Daily horoscopes for 18th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 18th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">You say you really want to change, but are you sincere, or just saying the words because you know that's what people expect to hear? It's time to examine your motives. You know that things aren't working in their current state, but you feel stymied about how to get them to change. Try examining the payoffs you get from remaining in this situation -- there must be some. Then explore what you would like to see happen. A small mental shift is all it takes to get things started.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your grip on reality may not be quite as firm as it has been in the past. While this fires you up in the creative realm (and may give you some inspiration for finding a solution for a long-standing problem), it's not a great time for risky business when it comes to love or money. No matter how sure-fire a scheme or a prospect seems, if you jump in without thinking, you may live to regret it. Err on the side of caution, and then err on that side some more.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's time to be realistic about your personal relationships. While it may not be the time to rock the boat when it comes to your social and private life, some riveting insights will confirm that you can't let others (or your own insecurities) run the show. Why limit yourself by being a slave to your fears or from an urge to please other people? Practice patience so you're able to act with more integrity, and your ability to make lasting changes will grow by leaps and bounds.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your enthusiasm runneth over, but make sure you save some of that energy to deal with a relationship that is more complicated than it seems. It's a great time to untangle knotty problems and work out thorny workplace tangles, so make sure you bring that can-do spirit to everything you encounter. Your effervescent personality may just lasso some new friends and lucrative professional opportunities into your life.



<span id="intelliTxt">Lookin' for love in all the wrong places? Maybe it's time to halt the search for the moment and figure out what it is you really want from the relationship question. It doesn't matter if it's a friendship, personal or professional relationship -- if it's causing you an inordinate amount of fuss, it's time to examine what's at the foundation of it, what you expect to get from it, and what exactly you put into it. Getting some clarity on your motives will help resolve any tension.



<span id="intelliTxt">Shuffle the deck before you deal yourself a possibly bum hand -- again. It's time to look over the possibilities and choose a new way to deal with a situation that you've seen in your life before. This is a definite celestial nudge that you need to look at old patterns and ways in which they don't work -- and, perhaps, needlessly complicate your life in ways that you could avoid in the future. It may take practice, but it'll be worth it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone close to you may not come through in the way you had hoped, and you're left feeling let down. If you're not happy with their actions or felt they were out of line, now is your chance to change them. You don't necessarily have to confront them right away, but don't sit on your feelings and just hope that they'll go away. It's better for the health of your relationship to set boundaries that both of you can learn to respect.



<span id="intelliTxt">Enough with the overanalyzing. It's time to act. The truth is, you're ultimately a creative creature, with talent to spare and the ability to inspire the people around you. You can galvanize even the most slack jawed type to participating in the schemes you dream up with enthusiasm and heart. The people around you can see how fantastic you are, so isn't it time you saw it in yourself? Big changes are coming, and the stars point to some great ones in store for you.



<span id="intelliTxt">Routine tasks may not be your cup of tea, since your practical abilities seem to be taking a little nap. See if you can put off day-to-day tasks until just a little later, or you may find that you inadvertently sent your dry-cleaning to Timbuktu. Luckily, your creative and psychic powers are heightened, which makes you a veritable fountain of ideas and information just when you need it. Pay attention to what your soul is saying.



<span id="intelliTxt">People may not realize how adventurous you truly are, since you're so dependable. Go ahead and surprise them by shifting gears and throwing yourself into an artistic pursuit. Not all artists are necessarily flaky, and not all reliable types are devoid of imagination. You may feel like you're at a crossroads and are unsure of which way to turn. Follow your heart (and your art). It may seem scarier at first, but it will lead to more satisfaction, both spiritually and fiscally.



<span id="intelliTxt">One of the most admirable things about you is how even when you feel like giving up, your internal drive keeps you going. Now get ready for the payoff for all your efforts, when the stars lift you to a personal pinnacle of professional success and romantic satisfaction. Enjoy all the ensuing congratulations and celebrations that erupt in your honor. It truly doesn't get much better than this, so revel in it!



<span id="intelliTxt">Feel like you've been at the mercy of such extreme highs and lows that you have emotional whiplash? Instead of trying to ignore them, listen to what they're telling you. These big emotions are actually pointing toward a deep inner truth that you've been trying to duck for ages. Events are now forcing you to pay attention, whether you like it or not. Make things easier on yourself and make the decision before the universe does it for you.



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