Daily horoscopes for 7th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 7th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:30 pm


You're entering a vibrant time in your life, which means it's a great time to begin exploring a new hobby, interest or career opportunity. Your brain is open wide to new ideas and new ways of doing things, and it's ready to put in the practice or research required for you to excel. Stepping out of your comfort zone is usually a bit scary for you, but today it will feel downright invigorating to go where you've never been, see something you've never seen, and taste something you've never tasted.


Today you should spend your time seeking out real world examples of innovative ideas or new philosophical concepts. An art museum could be the perfect place for this -- or perhaps a matinee showing of a particularly arty foreign film. Be open to using your mind in new ways and thinking through foreign or even uncomfortable ideas. It might be frustrating to figure out some of the heavier concepts right now, but it is the best kind of brain exercise possible.


The new concerns you have about your career aren't going away any time soon, so you have to deal with them like the intelligent person you are. It's time to have a conversation with someone you trust -- and it doesn't have to be someone who is intimately involved with what you do on a daily basis. You just need a sounding board -- someone you know will tell you the truth, no matter how ugly it may be. Avoid talking to anyone who is too close to your situation. They might hold back on you.


When was the last time you did a selfish thing? You have been so selfless, lately, that people think you're in some gold start competition or something! Well, today all of your giving is going to start to impact your emotions -- it almost feels like you don't have any time for yourself. So put some plans in place for a day off. Or take a solo vacation. You need to devote all your energy to you! Taking a break will give people the chance to really understand what kind of an impact you make.


There could be an awful lot of distractions around you today. Some will be fun, like a spontaneous celebration or an unexpected visitor -- but some could be annoying, like a complaining coworker or hyperactive friend. But you can have fun no matter what happens, so don't let it worry you. All you need to do is keep a positive attitude and stay flexible. That way, you can get through the negative stuff quickly and have more time for the entertaining stuff.


Unlike yesterday, today is a very good time to initiate a project you may have been wanting to start for a while. The universe is sending you a lot of positive energy, which all but ensures a positive outcome. So if all of the key elements are in place, you should feel free to barrel ahead on a new adventure with confidence. If you feel like you want to rush ahead but can't, rush anyway -- you'll be surprised at how far you can go before anyone even notices what you're doing.


Go out exploring, today, and you are bound to find a few pleasant surprises. Whether you just take a walk around the block or you book a flight to some faraway country, there are new people and places for you to get to know better. You're curious right now, and the same old same old will not satisfy you. When you get out of your element, your creativity gets a boost, and your attitude gets a makeover. Happiness comes when you are getting acquainted with new things.


You can't ever anticipate how other people will react, but today that is especially true. There is a high probability that someone, at some time, will overreact -- including you. But you shouldn't try to modify your behavior in order to avoid it, because you will only end up stressing yourself out. Just carry on as today you normally would and deal with any emotional outbursts as they come. And if you're the one who blows your cool, just make sure you are quick with the damage control.


Touch base with a blue friend today -- they appreciate your kind words more than you could imagine. Your friendship means so much to them, and right now it's one of the few bright spots in their life. It can feel like you have too much responsibility for their happiness, but you don't -- it's not your job to make them happy. But as a friend, it is your job to let them know that you support them and are there for them when they need someone to talk to


You're smart enough to know that life is not fair, so if things don't go your way today, put things in perspective. You have to retain your balance between being practical and being idealistic, and roll up your sleeves and get ready to work -- either toward accepting what is going on, or at changing it to be more to your liking. This is not about pushing back against the decisions made by the folks in authority, though. It's about working to make people see that your ideas are better.


Make sure you dress in an outfit that will let you be comfortable at work and at play. This is going to be an expansive day, full of friends and big opportunities to have a lot of fun. The events in your day might be packed tightly together, so time will be of the essence. Do whatever you can to save time. Let yourself to do it all! If you get a little creative, you will be able to get your work done and get your groove on without skipping a beat!


Today, you need to pay attention to the one person who is doing their darndest to avoid you! Emails go unanswered, phone calls are never returned. They either did something they don't want to tell you about, or are afraid you already know about it! Reach out to them and be proactive about the situation. They aren't going to fess up until it's far too late to fix whatever they've broken. So it's in your own best interests to track them down and make them spill.


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