Interesting Chart

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Interesting Chart

Post by BrightShadow » Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:20 am

My moon is aspected by the three prime malifics, and it is very much alone. Please tell me how you interpret this, and how you think my moon's dasha will be, which starts at the end of 2012.

April 29th, 1985, 19:15, Berkeley, California, USA

Thank you very much for any insight you can provide.
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Post by BrightShadow » Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:37 am

Also you can see in the picture I uploaded the outer planets are shown. Is there any interpretation someone can give for Pluto being right on my ascendant, 10 minutes of arc... It seems auspiciously placed to me.

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Post by BrightShadow » Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:02 pm

Is there none who can help me understand?

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Post by BrightShadow » Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:20 pm

Also in case anyone is interested, the chart info above was generated with the software, Parashara's Light 7, which I highly recommend.

I also recommend a great book i've been studying;
Vault of the Heavens, a Treatise on Vedic Astrology
By Ernst Wilhelm

Truly an amazing compilation, and for those who are already advanced, look into his book called Core Yogas, which has an amazing expansion of yogas that can help identify specific conjunctions.

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Post by BrightShadow » Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:24 pm

Im seriously beginning to wonder if it was a waste of time spending any effort at this forum. There doesn't seem to be any real experts around, and I don't meant just for this one thread. For example I posted about karakamsha in the main vedic astrology forum, and not one whisper of a response. If im wrong, someone please say something, otherwise im afraid im more right then I want to be.

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Hi there~

Post by mangosun » Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:30 pm

Hello Bright Shadow! I actually wrote down all your info and looked it up and was going to give you my interpretation a while back, but I felt very much unqualified to give one who knows all the correct terms and has so much more knowledge about this subject than me my seemingly infanticimal interpretation lol :) I only have been studying Vedic astrology for a couple of years and am more focused on relationship issues and compatibility using Vedic astrology.

Unfortunately, I have found that it is rare for a Westerner to elicit a response from a Vedic expert from the Eastern world...I am sorry to be making this observation, but it is an honest one. I will share with you what I see in your chart and I do HOPE more Vedic astrologers would be available to share their knowledge with us...I feel very much an outsider in this vast realm of astrology and would very much appreciate it if we could hear from them and have good discussions together! :) The way I see it, if you have an idea and I have an idea, we each only have ONE idea...but if we SHARE them, we will then have doubled our knowledge :) Here's hoping...Anyway, on to a brief interpretation....perhaps you already know this, but in sharing it, others can learn too. Please feel free to let me know what is or isn't correct as this is how we learn :)

Your Moon is in Leo, in the Nakshatra (constellation) of "Magha"... literally interpreted "the mighty one", "the great". This is the Nakshatra of royalty :)

The gender of your Nakshatra is Female, in a MALE sign (LEO); The Sun is the Ruler of your Sign (Leo) but the Moon is the Lord of your Nakshatra (Ketu)...Whew! Being ruled by Ketu, you are interested in esoteric, mystical things and you may be psychic, having powerful dreams, especially dreams involving loved ones who have died. You have strong connections to family, and I would encourage you to take up geneology (if you haven't already) as the deity of your Nakshatra is Pitris, the protectors of humanity and ancestral fathers. Also, I'm sure you LOVE your home as this is seen in your Nakshatra as well (your animal symbol is the male rat...rats love to 'nest' and are very caring in tending to their young in their 'homes').

The temperment of your Moon Nakshatra is "Rakshasha", or demon, so know that you will be unconventional, one who finds your OWN path for your OWN truth. You are unique and so is the course you will choose for your life. It would benefit you to have those around you who celebrate your uniqueness rather than those who try to squelch it. I would caution you to remember the Power of your Nakshatra is to "leave the body" and the Result of this Power is "death", in life, you may find it difficult to LET GO of things, people, thoughts, etc.--you may hold on WAY TOO LONG to relationships, be distracted and ungrounded , be riddled with self-doubt, not letting go of what OTHERS think of you...(ie: power is to leave the body); you can be too TYPE 'A' personality, too driven that it negatively affects your health or relationships; you are very magnanomous and generous but this also comes with high standards and expectations of those around careful not to be too demanding :) You need people around you who let you take the lead and allow you to BE YOU :)

Your Sun (your career planet) is in the SIGN of Aries and your Nakshatra is in Bharani, literally translated "the star of restraint', "bearer of burdens". Again, it is a Masculine planet in a Feminine Nakshatra (as in your Moon sign/nakshatra above). Also, as in your Moon Nakshatra, your Sun is in a fiery Nakshatra, so as with all fire signs, it would benefit you to exercise, have an outlet for your excessive energy (meditation is very much necessary as this Nakshatra is ruled by the moon, which is very sensitive, and meditation helps to "ground" you) ...Also, since Mars (ruler over Sign, Aries) is the planet of speed, reslessness, you have the tendency to have LOTS of energy, moving about.  Again, looking at your animal symbol (the male elephant), it is a nomadic animal, it goes from place to place, always moving, . Your career planet (the sun) is in the Nakshatra known for having to overcome great odds...the deity associated with it is Yama, the god of death and the Power is "to take things away"; the Result of the Power is "moving on to the next world"... so you are always transforming, changing from one thing to another, or going from one "world" to another. So, say "yes" to life and get new hobbies :) This can help with the restless caution of starting things, but not completing them. Also, be aware of this tendency in your career, since this is seen in your career planet. have similarities in your Moon and Sun, two very powerful forces in your life. You have lots of transformational qualities and moving experiences in your life to look forward will tackle problems with great passion and will be drawn to hard work and will have the discipline needed to complete these transformations. Bottomline, you have the means necessary to meet whatever challenges life may hold for you. Knowing what your tendencies are in certain situations in life can give you the power necessary to be successful and meet these challenges. Knowledge is power, and when we know better, we do better (to paraphrase Ms. Maya Angelou). I hope this information has given you some food for thought...if you already knew all of this, well, its confirmation of it! LOL Take care, ~jules

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Post by ESP » Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:07 am

Hello BrightShadow,

I am not a veteran but i am making an attempt to analyse. This is just a very basic analysis.

I am not sure about Pluto's influence in your horoscope.

Moon as said in Magha star lorded by Ketu and Ruling Deity is Sun. It is in a friendly sign of Leo. Moon is in Own cancer navamsa.

Moon is a benefic for you and is the 10th Karma lord. Moon is also significator of Mind and Mother in general. In your chart Moon is the PitruKaraka(father).

As You said is aspected by Mars who is a natural friend but a natural malefic and
funtional malefic for your lagna. Mars is weak in strength. So i feel effect is more or less neutral.
Moon aspected by Rahu who is the arch enemy. He can give a clouded mind generally.

Aspected by Retro Saturn who is a Yogakaraka for your Lagna. Inspite of being a Yogakaraka for You he is not a Yogakaraka for Moon. He is bound to give tensions to career and mind in general. Good thing is Saturn is weak in Shadbala.
Also Saturn is Retrograde( I am not sure how exactly retro planets aspect effects)
Another thing is Saturn and Mars are aspecting each other.

Moons dasa which is starting approx. Nov 2012 ideally should be good as a non malefic and kendra lord. Moon is also weak in strength from trouble from above planets. So strengthing it might be a good option.

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Post by BrightShadow » Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:20 am

Thank you both for your responses. Part of why I asked was indeed the fact that my dasha period I will be entering next will be the moon's. From what I can see the strengths of the planets aspecting my moon, are about equal to my moons strength, and so I have been semi worried about being overcome by those other forces... although I feel like it could also be a time of great development. Once again thank you.

If anyone else can perhaps speak to pluto's effect, it would be much appreciated.

P.S: About relationships, in my last one I experienced what I would call "true love" and its been several years and im still trying to get over it >.< Other then that im a natural buddhist and so im pretty detached, going where the wind blows me.

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Pluto Information

Post by mangosun » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:49 am

Hi BrightShadow~your query regarding Pluto prompted me to do some research and I came across a website that had some great information that I have posted below. Hope this helps give you some food for thought in the placement of Pluto (and your other retrograde planets) as it is referring to planets in retrograde, as I believe is the case with your Pluto. Have a great one.~jules ... lanets.htm

Pluto Retrograde
* keeps their chin up during crisis because .....
* they want to keep inner upheavals private
* they get what they want by acting like they don't care

Pluto is the planet of complete transformation, upheaval, reversals, and bad beginnings. It spends on average, five months out of the year in retrograde. This is a time of destruction and rebuilding when intense situations and outside forces intervene. Be willing to go to extremes and prepared to cut away the useless in those areas of life represented by the house your Pluto is in, releasing what no longer serves you in order to regenerate your life.
Pluto retrograde in your natal chart indicates that you are here to learn karmic lessons about intensity, control, and struggles for dominance. While you are wrestling with your own inner conflicts, outside forces are likely to upset your life. You are likely to find public opinion can be fickle, giving you little outward reason for blind trust in others. The people who make up your world may revere you one moment and revile you the next. Part of your lesson is to refuse to get locked in a battle of egos. Penetrate to the essence of the situation uncovering hidden truth. Trust your instincts being completely honest with yourself. Forgive yourself and others, but do not forget the lessons as you learn that you are the final authority. You may not always be able to control what you face nor what is done, but you are in sole control of how you choose to respond or react.

Shown for time zone 0 hours. Exact time will vary depending on the time zone.

Apr &nbsp;4, 2009 &nbsp; &nbsp; 5:35 PM &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Plu Rx
Sep 11, 2009 &nbsp; &nbsp; 4:57 PM &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Plu Direct
Apr &nbsp;7, 2010 &nbsp; &nbsp; 2:34 AM &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Plu Rx
Sep 14, 2010 &nbsp; &nbsp; 4:36 AM &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Plu Direct
Apr &nbsp;9, 2011 &nbsp; &nbsp; 8:51 AM &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Plu Rx
Sep 16, 2011 &nbsp; &nbsp; 6:24 PM &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Plu Direct
Apr 10, 2012 &nbsp; &nbsp; 4:24 PM &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Plu Rx
Sep 18, 2012 &nbsp; &nbsp; 5:07 AM &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Plu Direct

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