please spare your valuable time for my horoscope to analyse whether the combination of 2nd and 11th lord in 6th house will always keep me in this struggling mode though this yog has aspect of 5th and 9th lord (mars & Jupiter).  My Date of birth is 13th January 1965, at 19:05 hours at Agra (78E01, 27N11)


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Post by astrobhadauria » Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:04 pm


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Post by astrobhadauria » Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:20 pm

Dear Chawla,
I read your birth chart,Lord of money in 6th house,with the lord of 11th,4th,and 3rd and 12th.6th House is the 11th house of the 8th seeing by Preparation and serving of foods, public utilities, armed services, hygiene, labor relations, nurses, tenants, drugstores, laboratories, maintenance, diet, pets, firemen, policemen, nurses, employment counselors, waiters, dentists, dietitian, food processor, hygienist, rehabilitation counselor, pet shop owner. Sickrooms and places where people handle food, chemicals or drugs. Public and private service and hygiene. Those who are at the beck and call of others - the servers. Diet and nutrition. Small pets and animals. Labor unions.
At present the Dasha of the Jupiter continue,and having conection with Saturn,like sub dasha,it is up to 9th May 2007.After this time the dasha of the Jupiter with Mercury will make good for you.Mercury is the lord of your 3rd and 12th house,and having place with lord of Money and Desires,there are full achivements will be provide you by the grace of Prithvi tatwa,you are going to make services,like the banking and you are taking helps from banks,also there are some good achivments are seeing through your maternal's helps.The selling of land from your grand father,and the area of the grand father.

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Post by Chawla » Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:26 pm

Respected Bhadauria ji
Thankyou so much for suggesting probable good fields for me.

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Post by Astroman101 » Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:13 pm

My info:

May 2 1990
Time: 14:30 (2:30 pm)
Lattitude: 31 N 25
Longitude: 73 E 09
Time Zone: +5

Be greatfull for a reading dear astrobhadauria!

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The Vedic formula for making more and more in life--

Post by abhishekh » Mon May 07, 2007 5:42 am

There’s a house, the 8th house, that covers issues related to debt in general, including credit card and other consumer debt. Looking at the 8th house is key to understanding your own attitudes towards managing (or avoiding) debt.

Natal planets (planets in the birth chart) in the 8th house can contribute a great deal towards our attitudes regarding the use of credit cards. Saturn in the 8th house in the birth chart seems to be the most strongly correlated with ongoing debt problems. Most of the people I’ve seen whose charts include Saturn in the 8th have struggled with consumer debt. (Saturn almost always causes difficulties in the affected house.)

In today’s world, almost any natal or transiting planet impacting the 8th house can prove problematic if not carefully managed. There’s a reason for this. Debt, particularly credit card debt, is a lot like obesity. Both are societal problems , and both take a long time for individuals to solve once they reach a critical point.

They’re clever ads, but let’s face it…the whole point of these ads is to encourage us to whip out the plastic for every purchase. This spells trouble for a lot of people. Relentless pressure to pile up debt in this society verges on the criminal. Even very young people are targeted, often with disastrous results.

For example, Saturn in the 8th house may cause problems, but it also holds the key to the determination and discipline that can solve them. Saturn usually teaches things the hard way, but I have witnessed people learn from Saturn that credit card debt does not work for them and that a disciplined plan for paying things off can.

Uranus in the 8th house (whether in the birth chart or because the planet is temporarily transiting the house) can cause erratic fluctuations in income and debt management. But it can also lead to brilliant insights and good ideas for increasing income or dealing with financial problems creatively. Jupiter in the 8th house can increase debt (because Jupiter can increase anything), but it can also increase money inflow if used in a positive way. Neptune in the 8th can encourage a lazy, foggy attitude toward managing money (or an excessively idealistic and rosily optimistic attitude), but it can also lead to deep insight into what’s truly valuable and an ability to strip away encumbrances like debt.

In other words, astrological energy is just energy. It can almost always be used positively or negatively. The 8th house is a deeply mysterious house in many ways. It affects our attitudes towards sex, death, and money–how’s that for a heavy list of concepts to put into one house? But it is also, interestingly, the house of healing. Many times our problems with sex, mortality, and money are symptomatic of deeper emotional, psychological or spiritual issues. Planets in the 8th house offer a means of addressing those issues.

The key is self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is one of the main reasons people study astrology. We are all complex, multi-leveled creatures, and it takes both time and effort for us to understand ourselves. Studying and meditating on the energies affecting our attitudes toward money and debt can yield the clues we need to understand how we can lead the lives we want. We can come to see how we are using the energies at our disposal. Difficult transits that bring debt issues to the fore can actually be helpful: they can clarify the underlying situation and give us the chance to bring control to this area of our lives.

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Money Mantra for gains!!!

Post by abhishekh » Mon May 07, 2007 5:44 am

This Mantra should be chanted on waking up. Look at your palms and say:

Karaagre vasate Laxmih,
Karamoole Saraswati,
Karamadhye tu Govindah.
Prabhaate karadarshanam

It means:

Goddess Laxmi resides on the tip of the fingers.
Goddess Saraswati resides on the wrist.
In the center of the palm resides Lord Govinda Himself.
In this manner you look at your palms.

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All things in favour Mantra

Post by abhishekh » Mon May 07, 2007 5:46 am

Krishna Krishna Mahaayogin
Bhaktaanaam Bhayankara
Govinda Parmaananda
Sarvey Mey Vash Maanay

O Krishan, O Krishna!
Thou art the Yogi of Yogis.
Thou bestoweth fearlessness on Thy devotees.
O Govinda! Thou art the giver of Supreme Bliss.
Bring everything to my favour.

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Post by abhishekh » Mon May 07, 2007 5:48 am

Fail in earning Money?
Should Surya, Chandra and Kuja join in Tanu (1st house or Lagna), Matru (4th house) , Yuvati, Karm, Dharm, or Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, being devoid of strength, the notorious Jal Yog is produced.

The native, who has Jal Yog will be dunce, unimportant and devoid of any wisdom and wealth. He will have no fixity of mind. He will be stubborn (in the sense, that he will not accept any good thinking) and he will depend on others for food. He will be subject to mental worries.

Kema Drum Yog (of another kind) is produced, when Dharm’s lord is pushed to Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, while Vyaya’s lord is in Dhana ( 2nd house)Bhava without strength. Simultaneously, Sahaj (3rd house)Bhava shall have placement of malefics.

One born with the Kema Drum Yog (mentioned in the above Sloka) will be after other housewives, will always look up to other for his food, will indulge in bad deeds and will contract several debts.

Should Kalatra (7th house) andAayur (8th house)Bhava be occupied by malefic Grahas, while Lagna’s lord is in fall in Rasi, or Navamsh, one born in Gulik Kala will destroy his family.

If all the Grahas are in fall in Rasi and Navamsh, or, if they are exalted in Bhavas not happening to be Dharm, or Karma (10th house)Bhava, the native will only get his food by begging.

When Lagna’s lord is in Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, a malefic is placed in Karma (10th house)Bhava and Chandra is with Kuja, Abhi Yog is formed, which makes one wander in distant places and suffer from penury.

Should Surya and Chandra be in Dharm, Tanu (1st house or Lagna), or Putra (5th house) Bhava, while Guru is in Sahaj (3rd house)Bhava, or in a Kendr, one born thus will become mad. In such a Yog, essentially, the Kala Hora at birth shall be that of Sani, or Kuja.

Should Chandra and Budha join in a Kendr, without Drishti from, or yuti with another Grah, Paishacha Yog is produced. Such a person will be mad.

If Sukra and Chandra are in a Kendr, while malefics are in either Randhr, or Putra (5th house) Bhava, Maha Gada Yog is produced. The result is insanity.

If Lagna is occupied by Kuja and Sani, while its lord is in Dhan, orAayur (8th house)Bhava along with Chandra and Budha and Sukra are in a Kendr, even a person born in a superior caste becomes a base man (i.e. he will not shine in life).

Should Kuja and Sani be in a Kendr, Rahu in Lagna, while benefics are in Vyaya, or Shatru (6th house) Bhava, Chandal Yog is formed. This Yog will make one shun the duties prescribed for the family he succeeds.

If Budha, Sukra and Chandra are relegated to Kendras, while Rahu is rising, again Chandal Yog is produced. The person, who has such Yog will take to mean acts.

Epilepsy is caused to one born in Parivesha Kala, who has simultaneously Sani and Kuja in Ari, orAayur (8th house)Bhava with Guru not occupying Lagna, Putr, or Bhagya (9th house) Bhava.

Should Sani and Kuja be in Lagna, while Lagna’s lord is in Dhan, Randhr, or Bhagya (9th house) Bhava, with benefics not being in Kendras, one will suffer from diseases throughout his life.

Should Chandra, Sani and Sukra be in Kendras, while Surya and Kuja are in Vyaya (12th house) andAayur (8th house)Bhava, another kind of Kema Drum Yog is produced. Such native will confine to his birth place only (for his livelihood).

If malefics are in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, one is ousted from his caste. Same is the result, when these Grahas are in Karma (10th house)and Dhana ( 2nd house)Bhava, while auspicious Rasis are not occupied by benefics.

Should Dharm’s lord be posited in Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, while the lord of Chandra Rasi and Lagna’s lord are with malefics and combust in Surya, the person will damage the fame of his dynasty and will lose his wife and sons.

When Kendras are occupied by malefics and benefics and Chandra receives a Drishti from Lagna’s lord, or alternatively, is placed in Sani’s Amsh, there is formation of Kulapamsana Yog.

The native, who has Kulapamsana Yog will be deserted by his family members, will face acute penury, live in foreign countries, lose his wife and sons and suffer blemishes galore.

If Dharm’s lord is in Dhan, or in Putra (5th house) Bhava along with Surya, not receiving a Drishti from benefics, while Sahaj (3rd house)and Shatru (6th house) Bhava are occupied by malefics, one will take to mean professions, or acts.

Should Chandra be in a Bhava of Sani, while Sani is in a Kendr and Guru is in Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, the person resorts to begging, as profession.

If there are malefic Grahas in the 8th, the 6th and the 12th Bhava counted from the Rasi occupied by Lagna’s lord, one will leave his native place.

If there are malefic Grahas in the 8th, the 6th and the 12th Bhava counted from the Rasi occupied by the lord of Chandra Rasi, while Bhagya (9th house) Bhava is not occupied by its own lord, one will leave his native place by selling away his possessions and because of blemishes of his own.

Should Budha, Guru (Chandra) and Sukra be in their inimical Bhavas, or in fall in Rasi/Amsh, while Sani is in Lagna, one will suffer on account of blemishes of the family (i.e. his ancestors) and be deprived of wife and sons. The same results can be indicated byAayur (8th house)Bhava also.

Surya singly in deep fall can nullify the good effects in the Janm Kundali, though the other Grahas may well be in their own, Multrikon and exaltation Bhavas.

Should Surya be in Tula Navamsh, in spite of his being in exaltation in Rasi, even an emperor’s son will be jettisoned down to a base position.

Should Surya’s position be in Tula 10 degrees, even 1000 Raj Yogas are cancelled.

Should Sukra be in Kanya Navamsh, even an unparalleled empire will decline.

The native, though belonging to a royal family, if born at the fall of a meteor, in Vyati Pata, during a roaring thunder, ar at the sight of a comet will live on alms.

Should Lagna fall in Budha’s Dreshkan and receive a Drishti from Chandra from a Kendr, even a person born in a royal family will become artisan without any doubt, as declared by the sages.

Should Sukra be in fall, or in a Navamsh of Sani and receive a Drishti from Sani, while Chandra and Surya are in Kalatra (7th house) Bhava from Lagna, the native along with his mother serves others.

If Chandra is in the Navamsh of Surya and vice versa, while both of them are in one Rasi, the native will have an emaciated body.

According to Surya, Chandra, Kuja and Sani occupying in their order Randhr, Ari, Dhana ( 2nd house)and Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, loss of eye sight should be predicted through the strongest of the Grahas, i.e. defect concerning such Grahas’ humour will cause loss of eye sight.

Should malefics be in Dharm, Labh, Sahaj (3rd house)and Putra (5th house) Bhava not receiving a Drishti from benefics, damage of hearing should be predicted.

One’s teeth will present unsightly look, if malefics be in Kalatra (7th house) Bhava (and not receiving Drishti from benefics).

The person will be insane, if Sani is in Lagna, while Kuja is in Yuvati, Putr, or Bhagya (9th house) Bhava and Chandra is decreasing.

The person will be insane, if Surya is in the 12th from Chandra.

Should the 4th and 8th Bhavas from Sukra be occupied by malefics, without receiving Drishti from, or being yuti with benefics, death of the native’s wife shall take place by fire, confinement, poison etc.

Should Sukra be placed in the midst of two bad Grahas, be weak and in inimical, or Neech Amsh, the native’s wife will die by fire, confinement, poison etc.

in a Kon, while Tanu (1st house or Lagna) and Kalatra (7th house) Bhava are occupied (by some Grahas), the native will have a disabled wife, will be sorrowful and addicted to others’ wives.

If Sani is in Lagna, while Chandra and Sukra are in the setting Bhava, i.e. the 7th Bhava, one will have a barren wife.

Should Tanu (1st house or Lagna), Vyaya (12th house) andAayur (8th house)Bhava be occupied by malefics, while Chandra is in Putra (5th house) Bhava, the native will not have any children.

When Yuvati’s lord is in Putra (5th house) Bhava, the native’s wife is destroyed and he will lose his children.

Should malefics be in Lagna, Putr,Aayur (8th house)and Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, one’s family is destroyed.

Should Budha and Sukra be in Kalatra (7th house) Bhava, while Matru (4th house) Bhava is occupied by a malefic Grah and Chandra has another malefic in her 8th, the dynasty of the native is destroyed. Even Guru in Matru (4th house) Bhava cannot save one in such a circumstance.

Should Randhr’s lord occupy Putra (5th house) Bhava, while Lagna has a malefic Grah in it and Matru (4th house) Bhava has Chandra there in, with Putr’s lord being weak, the native will have no descendants.

Should Vyaya (12th house) Bhava be occupied by weak Chandra, or weak Surya, one will be one-eyed.

In case Surya is in Yuvati, orAayur (8th house)Bhava, along with a malefic, there will be eye diseases and tooth decay.

If Matru (4th house) and Putra (5th house) Bhava contain malefics, Guru is posited in Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, while Chandra is in Ari, orAayur (8th house)Bhava, without Drishti from, or yuti with benefics, the native will doubtlessly become blind.

Should Chandra be on the meridian, i.e. on the cusp of Karma (10th house)Bhava, Kuja be in Kalatra (7th house) Bhava, while Sani is in the 2nd from Surya, the native will be disabled and be removes from his caste. (He may change his religion also)

The native will incur leprosy, if Chandra is in the Navamsh of Dhanu, Makara, or Meena. Similar results will have to be expected, if Lagna Navamsh falls in Vruchika, Karkataka, Mesha, or Vushabha and be yuti with a malefic.

The native will be affected, as far as his private parts are concerned, if Chandra being yuti with a malefic, falls in Karkataka, or Vruchika Navamsh. Should Chandra be in the 4th Navamsh and be yuti with a malefic Grah, there will be affliction to the native’s chest, belly and ears.

If Chandra is shadowed by Rahu and is placed in Vyaya (12th house) Bhava along with a malefic, the native will become insane, tend to quarrel, or be irritated.

Should Sani, posited in a Kendr with strength, give a Drishti to the lord of Chandra Rasi, the person will be disabled, unlucky and become an ascetic.

If the four Grahas, namely Kuja, Surya, Guru and Sani be together, avoiding Lagna, Matru (4th house) , Yuvati, Karm, Putra (5th house) and Bhagya (9th house) Bhava (i.e. join in Dhan, Sahaj, Ari, Randhr, Labh, or Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, the native will be instrumental for the destruction of his dynasty, will devoid of wife, sons and money and will live in foreign countries.

Should one among Guru, Chandra and Surya be in Lagna, or Karma (10th house)Bhava, while a malefic is in Vyaya (12th house) Bhava, even with ordinary brilliance and receiving a Drishti from an exceedingly strong Sani, the native will lead men and obtain a holy order.

Should Chandra be in a benefic’s Rasi, or Amsh (or that of Budha in particular) and be in Drishti to Sani, who is with strength and going towards the meridian in his own Bhava, or in his exaltation Bhava, the native will become a Sanyasin and be not happy.

When Chandra is waxing and is with exemplary strength and Lagna’s lord in Drishti to Kuja, who is devoid of strength, the native will take to penance, will be grief stricken, be devoid of wealth and followers and will obtain his food and drink with difficulty.

Should Lagna’s lord be yuti with Surya and give a Drishti to Chandra, while Lagna is occupied by Sukra, or Guru and receives a Drishti from a malefic, the native causes destruction to the nobility of his birth.

Should Sukra be in depression, or inimical Rasi and Amsh, a malefic Grah in a Kon and Lagna without good Drishti, the native will give up his domestic responsibilities, be sagely in disposition and throughout life will follow other in the matter of principles (i.e. will not have any of his own).

The several Yogas enumerated, as above should be carefully evaluated along with the Grah’s strength and weakness, so that the good, or bad of the Dasha periods are rightly declared.

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Post by Delphina » Tue May 08, 2007 3:30 pm

Dear Ramendra Singh Bhadauria ji,

I would be most honoured to receive a reading to what the stars indicate for me.

D.O.B. April 8, 1962
Time 5:50 A.M.
Place: Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada

Living Now: Claresholm, Alberta, Canada

Thank-you very much in advance.


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Post by astrobhadauria » Fri May 11, 2007 11:16 am

First I make good wishes to Shri Abhishekh for the making good about the first prayer of Goddess laxmi,it is must to make all progressive human kind,The Meaning of Laxmi is by the word is strength of knowledge,and if any person faith on knowledge that means he can fight with world.Laxmi is Venus and Vishnu is Mercury it is the must for the knowledge in the living area,Mercury's definition by other type not good,Mercury is round,and earth also round,Mercury indicate "Prithivi Tatwa" with out Bhumi how can we stand in this world,if we can stand that means there are requirement of genrating place,if earth is give all by the soil,and those person know to convert soil into the things that means he has knowledge,it is only by the "Akash tatwa",Jupiter is the head of Akash Tatwa,but with out progressive water how can we convert any thing by the soil,Moon only simple water,when we mix some thing in the water,that is Venus,and Venus is laxmi.

Dear Delphina,
Your head and money provider star is "Saturn" means Sat and Run,hardship and Coldness is the nature of Saturn,Saturn is the meaning of Vayu Tatwa, (Air element) you can make more gains by the Air type business.
God bless you,
Ramendra Jaipur

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