Read my chart please - very much in need of help

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Read my chart please - very much in need of help

Post by srimedico » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:35 pm


I will give the feedback promptly to the chart reader , and will provide any additional info required abt my past events .

And i will be very thankful to him/her/them , for helping me out and for their time .

*   Srinadh .. M , april 28 1985 , 18 15 hrs ( dont know exactly , between 5.45 pm to 6.30 pm ) , ( No DST ) , Vijayawada , India
i request to pls check into my natal chart first , and see if there is anything like - my love will not be successful with the planet positions i have ... if so , do let me know so that i will try to be absolutely resistant to enter into any further relationship , which spares me from getting hurt repeatedly ....  :? ( i already suffered a love failure ,, dont want another )

I also cant stand any form of separation from the one i were to marry  or the kids (to-be )  :(  ... so pls check this as well in my chart and advise ( meaning to say - cant stand divorce , if its there in my chart ... if its inevitable in my chart , then better to remain single i guess )


Never seriously believed in  astrology ….. but after seeing whats happening with my love life and my education/career …  I am lost … and in search for some answers , i tried to know what astrology is ...  and now I almost believe that there is something more influencing my life than my principles/beliefs/attitudes and perception alone .

I am more of a introvert , don’t have many friends … but when with them and with the ones I like , I am very active , make them laugh , make them feel special .

I always tend to like the girls I meet spontaneously/unplannedly ,,, and if they have good heart/character  I tend to commit to them in no time ,,, and I will be loyal to them and make adjustments to fit into their style to make them feel  comfortable … I don’t resist much , if they want to leave me ,, bcos i believd that if its true love she had on me , she will stay , come what may ,,, and if someone gets the idea to leave me implies that , she had no true love on me , and in which case there is no point to asking her to hold back..

My concept of love or marriage has always been this .. “ if it shud happen ,it shud happen by itself - spontaneously , not planned or arranged and if it shud happen , it shud  happen for pure abstract reasons

Actually i am not against arranged  marriages , i do acknowledge that , as long as we be pure , true and loving from our side without expecting anything from others ( which is the principle i follow ) ,,, then in most probability , others will definitely reciprocate in the same way , be it after 1 week , 1 year , 1decade or atleast before i die .

but what i feel is why to ignore the more unconditional love that happened by itself and go for some what conditioned love of arranged marriage ( as far as i can push it )

So till now I always used to consider committing to such girl , whom I meet incidentally and to whom my heart dies for .  

• since i like very very few girls in general , I always had this feeling that , if i loose this girl now , there is a  chance of not meeting another girl again ever , who is to my heart's liking .
• And besides , unless there is some problem ( like for eg. if our horoscopes dont match to the highest degree  etc ) why shud i not proceed with her uninhibitedly and see where time takes us , ( if i love her and if she loves me too , we get married ) what harm will it cause .... this is how i feel to myself . i believe that even if i get my pg seat by saving time by not getting involved with her and using that time to study .. i personally will regret it later ,, bcos, though i want both equally , but if i have to chose --  to me people and love ( when it happens by itself  ) are first priority than study/career/money . ( this opinion of mine is more strengthened now bcos of the security that , even without PG and with just my mbbs degree , i can make a decent living )

Y shud i have to lose her to study , y not both ... even though there can be some delay in the result of study with this method .... i can accept that delay . -- this i how i feel

Pls let me know and correct me , if these priorities and principles of mine are wrong or even though right , dont go well with my chart

, as i have mars in 8th bhava ,  is it true that i will have very hard time if i go for marriage :?:  if so , will this be repeated with everyone i get into relationship with ? is it better to try not to enter into any relationship at all in future and remain single , than to get hurt when it fails    

I can’t handle being separated from the ones I love  ,, I don’t want my next relation to go like this ,, can u pls suggest me a specific time period , which is good for a lifelong lasting happy relationship according to my chart  …. So that I will be absolutely resistant to any girl until such time ..

Though my heart dearly wants to love and be loved …. If there is any anything in my chart that tells me I have some bad planets in some houses , and cannot have a happy relationship ever … pls do let me know , so that I can try to be absolutely  resistant to get into any further relationship at all  and can remain single for life long ,, which spares me from getting hurt repeatedly …

I also cant stand any form of separation from the one i were to marry  or the kids (to-be )  :(  ... so pls check this as well in my chart and advise  ( meaning to say - cant stand divorce , if its there in my chart ... if its inevitable in my chart , then better to remain single i guess  )




Though I am a very successful and appraised state ranker  , my education once after  I entered mbbs course has been discontinuous and had sorrow times  .. though discontinuous , the percentage i got in the subjects has been good to excellent ,, Does my chart suggest anything regarding this , is my education not bright after 2003/2004  .. )  . I failed to pass in 1st year  mbbs exams  

in jan or feb 2009   …  during the job ( nov 2008 to may 2009 , I have earned relatively good amount of money ,, spent all the money , didn’t save it though

Seems that a astrologer  told my parents ( while I was a infant ) that I have khuja dosham  ,,, and that I shud be marrying a girl with same khuja dosham ….??

Will that khuja dosha will be life long ?? or is it already over , and have nothing to worry about ?

Do i have a marriage at all in my chart .. If yes , At what age will i get married ? can i have a happy marriage ?

I know that I can get that PG rank if I start reading ,, but , despite some attempts ,  I couldnot sustain concentration on reading past 4 months or so .. probably bcos my heart is yearning to get love  

Will I get my PG rank in 2012 ?  (  i dont have reservation ,, and i shud get below 50 rank to get the seat , which actually is  difficult , but not impossible )

( actually there are 3 different major pg exams in 2012 , march 2012 ( state wide entrance , tough , but not as much as nation wide entrances ) &  may 2012 , nov 2012 ( nation wide entrances , so more competetion , more difficult ) ... apart from these major , some other nation wide entrances ( difficult ) also are spread out through out the year )

or the worst case , will i get my PG rank atleast before march 2013 ( state wide entrance) ?

and what abt my PG education in future ( cardiology is my first interest , i also like paediatrics ... if I take paediatrics , its 3 yrs course or if I take cardiology , its 7 yrs course ( 3yrs + another entrance to clear + 3yrs )… 2012 to 2019/2020 tentatively ) ,, will this period be favourable for me in education

Will i fare well in my profession ?

Will I be financially successful ?

Any specific areas of health , where i need to take care/precautions
If there are serious hardships in my future in the form of any doshas or bad planets in wrong houses etc , kindly give me suggestions , to minimize the struggle and for better life .

My relation with dad, mom and my only sibling ( elder brother ) , is 70 % ok , with occasional quarrels/conflicts … they are very supportive ..  despite some indifferences , we love one another very much , and cannot see us apart .

Thank u very much for reading all this ,

Eagerly awaiting your response,, desperately need some serious guidance , with the phase that’s going through now .

Besides , history taking is very much important in our profession to arrive at a correct diagnosis …. I assume that astrologers are no different than doctors  .

I will give the feedback promptly to the chart reader , and will provide any additional info required abt my past events .

And i will be very thankful to him/her/them , for helping me out and for their time .
Last edited by srimedico on Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:19 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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Post by srimedico » Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:03 pm

I am describing my past in brief down here in the 2nd post  ,,,, with a thought that this past events  may make the  chart reading better contemplating .

Besides , history taking is very much important in our profession to arrive at a correct diagnosis …. I assume that astrologers are no different than doctors  .

Abt my past health :  

except for childhood asthma , Tonsillectomy in sep 1994 ( at 9yrs of my age ) , occasional small oral aphthous ulcers , and right now since nov 2011 , Right sciatica has started to show some symptoms and its annoying me . except from this I am pretty much healthy .

Abt my past education :

I have talent and memory … I fared very well with my education until 2002 or 2003  ( even without having any reservations , and being a oc student , i still got a free govt seat in mbbs )…. After which it has been discontinuous as explained above …… but despite the discontinuousness , I enjoyed the study in this mbbs course


during may 2009
, while i was working in a hospital , the hospital's managing director used to be offensive/unjust/mean towards the staff ,, which i couldnot accept , and it continued for 2 months or so ,, and i got vexed , and initiated a movement among the staff against him , and we , staff , combinedly lodged a complaint and brought it to the notice of the founder of the hospital ( when he came for a monthly visit ) ----- and we succeded in transferring that MD , and got a new managing director in his place ,,,, and later  the founder of the hospital , himself , a renowned cardiologist , spoke addressing me -- this became the talk of the hospital for quite a while , and i was treated like a hero actually

( i guess that i shouldn't be ideally doing like that , bcos it has a potential risk that i cud have lost the job , if that movement were to be failed ,,, but luckily i emerged unscathed

i now am with a feeling that ,, i shud not repeat that in future jobs , if anyone act meanly/unjustly ....

rather , i think that i shud focus on - how correctly/sincerely i am doing my part and try not to get involved with such risks )  ... donno if this is a correct resolution or not , but for now i am thinking like this .


main current problem of mine

My heart wants to love and be loved  ... yes i acknowledge that my mom , dad , elder brother and 2 very close friends are there who show unconditional love on me ... but still my heart yearns for a special person ( in the form a life partner )

so usually , i wud have acted uninhibitedly , and wud have committed to her after some time , when i am certain that i absolutely love her and if she loves me too

but problem is i am hesitating to move uninhibitedly , bcos of the fear " what if , my relationship with the next girl also end up like the previous girl "

so i started thinking for some reasons y my previous girl had to leave me , despite the fact that we both loved each other very much , and even her mom accepted initially ,,, but we didnt end up with each other ( which is how we dreamt our lives when we were in love )

I know for a fact that mine or her egos or immaturity or something on our part is not the reason for our separation . And i recalled later that her mom has asked me once abt my birth time ,, then i realized that may be they have asked some astrologer to look up my horo

so i just got curious abt my jathaka/horo and wanted to know abt it .. and i came to know that the kuja dosha i have is considered to be a bad thing abt marriage , so may be thats y her mom denied

So i thought may be then lets not think abt love and all , lets concentrate on pg entrance ...  Even after few sincere attempts my heart is yearning and preferring to have someone special for it .

but i am worried abt marriage ( as i learnt recently that , horoscope incompatible relationships wont survive long ) ...

Also worried --  kuja in 8th house in my chart -- is it active or is it cancelled ,, and if its there how much points ( Dr.BV Raman ) ... and can u pls tell if i have a successful marriage in my chart .. if yes what might be the age i get married
Last edited by srimedico on Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:29 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Read my chart please - very much in need of help

Post by astro_scholr » Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:24 am

srimedico wrote:*************************************************

I will give the feedback promptly to the chart reader , and will provide any additional info required abt my past events .

And i will be very thankful to him/her/them , for helping me out and for their time .

*   Sri .. M , april 28 1985 , 18 15 hrs ( dont know exactly , between 5.45 pm to 6.30 pm ) , ( No DST ) , Vijayawada , India
i request to pls check into my natal chart first , and see if there is anything like - my relationships will not be successful with the planet positions i have ... if so , do let me know so that i will try to be absolutely resistant to enter into any further relationship , which spares me from getting hurt repeatedly ....  :? ( i already suffered a love failure ,, dont want another )

I also cant stand any form of separation from the one i were to marry  or the kids (to-be )  :(  ... so pls check this as well in my chart and advise


Hello I am a 26 yr old  , Taurus , male from a middle class family , I completed my MBBS degree course ( Doctor ) in oct 2010 … and I am currently  preparing for PG entrance exam ..

Never seriously believed in  astrology ….. but after seeing whats happening with my previous two relationships and my education/career …  I am lost … and in search for some answers , i tried to know what astrology is ...  and now I almost believe that there is something more influencing my life than my principles/beliefs/attitudes and perception alone .

I am more of a introvert , don’t have many friends … but when with them and with the ones I like , I am very active , make them laugh , make them feel special .

I always tend to like the girls I meet spontaneously/unplannedly ,,, and if they have good heart/character  I tend to commit to them in no time ,,, and I will be loyal to them and make adjustments to fit into their style to make them feel  comfortable … I don’t resist much , if they want to leave me ,, bcos i believd that if its true love she had on me , she will stay , come what may ,,, and if someone gets the idea to leave me implies that , she had no true love on me , and in which case there is no point to asking her to hold back..

The first girl ( my classmate )  I seriously  liked is the one who is already engaged to someone , and she is 2 yrs older than me ( I don’t know abt this age difference till recently ) … and when the first relation broke , the second one ( colleague ) entered , she is 1 year older ( knew it after committing myself to her … but didn’t give importance to it , as I believe that love in our hearts is what that matters ,  and that age is not a criteria ) …  and the third one I currently like is 9 yrs younger  ( our family  moved into a new house , she is a neighbor  ,,  she used to call me as brother :( initially  , as I am her passed-out senior from medical college , she is a to-be doctor too , joined her 1st year of mbbs in aug 2011  )
Common point of these 3 girls is , all are doctors

But bcos of my unsuccessful  past 2 relationships  in which there have been hard times as equal as the happy times  , I wonder if I tried / trying to get close to girls in wrong time ,, I mean ,  am I in a dull phase since 2005 to 2011 ? …. (Despite the sorrows , I am happy that the previous two girls came into my life , for I had some most beautiful moments with them , I cherish those moments . )

, as i have mars in 8th bhava ,  is it true that i will have very hard time if i go for marriage :?: is this the reason y i had unsuccessful past relationship with the 2nd girl ( despite she and me were very much in favor of getting married , but failed bcos of her mom's denial ) ,, if so , will this be repeated with everyone i get into relationship with ? is it better to try not to enter into any relationship at all in future and remain single , than to get hurt when it fails    

I can’t handle being separated from the ones I love  ,, I don’t want my next relation to go like this ,, can u pls suggest me a specific time period , which is good for a lifelong lasting happy relationship according to my chart  …. So that I will be absolutely resistant to any girl until such time ..

Though my heart dearly wants to love and be loved …. If there is any anything in my chart that tells me I have some bad planets in some houses , and cannot have a happy relationship ever … pls do let me know , so that I can try to be absolutely  resistant to get into any further relationship at all  and can remain single for life long ,, which spares me from getting hurt repeatedly …
Seeing the past 2 relations , made be ask like this  .

I also cant stand any form of separation from the one i were to marry  or the kids (to-be )  :(  ... so pls check this as well in my chart and advise




Though I am a very successful and appraised state ranker ( i have got no reservation , i am an OC student ) , my education once after  I entered mbbs course ( in aug 2003) has been discontinuous and had sorrow times  .. though discontinuous , the percentage i got in the subjects has been good to excellent ,, Does my chart suggest anything regarding this , is my education not bright after 2003/2004  .. )  . I failed to pass in 1st year  mbbs exams in aug 2004  ( even before my 1st girl entered into my life –which was in mid 2006 , she is a virgo ( aug 28 1983 , already engaged to someone even before I met her  , and seems she is 2 yrs older than me didn’t knowabt this till recently) ,, and later in 2006 ( 2nd year ) had a with-held result for 3 months for some reason , which later proved that I didn’t malpractice in exams ,,, and later in last year of mbbs  (2008 ) , I chose to not write final exams for 1 full year and in this time ,  joined in a hospital for job ( where my 2nd one ( 28 march 1984 , aries ,, she is single only when I met her )  entered --  in jan or feb 2009   …  during the job ( nov 2008 to may 2009 , I have earned relatively good amount of money ,, spent all the money , didn’t save it though ) I wrote the skipped final year  exam in sep 2009 , passed ,,, 1 year internship completed in  oct 2010 … after which I am preparing for PG entrance ( with a belief that the 2nd one , first ever girl I committed myself to ,  gets back to me and that we get married ) , but learnt on july 4th 2011 that she got married in 20th may 2011 ,,,, and since july 4 2011 , life is very depressing and horrible ,, not able to concentrate on studies … i am better now though , after grieving for these  3 or 4 months ,,, but I think I am feeling lonely inside , and waiting for someone to  enter into my life , yet again ,( but I hope that this will be permanent ) ,,,

and when this 3rd girl Mo    *   Mo .. F , june 6 1994 , 14 45 hrs ( + or - 5 min ) , ( No DST ) , Vijayawada , India
entered 4-5 months back ( oct 2011 ) , ,  our family moved into a new house , she is a neighbor ,, Ironically she used to call me as brother  :(  initially  , as I am her passed-out senior from medical college , she is a to-be doctor too , joined her 1st year of mbbs in aug 2011  …. interestingly with this 3rd one ,  it first started  with a physical attraction on her and this one is very rich ( unlike the previous two girls  , where I liked them for their character and both of them are below-middle class  – I always believed  , that character is more important than materialistic money or physical attributes ) …  though it started with physical attraction , I refrained from it  ,, and since recently she is showing some extra closeness to me (  now a days  , she is calling me with name , and calling bro only  when elders are around  ) , I came to know abt her In these days and I like her heart and energy/cheerfulness  ,, so what I am thinking now is since I liked her and since now she is moving closely too ,,, can I advance closely with her ,, and the fact that she is rich serves me the purpose of buying pg seat ( which costs around 60-70 lakhs , which me or my family cannot afford ) , if I couldn’t get rank in the come entrance exam in march 2012 ( owing to lack of concentration ) , bcos I have to get the PG rank/seat this time ( or the worst case by march 2013 ,, as I am getting too old for this ..... our pg entrance will be conducted 4 times before 2013 ,, march 2012 , may 2012 , nov 2012 , march 2013 )  , but  the fact that she is a Gemini  ( though I think that I can give her freedom with her social friends , and will be not possessive … I too am am fun loving , witty , like to go places like typical geminis,  )_and the fact that she is 9 years younger than me is bothering me ,, what wud u advice me ,,  

is this the one ? …   ( if so ,  I guess there will be very much struggle to convince their parents , owing to the big age difference between her and me )

Seems that a local  astrologer  told my parents ( while I was a infant ) that I have khuja dosham  ,,, and that I shud be marrying a girl with same khuja dosham ….  This girl has mars in 8th house too ,, like mine ... so are we compatiable in this regard of kuja dosham ??

Will that khuja dosha will be life long ?? or is it already over , and have nothing to worry about ?

I know that I can get that PG rank if I start reading ,, but , despite some attempts ,  I couldnot sustain concentration on reading past 4 months or so .. probably bcos my heart is yearning to get love  

Will I get my PG rank in 2012 ?  (  i dont have reservation ,, and i shud get below 50 rank to get the seat , which actually is  difficult )

( actually there are 3 different major pg exams in 2012 , march 2012 ( state wide entrance , tough , but not as much as nation wide entrances ) &  may 2012 , nov 2012 ( nation wide entrances , so more competetion , more difficult ) ... apart from these major , some other nation wide entrances ( difficult ) also are spread out through out the year )

or the worst case , will i get my PG rank atleast before march 2013 ( state wide entrance) ?

or should I stop education and join in some hospital for job , with just MBBS ,, and re-try pursuing pg after 1yr or 2yrs etc ., when my planets favour success in studies ., if there is any situation like this in my chart

and what abt my PG education in future ( cardiology is my first interest , i also like paediatrics ... if I take paediatrics , its 3 yrs course or if I take cardiology , its 7 yrs course ( 3yrs + another entrance to clear + 3yrs )… 2012 to 2019/2020 tentatively ) ,, will this period be favourable for me in education

Will i fare well in my profession ?

Will I be financially successful ?

If there are serious hardships in my future , kindly give me suggestions , to minimize the struggle and for better life .

My relation with dad, mom and my only sibling ( elder brother ) , is 70 % ok , with occasional quarrels/conflicts … they are very supportive ..  despite some indifferences , we love one another very much , and cannot see us apart .

Thank u very much for reading all this ,

Eagerly awaiting your response,, desperately need some serious guidance , with the phase that’s going through now .

I am describing my past in brief down here in the 2nd post  ,,,, with a thought that this past events  may make the  chart reading better contemplating .

Besides , history taking is very much important in our profession to arrive at a correct diagnosis …. I assume that astrologers are no different than doctors  .

I will give the feedback promptly to the chart reader , and will provide any additional info required abt my past events .

And i will be very thankful to him/her/them , for helping me out and for their time .

Boy... That was big message. I am not good @ disecting past stories and tell why it happened.  

as per date provided horo as provided by JHora sw: Moon in Cancer, Mars in taurus, Sun and Rahu in Aries, KEtu in libra with Asc (as per 18:00) in chitra star. venus and mercury in pisces. jupiter in capri. You are running thru Venus Period from 2007 and will end in 2027. Excellent period to be in medical (white dress ) profession. You will do well if you chose women related subject like gyno, maternity. I see more growth in doctor profession and you will do well.

about love, my friend since u r introvert ( as u said) u will fall in love easily and feel pain later as u adjust too much to other sex, they will take u for granted and take for ride. u dont need to adjust for them, u shud make them to adjust for u , fall for u. You have good charisma utilize it.

what u shud do in future:
use the lesson learnt to become love guru :-). KEep control on urself.
concentrate on medical profession. Gain more name and do well. please help needy people as you jupiter is weak. you need to help old people.

pray Lord Durga daily "Ohm sri durgaye namaha". Since Rahu represents friends circle u will need to chose friends carefully as u tend to chose wrong people for friendship ( its not ur fault) end up getting cheated. Hence sugest praying Lord sharavana daily "ohm sharavana bhavaya namaha". Once in year visit Shabarimala.

all in all i suggest forget failures, learn from the past and move forward positively. Dont think hour glass is empty rather think as opportunity to fill it with your hard work. All the best

since jupiter is weak in 7th house , wear yellow saphire in right hand pointing finger. You need to keep in mind that u shud avoid non veg and take ring out during taking bath so that soap is not touched to ring. Pray daily Gayathri manthram.

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Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:04 pm

Post by srimedico » Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:21 pm

^ first of all , thank u astro_scholr for ur advice and time .Thank u from the bottom of my heart

will try to chant the mantras u advised

usually in india , more so in AP , almost no boy will choose obstretrics/gynaecology in PG ... even keeping aside that i have zero interest in that branch . so i am not inclined even if my chart says that i do well in that , bcos as u may also acknowledge that , interest/love on what we do is what matters in the first place
personally i like cardiology ( 3yrs + another entrance + 3 yrs ) and paediatrics ( 3yrs pg course )


Now to the main current problem of mine

My heart wants to love and be loved  ... yes i acknowledge that my mom , dad , elder brother and 2 very close friends are there who show unconditional love on me ... but still my heart yearns for a special person ( in the form a life partner )

so usually , i wud have acted uninhibitedly , and wud have committed to her after some time , when i am certain that i absolutely love her and if she loves me too

but problem is i am hesitating to move uninhibitedly , bcos of the fear " what if , my relationship with the next girl also end up like the previous girl "

so i started thinking for some reasons y my previous girl had to leave me , despite the fact that we both loved each other very much , and even her mom accepted initially ,,, but we didnt end up with each other ( which is how we dreamt our lives when we were in love )

I know for a fact that mine or her egos or immaturity or something on our part is not the reason for our separation . And i recalled later that her mom has asked me once abt my birth time ,, then i realized that may be they have asked some astrologer to look up my horo

so i just got curious abt my jathaka/horo and wanted to know abt it .. and i came to know that the kuja dosha i have is considered to be a bad thing abt marriage , so may be thats y her mom denied

So i thought may be then lets not think abt love and all , lets concentrate on pg entrance ...  Even after few sincere attempts my heart is yearning and preferring to have someone special for it .

but i am worried abt marriage ( as i learnt recently that , horoscope incompatible relationships wont survive long ) ...

so can u pls tell me  , if our horos match ( basing on asht-koot , other kutas which are not given scores in asht-koot , upapada , Papasamya , Dasa-Sandhi ) . bcos i dont want another love failure .. and also i want a happy and loving marriage ... is that possible with this girl as per astro


can u pls telll me , kuja dosha in 8th house in my chart -- is it active or is it cancelled ,, and if its there how much points ( as per Dr.BV Raman ) ... and can u pls tell if i have a successful marriage in my chart .. if yes what might be the age i get married


• My concept of love or marriage has always been this .. “ if it shud happen ,it suhd happen by itself - spontaneously , not planned or arranged and if it shud happen , it shud  happen for pure abstract reasons “ .. So till now I always used to consider committing to such girl , whom I meet incidentally and to whom my heart dies for .  
• since i like very very few girls in general , I always had this feeling that , if i loose this girl now , there is a  chance of not meeting another girl again ever , who is to my heart's liking .
• And besides , unless there is some problem ( like for eg. if our horoscopes dont match to the highest degree  etc ) why shud i not proceed with her uninhibitedly and see where time takes us , ( if i love her and if she loves me too , we get married ) what harm will it cause .... this is how i feel to myself . i believe that even if i get my pg seat by saving time by not getting involved with her and using that time to study .. i personally will regret it later ,, bcos, though i want both equally , but if i have to chose --  to me people and love ( when it happens by itself  ) are first priority than study/career/money . ( this opinion of mine is more strengthened now bcos of the security that , even without PG and with just my mbbs degree , i can make a decent living )

Y shud i have to lose her to study , y not both ... even though there can be some delay in the result of study with this method .... i can accept that delay .
Last edited by srimedico on Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by astro_scholr » Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:19 pm

srimedico wrote:^ first of all , thank u astro_scholr for ur advice and time .Thank u from the bottom of my heart

will try to chant the mantras u advised

usually in india , more so in AP , almost no boy will choose obstretrics/gynaecology in PG ... even keeping aside that i have zero interest in that branch . so i am not inclined even if my chart says that i do well in that , bcos as u may also acknowledge that , interest/love on what we do is what matters in the first place
personally i like cardiology ( 3yrs + another entrance + 3 yrs ) and paediatrics ( 3yrs pg course )


Now to the main current problem of mine

My heart wants to love and be loved  ... yes i acknowledge that my mom , dad , elder brother and 2 very close friends are there who show unconditional love on me ... but still my heart yearns for a special person ( in the form a life partner )

Now , i like this girl "Mo" very much , since the last 3, 4 months .. and she is showing signs of liking me too ...

so usually , i wud have acted uninhibitedly , and wud have committed to her after some time , when i am certain that i absolutely love her and if she loves me too

but problem is i am hesitating to move uninhibitedly , bcos of the fear " what if , my relationship with this girl also end up like the previous girl "

so i started thinking for some reasons y my previous girl had to leave me , despite the fact that we both loved each other very much , and even her mom accepted initially ,,, but we didnt end up with each other ( which is how we dreamt our lives when we were in love )

I know for a fact that mine or her egos or immaturity or something on our part is not the reason for our separation . And i recalled later that her mom has asked me once abt my birth time ,, then i realized that may be they have asked some astrologer to look up my horo

so i just got curious abt my jathaka/horo and wanted to know abt it .. and i came to know that the kuja dosha i have is considered to be a bad thing abt marriage , so may be thats y her mom denied

So i thought may be then lets not think abt love and all , lets concentrate on pg entrance ...  Even after few sincere attempts my heart is yearning and preferring to have someone special for it .

And then , happened to get acquainted to this girl " Mo " since the last 5 months or so .. i like her very very much for her heart and her energy/cheerful attitude

but i am worried if our match is compatiable ( as i learnt recently that , horoscope incompatible relationships wont survive long ) ...

so can u pls tell me  , if our horos match ( basing on asht-koot , other kutas which are not given scores in asht-koot , upapada , Papasamya , Dasa-Sandhi ) . bcos i dont want another love failure .. and also i want a happy and loving marriage ... is that possible with this girl as per astro


can u pls telll me , kuja dosha in 8th house in my chart -- is it active or is it cancelled ,, and if its there how much points ( as per Dr.BV Raman ) ... and can u pls tell if i have a successful marriage in my chart .. if yes what might be the age i get married


• My concept of love or marriage has always been this .. “ if it shud happen ,it suhd happen by itself - spontaneously , not planned or arranged and if it shud happen , it shud  happen for pure abstract reasons “ .. So till now I always used to consider committing to such girl , whom I meet incidentally and to whom my heart dies for .  
• I dont exactly know y  , but I usually dont      get impressed with or like/love      most of the girls I met ( almost none ). Infact ( not simultaneously ofcourse , but when previous relationship ended/got over ) till now (of some , say 50 or odd girls I met spontaneously , be at college or at hospitals or elsewhere )  I only liked 2 girls in a special way and now this new girl "Mo"
• since i like very very few girls in general , I always had this feeling that , if i loose this girl now , there is a  chance of not meeting another girl again ever , who is to my heart's liking . And besides , unless there is some problem ( like for eg. if our horoscopes dont match to the highest degree  etc ) why shud i not proceed with her uninhibitedly and see where time takes us , ( if i love her and if she loves me too , we get married ) what harm will it cause .... this is how i feel to myself . i feel that even if i get my pg seat by saving time by not getting involved with her and using that time to study .. i personally will regret it later ,, bcos, though i want both equally , but if i have to chose --  to me people and love ( when it happens by itself  ) are first priority than study/career/money . ( this opinion of mine is more strengthened now bcos of the security that , even without PG and with just my mbbs degree , i can make a decent living )

Y shud i lose her to study , y not both ... even though there can be some delay in the result with this method .... i can accept that delay .

I do understand ur interest in cardiology or paediatrics. Since u are running venus period and is strong in your chart, i sugested for women related course. during venus period if u take venus related professions due to luck u will do well...till 20127 u can not avoid getting away from women they will come like Axe dont worry that u will not get girl for ur liking.. wait for another 5 years before making concrete decision about marriage and family.. till them concentrate in ur profession.

about girls "ma, me, mo," dont trust them they r not trustworthy...

i agree my friend that love happens..u dont know when heart falls for someone...u really dont knw y heart beats for some person...but u need to control...bcs heart is rascal...

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Post by srimedico » Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:40 pm

just wondering why are u of this opinion that all girls are not trustworthy and y do u think heart is a rascal ... any way thank u sincerely for ur help and time :)

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Post by chk » Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:41 am

Sorry guys, I don't want to be a spoil sport here, just giving my immediate reaction after reading your long posts, hope you wont feel offended.

LOL @srimedico after reading your detailed posts any one would easily feel girls are not trustworthy and rascal, so it's a bit of surprise you did not realise it yet.Well, personally I would not say girls are not trust worthy, but I would put it as girls are more dynamic and highly adaptable unlike guys.So If a guy would want to adjust with them, he has to shed some of his static nature and try to be little observant, if not as observant as girls.Any one does not want a mere LOVE unless it's practical and adaptable. Take it easy and have fun.Life is too short and too precious to worry/to end for girls ;)

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Post by srimedico » Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:00 am

^ @chk ... no offence taken ... i understand ur point of view ... cheers

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Post by AllIsOne » Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:03 am

Dear Sri,
I have a question first-you said"I also cant stand any form of separation from the one i were to marry  or the kids (to-be )".There are age and cultural differences between us and I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
What would happen if your wife walked into another room and the door accidentally locked behind her?Is it the custom where you live for husband to accompany their wives to the bathroom?I need you to tell me more.

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Post by AllIsOne » Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:17 am

Dear Sri,
If you want help you need to answer the question,not avoid it.
But if you don't,I wish you well.

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Post by AllIsOne » Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:18 am

Dear Sri,
Forgive my incompetence,I read the posts in reverse order
and thought you answered me.Please ignore last post.

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Post by srimedico » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:07 am

Hi steve .. What i meant is i cannot stand separation in the form of divorce or death ... So i thought if those two things are inevitable in my chart , i wud prefer to remain single and try not to get into any sort of relationship .. Which spares me from the dilemma and mental struggle <Am i deprived of a happy love and marital life , and destined like that owing to certain planet positions in my birth chart . >

If someone can relieve me from this confusion and struggle , i can peacefully concentrate on my study and career . Even if it is clear that i cannot have such happy married life , then let it be , i wil totally close that option and focus on career . But since i have no astro knowledge to know abt this thing ,  i am seeking learned astrologers help . :-(
Last edited by srimedico on Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by AllIsOne » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:45 am

Dear Sri,
Death is the paramount fact of life.The cycles of birth and death will not be the subject of your whim .Besides,did you not die as a child to become a man?Will your parents,aunts,uncles and older siblings all refuse to go to accommodate you.You have a lot of rethinking to do.The birth chart is NOT responsible for your life.It can certainly show areas where we need improvement.But do you have the will to change and grow. to achieve what you're here to do?
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Steve

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Post by srimedico » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:26 am

Uh oh ! What i impliedly meant is , death , say before 70 or so 1

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Post by AllIsOne » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:41 am

No matter what you meant-death is reality.The fact that 70 is OK but 69 will make no difference.
Secondly,I still don't know what you mean by"can't stand it".Do you fall down?Throw a tantrum?What(exactly)do you do.What would I see you doing when"you can't stand it?"
&nbsp;Also,was it your tongue that caused your other relationships to end?

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