Need help and remedy please

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Need help and remedy please

Post by Pele_10 » Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:05 pm


I posted this thread becuase I need help and a remedy, its quite bad, so please do not ignore this.

I've had harsh speech for most of my life. I started stammering from 1995 untill about 1997, it was very bad. After 1997 my stammering stopped, my speech was normal, it seemed my speech troubles were gone, however, when I went to high school from 2000 I noticed I had speech delay, which is late in speaking, I would try to speak a word, but it would come out 5 seconds later. I sometimes find some words hard to speak, I even find my native language Gujarati hard to speak, so please help me and give me a remedy on my speech, its gone better, but its a great disadvantage for a man to have harsh speech, he cannot express himself clearly and cannot go forward in life. I got picked on because of my speech, so again I need help regarding this matter, its effected by education as-well.

Another one is my family, they have not helped me much, nore do I feel loved by them. My grandma picked on me for no reason when I was a child. My father seems to like my sister better then me, although it should be equal, I feel like this becuase he's always been harsh on me, even when I had speech problems he did'nt give me much help, he thought it would get better, how wrong he was, he also seems to make bad decisons on myself, my career had to be decided by him, it was not my decision. I've got a sister, I was close to her when I was young, but since me and my sis grew up, we seem detached, she is harsh to me now, she takes her freinds side evreytime and give worries tom my family. My mother died a long time ago, so their is no love for me from the family front. you see my own family don't know me quite well, they are not treating me equal to my sister, they love my sister, but they do not seem to love me, again I feel like this becuase they seem to always talk to her, not me. I'm quite lonely know, I deserve love, but never had it in my life, I'm a good person, I've always done the right thing. I do my duties for my family, in return they do not help me.

I also got picked on and taken advantage of for no reason before.

I'm only 18 and my life has been quite a misery so far, I could not get forward in life becuase of speech problems, it effected me a lot, and not loved by anyone, I feel like this becuase how my family has treated me in the past and people picking on me and taken advantage of me.

Please help me regarding these matters.

My birth details:

DOB: 28/06/1989
Time: 11.28am
Place: Birmingham, England

Thank you and I appreciate it very much,

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Hi Pete

Post by kybunker » Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:08 pm

Hi Pete!
I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for.
But I read your post and if I don't reply, I'll be wondering if I should have ALL DAY. So I'm going to.
Ask for people to come to you that are willing to accept you for who you are,
Our family issues,, I've noticed in life that We choose who we allow to hurt us, bother us. There's several techinques you can use to push people out of your area for a while, until you decide you can handle them. (NLP)
I've never known of a way to make people love or accept other people.
Communications- verbal- alot of people are going thru the same thing.
My son has delayed speech, some words he just cannot find, The teachers here pass him through the school system even though he has not progressed in that area.
I told him,, somewhere sometime we chose to take on certain challenges.
You chose this challenge, Maybe you wanted to meet certain people in your life and the only way to do that was by having to go thru this.
He said he's tired of being called retarded by the way he talks,
He's now taken on the idea that he's from Britian, And when someone asks why don't you talk right, He says you just won't understand my accent.
So I guess my point to all this is that, If there is work to be done, we as indiviuals need to learn why this is here and what we should do to make it a more positive event in our lives,
We can move with it, grow with it, or let it cause us pain.
Anyhow, I just had to write this, I know it's not what you are looking for, but I don't have that information,
Best of luck to you in finding it

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OOH Another Thought

Post by kybunker » Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:13 pm

You could ask for an Akashic Reading if you are interested.

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Post by Pele_10 » Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:28 pm

Thanks for your reply kybunker, your post was intresting.

I was looking for an analysis and remedy on my speech problem and family life. I'm also quite an sensitive person aswell, so what I stated in my 1st post hurts me a lot.

k surya narayana
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pele your query

Post by k surya narayana » Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:44 pm

dear pele 10
dont worry and forget about the past things in your horoscope
you have so many good yogas and you will be highly educated
and monetarily you will be good and all your wishes going to be
fulfilled in near future in your horoscope after august 2011 your dreams
will come true you wear pg pearl weighing about 5to 6 carats in a silver
ring and daily chant OM loudly after getting from bed

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Post by Pele_10 » Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:31 am

Hi K surya narayama, thanks for your reply. I hope what you mentioned above will come true. The past is very hard to forget. I've got yogas?

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Post by srsmanian » Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:10 pm

Dear young man,
                           I think you are unduly worried about a minor disadvantage which is temporary. Astrologically speaking, your 2nd lord Venus, ruling speech  is in close proximity with debilitated Mangal in Cancer ruled by Moon , which tends to give you an inferiority complex, self pity, a bit of low esteem and the result,probably is the stammering. Your Venus dasa will end in 2011 and with it all your problems related to speech & communication. So buck up!! Look people straight in their eyes & speak with confidence. Masochism & self pity will not help. I am confident that you will be alright very soon. Sri EMS Namboodripad, the late marxist leader of India had stammer from birth. Once he was asked by a journalist " Sir.. do you always stammer?" To this he replied " No! Only when I speak!!" That is the kind of self confidence which separates MEN from BOYS.Good luck to you. SRS

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Post by priya159 » Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:10 pm

hi good reply srsmain!
you rock

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For speech problems

Post by ceeyes » Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:01 am

recite this mantra:


This is for Lord Kumaraswamy propitiation, since He is the One who gave the pranava to His Father, Lord Shiva.  He is known to perform several miracles.  Say it through out the day.

If truth be told, we are all alone.  Alone we are born and alone we die.  There is no one who understands us completely, except perhaps, one's mother.  

If you feel like a victim, then you will attract that behaviour of being treated like a victim.  You should feel complete, fulfilled and self-confident.  Gravitate towards spirituality.  Learn REIKI.  Respect everyone even if they hurt you.  Realize that when people are mean to you, they are only acting out their part in this drama called LIFE so that they too can accumulate some KARMA.  See a speech therapist to overcome your speech impediment.  I hope this helps.  Mind is stronger than a whole bunch of things.  Make your mind strong.  And always remember, what goes around, comes around (in God's time).  God Bless you!  Harohara!

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Post by Pele_10 » Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:13 am

Thanks for replys srsmanian and ceeyes. I hope my speech will get better soon, I am low in confidence and self esteem a bit and I'm sometimes shy around people. Will mars debiliated with venus cause troubles in marriage?

Just to clarify, does my moon and mars swap houses? my moon is in aries and mars is in cancer. The same could be said about venus in cancer and jupiter in taurus.

Thanks in advance,

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Post by srsmanian » Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:28 pm

Dear Amit,
              3rd house rules courage. You have a weak waning moon in the 8th house, a dushthana. 3rd & 8th lord Mangal is in an unfavorable parivarthana with the "Manas karaka" moon, which is the cause of your temporary problem based on doubtful assumptions & presumptions manifested during Venus dasa. As regards your apprehension about married life, you can be rest assured that your married life will be very good. Your 7th lord Jupiter & lagna lord Mercury are posited in the favorable 9th house, ensuring  marital happiness. Your Mangal's debilitation is cancelled by vitue of Moon's position in the chart. Planets placed in the 11th house generally give good results. You have a long way to go before entering into wedlock! Good luck for your studies & career growth. SRS

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Post by Pele_10 » Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:06 pm

srsmanian wrote:Dear Amit,
              3rd house rules courage. You have a weak waning moon in the 8th house, a dushthana. 3rd & 8th lord Mangal is in an unfavorable parivarthana with the "Manas karaka" moon, which is the cause of your temporary problem based on doubtful assumptions & presumptions manifested during Venus dasa. As regards your apprehension about married life, you can be rest assured that your married life will be very good. Your 7th lord Jupiter & lagna lord Mercury are posited in the favorable 9th house, ensuring  marital happiness. Your Mangal's debilitation is cancelled by vitue of Moon's position in the chart. Planets placed in the 11th house generally give good results. You have a long way to go before entering into wedlock! Good luck for your studies & career growth. SRS
Thanks for your analysis srsmanian, I appreciate it very much. I hope my speech and voice gets better.

I posted the same questions about my speech problem and marriage to another astrologer on another board, and the vedic astrologer drawed up a conclusion based on surya kundli. He stated that my mercury was 12th from acs, so it lost a bit of power and hence my speech problems, he also stated that I would have problems regarding marriage because of 7th house Sag ruler Jup (surya kundli) is 12th from acs, which further more he stated that my partner would cheat and I'd have problems in my marriage. I'm not doubting you, but I'm a bit concerned you see, can you please clarify? The above is based on surya kundli.

Thanks once again and good luck to you in whatever you do,

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Post by srsmanian » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:21 am

Dear Amit,
                It is not my my habit to sit in judgment of a brother astrologer's predictions. Anyhow, "proof of the pudding is in the eating" as the cliche goes.Lagna is nothing but the exact position of Surya at the time of birth. Therefore predictions based on houses& planets reckoned from Ascendent or janma Lagna is the most common, tried & tested method.Chandra lagna chart is used for gochara predictions of future events upto max of 2 1/2 years, reckoning planets in transit w.r.t Moon.Similarly,  Surya kundli predictions, in my opinion, are valid for 1 month. Except for the 8th house Moon, your chart has no major afflictions. Therefore I would reiterate that the exchange of houses bet 7th lord Jupiter & Kalathra karaka 9th lord Venus added with combination of Asc lord Mercury & Jupiter in the 9th ensures a trouble free married life. A long shot and preposterous assumption to cast aspersions on  your wife's character without looking into her horoscope& without checking it's compatibility with your horoscope will be an exercise in futility. I refrain myself from undertaking such an exercise with only your chart on hand! Recite Hanuman Chalisa aloud daily to get rid of your speech problems & regaining self confidence. Good luck to you. SRS

Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:54 pm

Dear Srsmanian ji,
Welcome back and it is nice to see that you have started your come back with an advise.
Hope you will stay for longer this time infact if possible forever.
Its always nice to read your replies.

Srsmanian ji, when you talk about Surya kundli, r u talking about surya kundli in gochar or in natal chart.If later case then how can you consider it for 1 month coz u r talking about surya kundli from natal chart and not from gochar thus placement is always same If you considering it for  1 month from when to when this consideration lasts.

Hope to read more from you.


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Post by srsmanian » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:50 am

Hi Ramandeep,
                           A small Universe!! So we keep on meeting, in spite of long /short eclipses! Thanks for your fond enquiries & compliments.
Coming to the topic under discussion, I was referring to Sun’s gochara chart used for monthly predictions as the Sun moves through the 12 Zodiac signs.
Mercury always stays with or moves one Rasi backward or forward from the Sun. Can we say then that 1/3 of the human population will have stammering? Can’t digest that the  7th lord Jupiter in the 12th   throws up a cheating wife! Then what about Vasi/Vesi  yoga caused by planets in 2nd & 12th from Sun? Venus & Mars also stay close to the Sun  giving rise to large number of predictable, stereo type combinations in charts!  Therefore, for offering long term predictions,   the tried & tested method of Asc charts are more ideal than the Surya kundli. Only in prasna astrology, predictions are based on planets reckoned from Moon for the 1st query, Sun & Lagna for the 2nd & 3rd queries. Even for conventional predictions we refer to many other divisional charts ( viz.. Navamsa, saptamsa, dasamsa drekana and so on..) for more clarity, but lagna chart always is the main frame. Some people use Ashtaka varga effectively along with Ascendant chart.

I have also heard about “Sudarshan chakra”, a combination of Moon, Ascendant & Surya centric chart which is used for fairly accurate prediction of events ( good, bad & ugly) at given ages/ period of time in an individual’s life. I wish someone will throw some light on the interpretation of Sudarshana chart for the benefit of people like me with an open mind. Regards. SRS

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