Doors Close, hope fades

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Doors Close, hope fades

Post by quixilver » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:11 pm


Normally I am not a big follower of astrology, but events in the last few years have been incredibly bad.

The problem is not that there are no chances or opportunities, but it seems that no opportunity seems to be helping me. Rather, all my attempts seem to just collapse, many in which success was absolutely certain.

I even tried changing paths, thinking maybe a new approach or something would help matters, but again, dead ends.

Could someone please tell me why my stars have turned against me? I'm usually filled with hope.

DOB: 29th March, 1986.

at 09:30 PM (night) at Lahore.


Would be very very thankful for a response regarding where my life is going or what mistakes I am making, or even where more focus is needed? Focus on career and education will be appreciated, marriage not an issue or concern.

Thank you in advance.

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Post by yoyocue » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:01 pm


  After year 2008, you have some mental disappointments on your education/career.

You are smart, but think too much. You have some incredible ideas and drive people crazy, but wanna be the top.
You treat yourself so hard so discipline.
This is the time to change your relationship and your mind.
This is also the time to think about going abroad for traveling or studying.

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Very interesting insights

Post by quixilver » Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:21 pm

Thanks for the response yoyocue. Really made me think in depth.

To be honest, I did face considerable problems with career, and they started sometime around end of 2008-2009 and there were some good points as well, but the bad things and failures were much greater in number.

Although i would love to know why you suggested i go abroad? I actually applied for a scholarship but although it is not confirmed yet, I am unofficially sure that I have been rejected as the acceptances have gone out.

I really do wish to know what mistake I made if any in this time period? Is it because maybe I am working/co-operating with the wrong kind of people in these attempts or is it because I am trying in the wrong direction?

i would be very grateful for a bit more guidance. Would love to hear what anyone else like adding anything new or their take.

Once again, I thank you all so much for your valuable time and help. :)

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Post by yoyocue » Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:06 am

Although i would love to know why you suggested i go abroad? I actually applied for a scholarship but although it is not confirmed yet, I am unofficially sure that I have been rejected as the acceptances have gone out.
You chart is shown you do have this idea before end of May, 2011.
I really do wish to know what mistake I made if any in this time period?
There is nothing wrong with you. This is just the time to make you transformation.
Let's why I told you.
yoyocue wrote: This is the time to change your relationship and your mind.
The chart is shown your relationship with people is unstable and you want change point of view of people about you.
You put lots of passion on them this period. but your communication may have little bit of problem.
Is it because maybe I am working/co-operating with the wrong kind of people in these attempts or is it because I am trying in the wrong direction?
No one can tell which way is 100% correct for you to do.
Changing the different side to read a story may be good for you.

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Post by quixilver » Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:26 pm

Thanks once again.

I will definitely try to change my view regarding the situation. Also, something else i wish you could tell me. Back in the start of 2009, I almost got a HUGE breakthrough in my career abroad, but due to the economic recession and perhaps the people I was going to work for, the deal fell through, and I came back from abroad, disappointed and bitter.

That person said that in the future, he will try again to get me involved. The thing is I was going to be working on a film project in the US. Film has been my passion and desire, however, things are not so good here. Then again he himself contacted me in January 2010, to offer me another opportunity, but again some problem happened on HIS side. He is a Libra.

I am really curious if you think (astrologically speaking), if I have a chance with this certain person again, if he can help me in the future.

I have other options to pursue, but this one would have made a major difference in my life. My main instability in career is causing personal problems with women in my life as well as I cannot pursue a committed relationship till i have career stability.

I thank you again for being so patient and helpful. You have no idea how helpful it would be for me to get some clues to this issue.

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Post by yoyocue » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:22 am

I am really curious if you think (astrologically speaking), if I have a chance with this certain person again, if he can help me in the future.
Maybe. Transit Saturn will move in Libra after November this year and Libra ascendant (or Moon in Libra) will have the difficult time (depend on personal chart).

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Post by rajat19731 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:55 am

Dear Quixilver,
I will not give any false hope to you and its important for you to know that coming 11 years are going to be very problematic and terrible to you, in case you don't perform serious remedies/penance. Here is the detailed analysis of your chart:
1. You are born in nakshatra of Saturn on Saturday in Purna tithi. Such combination is known as tripushkara dosha and is a panchanga dosha. This dosha gives three times more negative results than any other dosha. This dosha is going to effect the results of 5th house mostly. Saturn is placed in even sign, so will give the result of odd sign. Hence Saturn will give the results more related to Aquarius. This indicates that future planning/decision making is going to be the major area of concern in your life. I will suggest you to visit Pushkara tirtha on Saturday/Wednesday asap.
2. Your Moon is debilitated in 2nd house and is conjoined with Saturn having no benefic aspect. This is a pravrajya yoga. Being AL lord debilitated and afflicted shows serious issues with the reputation of the native in the coming years.
3. Your 10th lord is placed in 2nd house. Had this moon be in strength, it would have given rise to simhasana yoga but bad luck, moon is not only very weak but also afflicted. In such placement, the native gets attracted towards business of his own or to join family business, which teaches some very harsh lessons in life related to survival.
4. AL is placed in the same house sign as the UL. This is termed as Raja brastha yoga. Such yoga makes the native fall from a very high position of influence/respectability to a very lower level.
5. The worst thing amongst all this is that you are currently into Mercury mahadasa. Mercury is your Atmakaraka, 12th lord and is placed in 8th from AL, indicating past birth karmas pending in your life. So this mahadasa which will run till 2022, is going to show serious transformations in life and will teach you many harsh lessons and will cleanse you from inside. Since Mercury is placed in 5th house from Lagna, this transformation is going to be very beneficial for you and will make you highly spiritual. I will also suggest you to think ten times before you speak anything, as you tend to speak wrong things at wrong places.
6. More to this, Surya is placed in 6th house, is your badhaka and is afflicted by the aspect of Mars. This is a curse from father and is also drsti badhaka (evil eye). Try to be as good as possible to your father, though there will be some serious issues of yours with him.
7. Now from 15th November 2011, Saturn is going to change its transit from Virgo to Libra. Since this period, your sadesati will also start and being Saturn giving you the tripushkara dosha, this sadesati will be very troublesome for you. Rudra chamakam chant is advised for you in this duration of almost 8 years.
8. There is serious problems in your marriage and interaction with foreign people also as 8th lord is placed in 7th house and is afflicted due to the conjunction of Rahu. This is a blockage also for you to the outer world.
You need to worship Vishnu, your ishta devata and your jyotirlinga as per the chart. The jyotirlinga as per the chart is Ghusmesa. For mantras and procedure of sadhanas.


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PS: Be more spiritual than being realistic. There are lot of things in universe, which we are still not aware about but it doesn't means that there is non existence of such forces n powers n knowledge.

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Post by quixilver » Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:15 pm

@yoyoce: Thanks for the input. Check out rajat's take on the matter and what do you think?

@rajat: Thank you a lot for such a detailed analysis, and being so honest with me. The truth is, I have seen a lot of difficulty in life from the very start and have become used to a difficult life, and it actually seems like a good thing to me that I only have 11 years left to go of this never ending misery, at least it is better than being in trouble for one's whole life.

The thing you mentioned about my father is very true. There have been problems between him and I for quite a while. And even though he wants the best for me (i hope), his ego issues cause a lot of headaches for me. I believe that he has not been able to do much good for me, and confuses me and increases hurdles for me.

As for the other things, the thing I am most concerned about is my Career, because everything depends on career nowadays, even marriage etc. So looking for career stability is my number one issue.

I have been abroad a couple of times, but I have never been able to benefit professionally from it, and if I did, it would change my life a lot. There is a person who has assured me that he will try to help me but he seems to be in problems of his own. I hope that things turn out well for me, the struggle is not the problem, only success must be attainable.

What advice would you give me for career? what should I be doing?

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Post by rajat19731 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:46 pm

Dear Quixilver,
One remedy i have told you that you need to visit Pushkara tirtha in india asap on Saturday/Wednesday. Now about your career option first:

1. Rahu, Venus, Ketu and Jupiter these are four planets aspecting your lagna by graha drsti. Whereas Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Moon are the planets aspecting your Arudha Lagna by Rasi drsti. Now lets see which planet among this long list is strong enough to give you career:

Since you are looking to have a career in films, lets first analyse Venus in your navamsa chart. Venus is in 12th house. This could have given a very good career in field of arts and entertainment, but Rahu and Mars are in 2nd house making it strong and hence giving argala on Navamsa Lagna. So whenever something good happens in your career in flims, Rahu and Mars create a kind of a hindrance. Hence things don't materialise. So in this situation, Venus is not able to give a career in your chart and Venus is 8th lord also, which is 11th from 10th house (Hara - destroyer for the career).

Now Rahu and Mars are placed in 2nd house (artha trikona) and definitely can give the career.

Now Moon is placed in 4th house and aspects 10th house by graha drsti. So definitely you can have interest in career options indicated by Moon but it will be a short term career. So I will not suggest career represented by Moon.

Now Saturn is placed in 7th house and with Surya. Our tradition of SJC teaches that the planet placed in 7th house, can give education in this field but the career is not going to be long lasting. Also Shani and Surya are dire enemies to each other, hence pursuing career in field of Saturn, you will face problems from Surya (Government).

Now Mercury is placed in Karakamsa Lagna/ Navamsa Lagna. This shows the ability you have since birth through your past birth karmas. So definitely Mercury can give a career to you.

Now Ketu is placed in 8th house, hence career option in the area represented by Ketu will not work.

Jupiter is placed in 10th house (Artha Trikona again) and is akin to exaltation. (Jupiter is akin to exaltation in Aquarius sign : Jataka Parijata). Also Jupiter is vargottama. So definitely it can give career.

Now among Jupiter, Rahu, Mars and Mercury ; Jupiter is the strongest planet as it not only exalted but also vargottama and the biggest benefic. So i will suggest any career option indicated by Jupiter to be the best in your life. Now Jupiter in Aquarius represents following professions:

Finance astrology, Career Astrology, Vedanta and counselling.

Now see which one is better suitable for you among this.

I will suggest you to worship Vishnu, your jyotirlinga and your ishta devata.

Mantras are as following :

Vishnu : Mercury is in your 5th house. Hence 5, 17 or 29 akshara mantra is best for you. Ask your priest/ diksha guru for the mantra.

Jyotirlinga mantra : Om namah shivaya namah ghusmesaaya haum joom sah (since scorpio is maraka also for u hence added mrityunjaya beeja to it)

Ishta devata : Hrishikesa Bhagwaan (Om namo bhagvate hrishikesaya).

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