Suitable man/brahmachari for marriage?

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Suitable man/brahmachari for marriage?

Post by iloveamma » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:24 am

There is a man I've met in an ashram with whom I've fallen in love with.
He is a bramhachari and has not been happy as a brahmachari for 5 1/2 years and wants to marry me.

We are both very spiritual, and it would be the first aspect of our relationship... but my concern is financial.
Both of our planets are changing this year.

Would he be able to support me financially? Would money be a major issue for us?
Is he honest? What should concern me most about him?
I already know about Saturn in my 7th which may make me unhappy.
So disregarding this aspect, is there any other thing I need to be concerned with?

His date is October 1, 1978 2:55 am Delhi India
Mine is May 1, 1975 11:22 pm Skokie Illinois USA- (6.0 GMT???)
(I believe I was on daylight savings time)

This would be a second marriage for me.
Thanks so much for your time.

Posts: 91
Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:17 pm

Post by iloveamma » Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:25 am

Nobody has replied yet, and it's a fairly important situation.
Although I wrote above this would be a "second" marriage, the first was not truly something which can be called a marriage.
It was not done for a lifelong commitment, only for survival reasons because I was extremely sick and could not take care of myself and he offered to help me if I moved to his country, which I did.
In order to stay there, I had to marry for visa reasons.
We made an agreement that was what the "marriage" was for.
I ask that you please analyze our charts because I've never loved a man more than I love this one.
Several of us (myself included) had visions of him in saffron robes but he keeps telling me he wants to marry me and leave the ashram.
I've had some astrologers tell me somethings, and it hasn't been correct.
I believe I'm on daylight savings time which changes my time to be something like 10:22 pm.
Please please help.
My life has been a disastrous mess for a Long time, and this man is the first sense of hope I've gotten in many years.
I need to know if he will be an honest and reliable partner and how our economic situation will be.
I've been told I had Saturn in the 7th, but also told that was wrong and not true.
I thought my moon was in cap but another one said it was in sagittarius.
Please please help if you can.
Thank you.

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