Daily horoscopes for 28th September, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 28th September, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">You're as bubbly as a can full of soda pop, and with good reason. Some recent changes you've made have really started to pay off, and you're able to see just how many choices you have in your life. It's pretty darned wonderful, and part of you wants to get out there and spread the word to your fellow humans. Hold off on any evangelizing tendencies, however, and be content to lead by example. It's really the most effective method.



<span id="intelliTxt">It becomes pretty clear that for a certain suspicious someone, your word may not be enough. If that's the case, you may need to back up your ideas or claims with solid evidence. That's fine -- you're able to find tangible proof that you know what you're talking about, but it won't be effective if you deliver it with hidden resentment. Try to understand where they're coming from and why they require this act of faith on your part before they agree to move forward.



<span id="intelliTxt">As you get older (and, hopefully, wiser) the aim should be to reduce stress and complications. While lots of drama and action are certainly entertaining, they're not necessarily the best or healthiest ways to live. Look at areas in your life that always generate lots and lots of conflict and figure out what you could be doing to bring the anxiety level down to the minimum. Even the smallest action is a step in the right direction.



<span id="intelliTxt">Intriguing new ideas are introduced into your usual way of thinking, and these developments point the way to plenty of renewal. This comes as no surprise to you -- your excellent instincts could tell that something big was coming down the pike. You may be surprised that you feel some hesitancy, but it's understandable. After all, saying yes to one thing means saying no to another -- or does it? Take a step back from the fast pace to reflect on your choices.



<span id="intelliTxt">Isn't it romantic? Well, it definitely could be -- you've got the stars on your side and in your eyes. Set your sights on a cutie that you feel a definite connection with, and just start talking. Remember to breathe and be yourself, and you just might feel that connection turn into a spark. If you're attached, it's a great time to rediscover what exactly it was that drew you two together in the first place. Take a trip down memory lane



<span id="intelliTxt">How hot is your ambition burning right now? Hmmm -- that answer sounds close, but try multiplying that by a factor of 10. The stars stoke your drive for success in a big way. This can help you go the extra mile, but if you let it burn unchecked, it could also cause an ego-driven meltdown. The trick to keeping it in check? Checking in with yourself, and making sure you're not so caught up in the race you forget why you're running.



<span id="intelliTxt">Take a chance on love. Speculation in the romantic realm can work out with surprisingly good results, especially since the stars currently favor bold moves and big risks. Holding back will just hinder your attempt, so whatever you're going after, go after it all the way. You're beyond magnetic right now -- you're practically your own magnetic field, so you're guaranteed that the object of your desire will respond in just the way you'd like.



<span id="intelliTxt">If you go looking for drama, you're sure to find it -- but will you like it once you do? There's the rub. Wouldn't it be easier to figure out what it is you need from the party in question and then have a discussion about it? It's normal if voices get raised and emotions run high, but that's a far cry from charging into a situation with both barrels blazing, which (come on, be honest) is what you're tempted to do. Increase the peace instead.



<span id="intelliTxt">Cast aside any self-doubts -- or better yet, recast them as positive statements. So instead of beating yourself up by saying, 'I make terrible choices,' tell yourself, 'I remain open-minded to all possibilities.' It's amazing how spinning things the right way can give you a new sense of perspective on circumstances that previously had you in the pit of despair. You can see your true potential if you try -- really.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's time to signal a cease-fire between you a close friend or significant other. Can't you find a way to settle your differences? Even agreeing that you'll never come to an agreement on the topic or situation at hand is progress. While it may be difficult at first, speaking honestly to one another and putting aside any impulse to wound or hurt is the only thing that can help heal this rift. Otherwise it may worsen, and that would be a shame.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feeling like this relationship is a struggle for control? Well, maybe that's a big part of the problem. Drop the battle for supremacy and figure out a way to have a partnership. The first step is to not excuse behavior -- yours or the other person's -- that makes you angry or sad. Along the way, it's time to realize that you have much more say in this relationship than you originally thought. Believing this is the first step to freeing yourself.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're caught in a relationship triangle, but it's not with two lovers. There is a third person present who is definitely interfering with a current love interest or a potential one. The trick is to defuse this situation so it doesn't turn into your own private telenovela. Step out of this complicated dance, and focus on what matters at the center of your primary alliance. Then pinpoint the easiest, least dramatic action, and do it.



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