Daily horoscopes for 20th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 20th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">The ball's in your court, and this could be game, set and match. Give it everything you've got -- holding back now will just confuse your allies and possibly give your opponent just the opening they were waiting for. You wouldn't want to do that, especially when the prize that's within reach is so very sweet. Most importantly, you deserve it, a fact that even any competitors would have to acknowledge. Keep up the good work.



<span id="intelliTxt">Playing mind games gets you nowhere, especially if you make the rules so complicated that no one knows what the point is. You're not doing it on purpose, of course -- it's just that you're so muddled about what it is you do want that things are becoming extremely complicated. Why not take a step away from all the hectic activity and figure out what it is you're trying to achieve? Then approach the situation again with a sense of clarity.



<span id="intelliTxt">You love to offer ideas and advice, and usually they're top-notch, so people love to hear them. However, the stars bring a more argumentative influence to the fore right now, so make sure you can really back up those opinions that you've been handing out so generously. It's even more important that you're positive people actually want to hear your helpful suggestions, and that you're not just lecturing them to hear the sound of your own voice.



<span id="intelliTxt">Shifting patterns in the stars mean some corresponding changes will occur in your life. This affects you, your friends and loved ones, and most importantly, how you and all your loved ones relate to each other. Keep a sense of calm, don't overreact to anything anyone says and remember that when you have faith that things will work out all right in the end, they generally do. Hold on tight, and enjoy the ride.



<span id="intelliTxt">Missing information could prove to be vital to the whole enterprise, so don't jump into a situation before you have all the necessary information. It may be tough, because the initial outline looks so good, so enlist a friend or loved one into helping you wait things out until you've got all the details to make an informed decision. Exercise your patience in this instance and it'll grow stronger, just like a muscle.



<span id="intelliTxt">Take a clear-eyed look at your finances and career before you throw your hat in with someone else's plans. Is this what you really want? Is it even possible at this juncture? These are all crucial questions to ask yourself before you make a move, no matter how much you want to say on the spur of the moment. Your current celestial influences are working hard to get your fiscal situation ship-shape, so don't thwart all their good work.



<span id="intelliTxt">Just because someone else has a problem doesn't automatically make it your problem. The temptation to be 'nice' is ever-present, but it might be kinder to everyone in the long run if you let people deal with problems that are theirs and do your best not to interfere. Not only will it teach them a much-needed sense of responsibility, but you'll get to breathe a deep sigh of relief that there's one less thing on your plate.



<span id="intelliTxt">Don't rock the love boat just because you're feeling a touch cantankerous, or it could be a totally unnecessary case of passenger overboard. There's a time and a place for a big discussion, so make sure this absolutely needs discussing before you march in and announce it's time for a state-of-the-union address. Current aggressive astrological influences could trigger a full-scale war from a minor disagreement, so you might want to save it for later.



<span id="intelliTxt">All your schemes and dreams are falling neatly into place, so now is the perfect time to pack up all your troubles and ship 'em out to sea. Normally decision-making confounds you, which leads to procrastination, but to resolve this problem, all you have to do is stop doubting your instincts. You're on the brink of a brand-new epoch of your life. Wonderful adventures await, exotic locales beckon, and your plans are on a major upward swing.



<span id="intelliTxt">There's a lot to think about right now. An offer to rent or buy a larger home might be out of your immediate budget parameters, but it's opportunities like this that allow you to grow. That goes double for work challenges that you're convinced you're not ready for. Hogwash! If you weren't ready for it, you wouldn't be given the chance. Run some numbers, call in some favors, and you'll be pleasantly surprised that you can actually make it all work.



<span id="intelliTxt">In the middle of a tense moment with a friend or loved one? A standoff situation does no one any good and just raises your blood pressure, so find a way to talk about this with the relevant party before it's too late. If you make a genuine effort toward increasing the peace, the stars will do all they can to help. Owning up to your part of the fracas (even if you feel your actions were justified) will go a long way. A little extra charm wouldn't hurt, either.



<span id="intelliTxt">Aren't you sick and tired of, well, feeling so sick and tired? If you're fed up with a situation, it's time to take steps so this circumstance or cycle of feelings doesn't keep cropping up in your life over and over again. The key to breaking this never-ending repetition? Pay attention to what you do, how you speak, the people around you and the consequences of your actions. A little loving concentration will show you the way out.



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