Daily horoscopes for 8th October, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 8th October, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:30 pm


<span id="intelliTxt">Excessive? Unwilling to stop at just one of anything? Who, you? Oh, maybe -- but just this one time .... Of course, this also means that you definitely won't be short on company for the next twenty-four hours -- as if you ever are. Your personal fire is already as hypnotic as a fireplace. Add what the Universe has added to the mix and you'll be downright impossible to refuse. Even to a certain person who's recently tried to put some distance between you two.



<span id="intelliTxt">Do some investigating into your recent financial ventures, and you may find that someone hasn't been entirely on the up and up in the checkbook department -- which might mean it's time for some serious changes. Does this mean you should cut them out of your life completely? Well, that certainly depends on the amount, intention and gravity of the offense -- and on whether they're a repeat offender. At the least, you should resolve not to trust them the way you did.



<span id="intelliTxt">There's one person, and only one, who you can perpetually count on to always be ready, willing, and able to keep up with you -- or at least give it a shot. So now, with the Universe passing out the kind of energy that will finally put the rest of the world on the same page with you, you're at a loss: What do you do to celebrate properly? What else? Call your cohort, pull out all the stops and choose the most extravagant, excessive or humorously risky activity you can possibly pull off together.



<span id="intelliTxt">Work has probably been less than easy to concentrate on lately, what with a certain person doing their level best to talk you into thinking about far more interesting topics. But now, with a certain higher-up from work also clamoring for your attention, you've really got to do a bit more than just apply the pants to the chair and the nose to the grindstone. You've got to concentrate. Good luck.



<span id="intelliTxt">This may be just the start of a very nice relationship, or period within an existing relationship, but you're ready to dive in, and that feeling probably started quite a while back. If you make it through work without making at least one major mistake, you deserve congratulations. And once it's time to call it a day, no one -- absolutely no one -- should have the nerve to ask you for anything more challenging than a ride -- and only if you happen to be going in the same direction.



<span id="intelliTxt">The heavens are in a far less meticulous, detail-oriented, or choosy mood at the moment than you yourself are ordinarily in. This could leave you feeling a bit torn, but only if you try to fight it. So, don't. The Universe has decreed that right now, anything goes. (Anything legal and not hurtful, that is.) Let yourself feel what you're feeling and act on those feelings.



<span id="intelliTxt">You were so full of tact and diplomacy yesterday that you could easily have flown overseas and successfully negotiated a surrender between at least two warring factions. Now, however ... well, that's a different story. Now, you may need to deal with siblings or neighbors who aren't feelings quite so benevolent about each other. This, friends, could take every single little bit of that legendary tact, diplomacy and mediation your sign is famous for. Good luck.



<span id="intelliTxt">Excessive? You? What, when it comes to spending money? Well, not usually -- everyone who knows you knows that. But every now and then, you do tend to have your days, and this very well may be one of them. If you're not financially prepared at this exact moment in time to buy what you want, consider channeling this energy into another direction. How about doing some window shopping with a friend, or sitting down with some catalogues?



<span id="intelliTxt">If ever there were a perfect time to be you, this is definitely it. To start with, the rest of the world is feeling just as excessive as you, just this once. (Yes, even the folks Down Under.) You invented the concept of going overboard, after all. Does this mean you'll necessarily do what you do best, and go totally overboard? Oh, probably not, but if you get a chance to get just a little bit crazy, take it. At least you know everyone will understand -- for once.



<span id="intelliTxt">On the one hand, you're feeling uncontrollably excessive and lavish, and extremely, uncharacteristically unconcerned with spoiling someone. On the other hand, your innately frugal nature is tugging desperately at the back of your mind, begging you to think about next month's credit card bill. Forget it. The devil on your left shoulder will win out over the angel on the right, hands down. Why play halfway? After all, when was the last time you went all out? See? It's definitely time to have some serious fun.



<span id="intelliTxt">Getting crazy and going way over the top every now and then is something you're used to doing -- but the astrological agenda for the day could well convince you to get even a little crazier than usual. Should you fight it, and try to control yourself? Why? When you're in the company of kindred spirits, you're at your best, and you won't want to stop. Besides, someone with an accent that's absolutely intoxicating is due to come along and remove all remaining vestiges of willpower.



<span id="intelliTxt">Get out of work just as early as you possibly can. You won't be in the mood to put up with that certain higher-up who doesn't see things the way you do, and you'll feel the need to tell them all about it -- to let them know that they're flat-out wrong. That mild-mannered reputation? You're ready to reveal your secret identity. You've been playing Clark Kent too long. Again -- get out early, if you can.



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