Rajju dosham

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Rajju dosham

Post by dhanyaiyer » Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:53 pm

I wud like to knw as to what can be the ill effects of marrying within the same nadi. and are there situations where effects can be milder?
have also sent my sisters birth details for marriage.
can anyone pls advise on when r her marriage prospects.
birth details
date 10th june 1980
place mumbai
time 11.40am
star bharani 3rd padam

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Nadi Poruttam in Matching

Post by avam46 » Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:00 pm

Hello there,
You have raised an interesting point on Nadi Maitri or Nadi Kutam. Here goes.
Nadimaitri or Nadi Poruttam:
Nadi in simple terms means pulse. In Ayurvedha the pulse of people are felt to find Out the disease in people. As per Ayurvedha, our classical Indian Madicine, there are three broad types or classification of people, as per Nadi and they are Vata or Windy constitution or temperament, Pitta or Bile constitution, and Sleshma or Phlegm constitution. So a boy of Windy constitution or temperament shoud not marry a girl also of the Windy constitution as this will result in an adverse or malific combination,while
if they belong to diverse or different Nadi they will result in benific combination.
This results in happy married life when the Nadi of the boy and Girl is different.
The Vata is also called as Adi Nadi, Pitta is Madhya Nadi and Sleshma is Antya Nadi.
The 27 stars are grouped into these three Nadi classification.
In the Kuta system of matching, 8 marks are allotted to this aspect and hence Considered important.
Now the result of matching the boy and girl in the same Nadi group as per sage Maharshi Varahamihira is as under.
1.If the boy and girl belong to the most unwanted or Pitta or Madhya Nadi, then death to the Husband is supposed to be the outcome.This is supposed to be the worst match.
2.If the two fall under Sleshma or Antya Nadi then the result is supposedly death of wife.
3. If the two belong to the Vata or Adi Nadi the result will be short life to the wife.
It is also found that when other afflictions are present in the two horoscopes, the Health of the couple and their Children are also adversely affected when the couple belong to the same Nadi.
There are exceptions indicated by reknowned Astrologers which I wish to share With you. The Nadi Kuta can be ignored if:
1.Rasi and Rajju poruttam prevail.
2.The same planet is the Lord of the Janma Rasi in the two charts.
3.The lord of the Janma Rasis of the two happen to be friends.
Also there is another collorary if Nadi poruttam is not present based on the
Nakshatra.You are aware that there are various padas of the Nakshatras as for instance Aswini Pada 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. Regrouping into the three Nadis is done based on the Padas of the Nakshatras as under.
                    Vata                             Pitta                     Sleshma
           Aswni1 Pada              Aswini 2nd Pada      Aswini 3rd pada
After this we start in reverse order as under….
           Bharani 2                   Bharani 1                 Aswani 4th

Continue from Bharani 2 as under

         Bharani3                     Bharani 4                  Krittika1

Reverse again

         Krittika4                      Krittika 3                    Krittika2

Continue from Krittika4

        Rohini1                       Rohini2                       Rohini 3

And so on…….
Hope the grouping is clear.

So it is necessary to go into details of every poruttam  than just the scores.

Also I am of the humble opinion that the other aspects like longitivity, interplanetary Aspects, progency , upapada matching etc are also very important before arriving at the compatability.

As regards your sisters Horoscope, I shall be replying shortly.
But the most important thing is faith in the Lord and prayers.
Meanwhile wishing you the very best,
OM Sri Sai Ram

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Post by dhanyaiyer » Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:04 pm

Dear Amarnathji

Thanks a ton for making things so clear. Im interested in astrology and am trying to learn details of horoscopes. Your detailed explanation has been very helpful.
Will wait for your reply on my sister's horoscope reading.
Wishing you  a merry xmas and a very prosperous 2008

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Re: Rajju dosham

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:59 pm

[quote="dhanyaiyer"]I wud like to knw as to what can be the ill effects of marrying within the same nadi. and are there situations where effects can be milder?
have also sent my sisters birth details for marriage.
can anyone pls advise on when r her marriage prospects.
birth details
date 10th june 1980
place mumbai
time 11.40am
star bharani 3rd padam[/quote]

Dear Dhanya,

In the last couple of years jupiter's transit over the relevant padas were bringing hopes of marriage but those did not work out at the last minute perhaps, particularly after November 2006 (is this correct?). Now Jupiter is in the fifth house (till nov 2008). If the matter pertaining to her marriage has become rather big an issue and concern since nov-dec 2006, then May 2008 onwards, the 6-7 month period is beneficial for marriage. Mid-June to mid-august 2008 in particular are significant.

Her spouse will be someone with a rather intense nature and with a dry sense of humour. Your sister is probably an individual with a high sense of duty, but tends to get stressed at times and may develop a tendency to experience headaches or stomach/digestion upset when under pressure. She has very good relationship with siblings, particularly elder siblings. She is very special to her father and at times overly protected by him (sometimes it turns out to be a father like individual, such as uncle, teacher, grandfather, a brother who is much older, etc).

She may have good language (writing etc) abilities and would do well in government service or in a steady income, stable organizational type setting.

After August 2009, married life will be on a firmer footing and the likelihood of her living abroad or very far away from birthplace is quite likely. She will experience extreme wealth and prosperity.

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Post by dhanyaiyer » Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:05 am

Dear Rohiniji
Many wishes for the festive season and may your 2008 be filled with happiness.

You hit bulls eye about my sisters life and lifestyle. She was nearly engaged around the mid of this year which broke off at the last minute by the boys parents coz they claimed she has kuja dosham of the highest order(whereas i feel mars in 1st house esp if it is leo asc doesnt have any dosham). correct me if i am wrong. But its absolutely difficult to convince rigid people. They went to the extent of saying we were trying to cheat on them and snatch their son (wonder what that meant). Im ashamed that male superiority still exists in our culture. This absolutely shattered all of us. esp when my parents have always tried never to hurt anyone intentionally.  But nevertheless she has overcome it very well....of course time is the best healer.

You know we strongly believe in horoscope matching and her horoscope was matched to detail with that boy's and it was found to be 80% matching. Then how did this difference of thought arise coz at the last minute the boy sided with his parents. I sometimes feel matching of minds is more important and its more important to be a good human being and have a good heart rather than have a perfect horoscope with all planets in excellent positions.

She is my only sibling (6 years younger to me) and we are very close. whenever i feel generation gap comes in between her and my mom i take over and try my level best to satisfy either ends. she does experience headaches and throat infections as well and it mainly interferes with her singing (shes a trained classical singer). Shes definitely close to my dad and my husband is another male that i know of who really wants to see her  well settled in marriage. And about her language....well thats her profession. Shes into communication and thats her passion as well. She cannot tolerate incorrect grammar. She loves writing.

I just hope that with all your blessings she should have a very happy future and a happy married life.

Thanks so much

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Post by justforyou » Tue May 06, 2008 8:46 am

Hi , I am in love with a girl and we both wanted to get married.
I have a doubt of nadi doshas , may you pls let me know that is our
marriage going to be sucessful or what can be the problems in future.
is there any remedy also for any kind of dosh if any.
My DOB: 6 feb -1982
Time of birth : 6:10 pm
place of birth : nalagarh (himachal)

Her DOB:30 -oct-1986
her Time of Birth : 8:35 am
place of birth: kinnaur (himachal)

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No Rajju Problem

Post by avam46 » Sat May 10, 2008 10:13 am

Hi there,
From your Horoscopes I find that you belong to Punarvasu Birth star and
your girl friend belongs to Uttara[uttara Phalguni] birth star. I see that
it is a love marriage or Gandharva Vivaha where matching of Horoscope
is of little relevance.Since you mention about Rajju factor, please note that there is
Nabhi Rajju[navel] which under normal matching may result in Child Birth problem.
However since Janma Rasi Lord of both is Mercury this Rajju factor has no relevance
Unless other factors described later comes into play.
The bonding factor between the two of you is love. So it is very imperative that
the love between you should be strong enough to overcome all the differences
in your attitudes. In fact the presence of Venus in your Horoscope coinciding against
mars in her Horoscope shows a Karmic attraction between the two of you.
Just keep in mind that your moon in 12th House gets aspected by Rahu  and Saturn which
shows a tendency on your part to unduly worry,be suspicious, lose confidence in yourself,
thereby giving way to external influences which should be avoided. Also there is a tendency
on your part to be hot-cold in relationship. Watch out your temperamental and emotional nature.
As far as your Girl friend is concerned, she has Kala Sarpa Yoga in her Chart.
The Rahu-Ketu being placed in 5th-11th axis  may cause delay in Child birth.
I suggest that you get this KSY remedied by Chandi Puja and also strengthen her Guru by
Remedial measures to overcome KSY problem before marriage.
There are forces creating Problems in your marriage.
She could be possessive in love while you tend to prefer independence in relatioship.
Who does not have problems in married life?
There are remedial measures but the most important part is I repeat strong love and mutual
There are very positive interaspects between the two of you in your charts.The AL-A7 in your charts are
well placed showing good harmony. Your Acendants are in Trine.Her Sun and your moon are also in trines.
Have full trust in God,and seek His blessings always. Remember marriage is a Holy
I suggest that both of you do a Strengths-weakness  analysis of your characters which helps you understand
each other better.
So all the best,
Om sri Sai Ram

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