Daily horoscopes for 3rd October, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 3rd October, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:30 pm


<span id="intelliTxt">If a coworker seems to have a problem, don't let it get you upset -- you won't be privy to the problem for a few days yet. In the meantime, you're a machine when it comes to getting the job done -- any job -- and you'll get it done well. Since you've probably been playing for the past few days, this diligent mood will be just what the doctor ordered -- if you want to keep your job, that is, and of course you do.



<span id="intelliTxt">Okay, so you've been working hard but you've still got time to make this a day -- and more importantly, an evening -- to remember. You're on a mission -- and you know how you get when your determination kicks in. You want to get up close and personal with a companion who has a taste for quality. Now, do it up right. The flowers, the gourmet meal, the music. Find the right person, and all ingredients will be on hand!



<span id="intelliTxt">You've done your share of dreaming lately, but you may be feeling a bit nervous about taking that first step. Not to worry. No matter what type of offer you extend -- and with your legendary gift of gab, can't help but emerge sounding like poetry -- the Universe is on your side, ready to help you phrase the invitation for a guest list of one in just the right words.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're tired, confused, and wondering if you can even communicate what's on your mind. You can. If you let your feelings out honestly without stopping them for a second, you'll be able to make your point easily. Oh, and any sibling or neighbor who tries to give you a hard time, just for fun, had better come to this verbal duel well-armed -- because if they don't they'll be quite embarrassed when it's all over.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's definitely time to relax, because romance is still very much on your personal agenda. Of course, you'll need to finish up your chores, balance the checkbook and shop -- but once that's over, you'll be free to fully commit yourself to the concept of nothing but recreation. You being the romantic, it won't be difficult to entice that certain companion to join you -- the one who'll be more than happy to pretend not to rush over the moment you call.



<span id="intelliTxt">At this point, you may be a bit more -- okay, a lot more emotional than you usually are, but it's entirely understandable. Everyone gets to feel confused when they're putting their priorities in order. It's just your turn. In the meantime, though, since you're certainly no exception, allow yourself to be sentimental and nostalgic, and to 'gush' as much as you like. It'll do you good -- and your relationship even better.



<span id="intelliTxt">Okay, so since life could be a bit tricky now, especially since the rumor mill hasn't shut down just yet -- and in fact, it's picking up speed -- you may have a problem holding onto that secret you've been wrestling with. Your challenge is to decide if it might not be time to approach the person(s) involved and offer to let the cat out of the bag. The good news is that you're verbally adept enough to open that bag without anyone being at all angry with you about it. Good for you.



<span id="intelliTxt">You were probably quite irritated with someone who deceived you recently, and remnants of those feelings could be hanging over your heart right now. If it's a friend who's responsible, you can make peace, but not until later tonight, after you've had the chance to do some detective work to prove to yourself that you're right to help. In the meantime, you'll have to endure at least one more conversation with the same person over the same issue before it's over. Oh, you can do it. You're tough.



<span id="intelliTxt">After days of enjoying a delightfully keen companion, you're still not quite ready to quit. You may even be in the mood to have one of those verbal sparring matches for an audience, since your ego (yep, you've got one, too) is urging you to get out there and prove yourself. If your partner (i.e. opponent) doesn't quite see it that way initially, don't worry. If you can't convince them to see it your way after just a bit of persuasion, give it a rest. You wouldn't want to lose this, would you?



<span id="intelliTxt">You may have a long-distance friend or lover on your mind, but your heart is urging you to get out there and mingle right now -- with folks who are right around the corner. Nobody's telling you to actually 'love the one you're with,' but having some fun with them certainly can't hurt. You're in a playful mood, and someone new and interesting doesn't come along every day. Get dressed and get out there. Guilt-free!



<span id="intelliTxt">Recently, you ran into someone every bit as fiery, independent, and innocently reckless as yourself. Since those, of course, are exactly the qualities you insist upon when you're looking for companionship -- in fact, they're secretly at the very tip-top of your list of 'absolutely non-negotiable qualities which must be sensed within five minutes of meeting someone you find attractive,' you'd be foolish to let them escape. Bet you won't -- and that they won't even try.



<span id="intelliTxt">The heavens are inspiring you to tiptoe, not stomp, whisper, not shout, and glance meaningfully, not stare. Basically, you have the urge to connect, delicately, with just the right someone -- the one who's intuitive enough to pick up on all those subtle signals. Just be sure you've cleared the runway for takeoff before you schedule a new flight. Otherwise, you could end up in a tense situation with someone whose jealousy could put quite the crimp in your style.



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