Daily horoscopes for 30th July, 2007

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Daily horoscopes for 30th July, 2007

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:31 pm


<span id="intelliTxt">It's always a good idea to plan ahead, but thinking too much about your future could be keeping you from enjoying your present. Take some time today to just goof around -- let your mind wander from topic to topic, and let your body wander from place to place today. It's important to live in the moment and just enjoy where you are when you're there. When you do that, you'll be able to notice things you never noticed before. There is beauty all around you -- open your eyes and see it!



<span id="intelliTxt">You're usually a fun person to toy with -- you've got a great sense of humor about yourself, and you know how to take a joke. But right now you're feeling a little less game, which means that it might not be the best time to test this aspect of your personality. Unfortunately, not everyone knows this, so you can expect some weird behavior from people who are looking to play. Simply ask them to save the shenanigans for another day, when you're feeling more chipper.



<span id="intelliTxt">The people around you today might act as though their thoughts are set in stone, but that is simply not true -- especially when you (and all your charm) are around. Their opinions are changeable right now, and you can make that change happen if you want to. Think long and hard before you turn on the persuasive comments, because if you get them on your side, you will be responsible for them. Getting people to jump on your bandwagon is a fine idea, but then you have to cart them around!



<span id="intelliTxt">The bad thing about working in a group is that it can be difficult to cut through all the socializing and get actual work done. So today when you are working with others, try to encourage different ideas while at the same time keeping things on track. You have a great ability to get people to listen to you, and this will help you maintain the group momentum. Discourage gossip, and use your popularity to keep everyone on the same page. It will work like a charm!



<span id="intelliTxt">You are more flexible than ever -- both in your mind and in your body! This is a great day to explore a new type of physical exercise like yoga, kickboxing or even ballroom dancing. Your creativity will help you get the hang of it quickly, and even toss in your own unique flair. You can find a different approach to just about everything you do today --from making coffee to laying a line on that new cutie, you will love putting your spin on things!



<span id="intelliTxt">A friend is promising to turn over a new leaf -- for about the twentieth time. It is perfectly normal for you to be skeptical of what they say, but try not to let that keep you from showing your support. Encouragement is all they're asking for, so give it to them. Be open-minded about their attempt at a transformation, and give them the benefit of the doubt. They have been in your corner so many times in the past, and it will be a joy to return the favor. Believe that they can do it.



<span id="intelliTxt">You have the power to improve any tense situation today, with your ability to understand others. Better yet, by respecting other people and what motivates them, you can help everyone understand one another. Use your diplomacy skills to get people together in a room and talking face-to-face. Personal issues will dissolve once things are said aloud. Encourage people to voice their ideas and fears. Opening up will help everyone understand one another better.



<span id="intelliTxt">The decisions you're making now will affect more people than you realize. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't go ahead with the choices you were planning to make, but it does mean that you should be prepared for some conflict. This could be as minor as someone being unable to make a date you suggested, or it could be as major as someone not wanting to go along with your plan. Compromise is not in the cards, although you should always be open to new ideas.



<span id="intelliTxt">Flap your wings, you sweet and sassy social butterfly, you! More than ever before, you are able to relate well to other people from all walks of life. So get out into the world and make sure you have a smile and handshake ready for everyone you meet. Your inner politician is coming out in full force, minus the canned answers and boring hairstyles, of course! You'll get a huge rush out of finding out what people think about everything from the weather to the world.



<span id="intelliTxt">Do you have some ambitious travel planned in your future? Today is a great day to narrow down your options and book some dates -- just make sure that everyone involved has been contacted and approves of your plans. Today you will be a powerful leader, and getting everyone to be on the same page will be easy. Your confident charm is at an all-time high, and you could just about convince anyone to do anything! Timely group consensus could enable a huge savings.



<span id="intelliTxt">The excitement you feel today might be late in coming, but what it lacks in punctuality it will more than make up for in impact. In short, the universe has something planned for you today that will change your life. Expect a shocker late in the day, and prepare to change your upcoming plans and your schedule significantly. Let the news sink in slowly, and don't go blabbing it all over town. This is your information, and it should stay with you for a while.



<span id="intelliTxt">Try not to resist transitions in any of your relationships -- especially the romantic ones -- right now. If you can stay open to changes a little bit longer, then you will benefit from some important new information. Feeling uncomfortable for a short period of time is a small price to pay for an enlightened sense of who you are, and what role you are meant to play in this partnership. Just let things take their course, and you will be able to bob and weave along with the changes.



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Horoscope for July 30th

Post by TawasSquaw » Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:26 am

It looks like tomorrow is going to be a good day &nbsp;:smt002 &nbsp;for me, I sure hope so.

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