Daily horoscopes for 15th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 15th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">What's all the fussing and fighting about? You bring your much-needed sense of calm to the center of a fracas. Frankly, some people just enjoy getting in a tizzy -- which is fine for them, but not so fun for the people who have to deal with them on a regular basis. Fortunately, you're ready to step in and save the day with a sense of perspective and a can-do attitude that makes mincemeat out of some mountainous-seeming tasks.



<span id="intelliTxt">A certain amount of frustration may be present in your life right now, much as you would like to avoid it. Try to work solo as much as possible in order to duck any negative energy around you. You can actually turn this sense of discontent to your advantage -- a situation that is using your last nerve as a jump rope might just force you to find a solution. Direct your formidable resources toward this, and you'll be sitting pretty in no time.



<span id="intelliTxt">Recent events have you feeling like you're walking on a tightrope, and you're troubled about how, exactly, you're supposed to make it through. Remain calm and remember to be open to possibilities rather than tightening up in fear, and you'll have an epiphany that will result in a much-needed upsurge of courage right when you need it. Funny how the universe works that way -- many times you get what you need right when you need it.



<span id="intelliTxt">There's no harm in indulging in a few harmless illusions -- unless all that fantasizing is keeping you from looking at events that are happening right in front of your eyes. It might be the time to yank yourself out of fantasyland and plant your feet firmly in reality. The longer you put off dealing with the situation, the more frustrating it will become. So for now, put those daydreams aside and deal with reality. Make it a priority.



<span id="intelliTxt">Straight answers may be hard to come by right now, especially if the questions themselves are as complicated and twisty as any maze. Clearly, the astrological lesson here is that you need to learn how to make up your own mind. Get a little clarity and focus on what you want the outcome of the situation to be, then make your decisions and stand behind them. Once your colleagues and friends see what a success you can be, they'll be coming to you for advice.



<span id="intelliTxt">Making mistakes is normal, so please, no beating yourself up for something that was an absolutely understandable misunderstanding. Nobody's perfect, and what's more, nobody should be -- otherwise, how would you ever get to have any fun in life? In the end, you may find that it wasn't actually much of a mistake at all -- instead, it was more of a detour that took you on a surprisingly enriching and delightful path.



<span id="intelliTxt">Before your friends and neighbors file a missing persons report, reassure them that you're still here -- you just need some time to yourself to tackle a few weighty matters before they get even bigger. They should understand and be more than willing to let you have your privacy. There may be one or two needy people in your life who keep pestering you for some attention, but tell them firmly that now is not a good time for their shenanigans.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're a firm believer that two heads are better than one, so put your money where your mouth is. The stars present you with someone out of your usual comfort zone -- someone a little brash, a little zany -- who's just what the doctor ordered. Your collaboration won't be peaceful, but it will be unusually fruitful and creative. If you question the wisdom of the relationship, don't worry. It will enrich both of you and help you achieve remarkable things.



<span id="intelliTxt">'Expect the unexpected' is your current mantra, and a very wise one at that. Some conflicting celestial energies cause a hoo-hah that needs your wise and discerning eye. These energies aren't all just sturm und drang, however -- they're also bringing about some pretty significant (and welcome) life changes in their wake. Get your financial ducks in a row before the shakedown begins, and you'll be sitting pretty.



<span id="intelliTxt">You have a wonderful chance to revamp your image from the outer details (why on earth do you have so much chartreuse in your wardrobe?) to the inner (really, is it necessary to be so critical of everything your mother says?). That goes double when it comes to matters financial. Keep a close eye on your wallet now. The same impulses that lead you to make change easily might also lead you to spending money foolishly.



<span id="intelliTxt">Get out and about. Your social energy is at an all-time high, and you need only the company of other people to shine. It doesn't matter what the setting is -- you're no snob -- but you might just make a connection that will lead to a lifelong relationship or a professional connection that could lead to something big. It's also a great time on the romantic front is well. If you're attached, there's no harm in reminding your sweetie you can still turn heads.



<span id="intelliTxt">Are you being asked to commit countless hours to a difficult task in the workplace that you sure as heck didn't volunteer for? Before you cross your arms and say no, think about it. Stepping up to the responsibility means that you might just end up in charge of a highly lucrative and highly satisfying enterprise. If you're afraid that you're not prepared for such responsibility, don't be -- trust your abilities. You're ready.



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