a strange horoscope!

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a strange horoscope!

Post by divinelife » Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:08 pm

if anyone can predict accurately for me, i would be more than impressed.

birth details
3rd october 1980
5.50 a.m.

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Post by ChanDubai » Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:57 pm

Is this a Female Native?

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:33 pm

I can assure that no one can predict it accurate for you.

If you want such guaranties, then you must reject YOUR FREE WILL and the FREE WILL TO EACH PERSON YOU INTERACT WITH IN YOUR LIFE!

If you on the other hand ask for chances, suggestions, what might suit you best and so on....then you will receive such....B U T....if you find any of these in such way that you want them, then they will not be given to you...without you working toward them....the same happen if what they say don't is to your benefit...then you can change it by working towards something else.

So YES, you will get different opinions from different Astrologer.....the Ultimate Reader Is YOU! :)

Good luck!

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Post by ChanDubai » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:41 pm

Very well said Grandpa!

With my little understanding, when i casted the chart with above details i can see the native is very stubborne, rash, and "My way is the Highway" type person...i may be wrong too...:-)

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@ ChanDubai

Post by divinelife » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:48 pm


yes, m a female....

and the adage 'my way or high way' is as inappropriate for me as ' sun rises at night'.

ok let me be specific here.

what can u tell me about my marriage and married life...

my relatiaons with my parents and in laws...

tough periodsof life so far, general happiness...


by the way, i read a few posts/answers written by you and found them interesting!

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Post by divinelife » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:55 pm


m sorry, but I did not understand a word of what you had to say.

will you explain it in some easier way...

and yeah one thing. I dont ask for guarantees coz nothing is guaranteed on this earth.

When i said a strange horroscope i did not mean to challenge any astrologer or his predictions. what i simply meant was can someone actually read and INTERPRET my

chart accurately because it seems that nobody so far has gotten any close to the realities of my life. And its only after i fill them with details about myself that they predict

something which ofcourse has never come out true... the predictions were not even a wee bit close to what has actually happened so far...


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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:06 am

I am sorry that you don't understand a word of what I am saying, so this is not said to you...but to people who ask for an ACCURATE Chart Reading.

What is ACCURATE ?  That is thing that happen just as described, and at just the described time.

How do you live your life?

Do you go like a Zombie from A to B, then to C and so on.

Is anyone interfering with you?,anyone stop you?, ask you for something that break your daily Routine?

Are you always turning left...or do your head telling you to suddenly turn right?

Do you sometimes pop into a store on impulse....do You sometimes take a travel on impulses? or is everything you do, laid fast at birth?

In order to predict a Chart ACCURATE, you need to renounce your free will....your movement from birth to grave must be predetermined...and you must not be allowed to take any step outside this pattern, if you do, Your WHOLE future are changed, because you have broken your laid path.

We must agree that most people don't have this "laid path", and if so, then we must agree that our future change all the time.

If you put up GOALS for yourself and work towards them, you might achieve them, and you can say you create your own future.

If you have NO GOALS, you can ask for an Astrology Chart Reading, that might put up some goals for you.
They might see pattern that suit your birth details, and give you advices and GOALS.

If you don't work towards these goals, they will almost surely not happen.
You must take the Chart Reading as a "blue print" of what you "MIGHT ACHIEVE", not what passive will happen to you.

So much of what's happen in life is up to you to create, together with those people you interact with....none of us has all our Track pre made!

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Hello there

Post by avam46 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:10 am

Hello Divine Life,
Just out of curiosity, how come you have named yourself"Divine Life".Do you happen to know that you have Kala Amrita Yoga in your Horoscope where all planets hemmed between Rahu and Ketu are facing your Ketu giving you a tendency to turn towards Spirituality after a lot of struggle? This struggle under normal circumstances goes on till age 43 unless this Yoga is broken earlier by presence of Benifics in Lagna or associated with Ketu-Rahu. Ofcourse worship of Lord Ganeshji would surely help besides strengthening weak Guru which is associated with the Ascendant in your Horoscope.
Besides you are undergoing the last phase of Sade Sath which gets over next year.You are running the Sani Bhukhthi in the Mercury Main Dasa now which lasts till Jan 2009.You must be feeling its effects.
The Ketu Maha Dasa starts thereafter in Jan 2009 and lasts upto 2016.This is when the effects of Kala Amruta Yoga will be more felt.
Ofcourse you have nothing to worry as you are capable of overcoming all problems.
I think if you post a specific question, the learned Astrogers of the forum can surely help you.
But watch out, like no two Doctors agree, no two astrologers would agree too.They are Human too but they just want to helpyou.
I am ofd the opinionAstrology must be used in positive sense for forewarning the issues ahead and using the blessings of the Lord by sincere Prayers to withstand/overcome any problems besides capitalising on the positive trends of ones Horoscope.
Have faith, and you surely have great strengths in you.
Om sri Sai Ram

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Post by projenator » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:19 pm

I agree with avamji on the sattwicta of the horoscope, along with that I want to highlight the presence of second and 9th lord venus in twelfth, in navamsa venust is conjunct sun

this person will have a tendency to get heated easily and a sharp tongue (mars in second conjunct mercury), the sun saturn conjunct in lagna albeit with jupiter needs highlighting as well.

just my couple cents......

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