Daily horoscopes for 9th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 9th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:30 pm


Do you think you're in need of some inspiration in your job or schoolwork? If your brain just doesn't seem to be able to concentrate on one thing for more than five minutes, you don't need inspiration -- you need a vacation. You need to slow down. You need to take a walk, put things into perspective, and get a reality check about your place in the world. Trying so hard to keep busy could be a coping device -- are you trying to avoid dealing with something? Face up to it and move on.


It's time for you to have some new adventures in cooking! Wrangle up all your people, get them together, and see who is on board for a culinary trip. It doesn't have to be ambitious -- even a short day trip to a local organic farm could give you the jolt you've been looking for. Get everyone's input about where they want to go and what they want to eat. You'll be surprised how much everyone is in agreement. You might get saddled with making the plans, so be ready to play social secretary for a day or so.


This week starts off with a lot of opportunities brewing -- who knows what could be changing in your life over the next few days! It's only natural that your attention is drawn to the end of the week, but it should really remain right here in the present. So do your best to live in the moment and enjoy the time you're having while you are having it. There are too many unknowns to be able to assume that things are going to go completely the way you want them to.


Your inner 'type A' personality might not feel like coming out today, but you could really use its help! There will be a certain amount of chaos in your day, and you're going to need to get a handle on it if you want to stay on task. It's time to get picky and get disciplined! Times are very important -- make sure everyone knows when and where to meet up. Confirm reservations. Double check with the babysitter. You can't take anything for granted, today.


Try not to postpone your big plans any longer -- you could be starting a very bad habit that will be very hard to break later on. If you don't move forward with things now, some important people might get the idea that you aren't totally sure about what you are doing. And even if you aren't sure, they certainly don't need to know about it! So it's time to turn on your bravado and pretend that you have total conviction. If you have to fake your enthusiasm, then fake it.


Relax, today, and just enjoy the fruits of your labor. All your hard work has paid off -- you're a little bit higher up that mountain of accomplishments, and your position provides you with one heck of a view! It's a wonderful day for people watching, so try to get out and about. Grab a corner table at the coffee shop and nurse your drink for a while as you watch all the different people come and go. Your eye for detail will be entertained by the diversity you encounter. It will be a quiet day.


Just because someone from your past is suddenly back on the scene doesn't mean that you are going to have the exact same kind of relationship with them that you once had. People change -- for better and for worse, so do yourself a favor and treat this person almost like a stranger. Give them the benefit of the doubt and make no assumptions about what they will do or say next. Keep your mind open, and you will be rewarded with a pleasant surprise.


Your self control is strong right now, but you need to make sure that you're using it at the right times. Resisting temptation isn't good to do just for its own sake. You can't say no to something unless you know it's the wrong thing to do. Give yourself permission to investigate your temptations a little bit today -- are they really as bad as you think they are? Having one piece of cake when you're on a diet isn't necessarily going to take you off track. Your judgment is wise, use it.


You'll be blessed with a great big chunk of free time today -- so start thinking now about what you will do with it! Or, it might be easier for you to make up a list of things not to do with it -- like shopping, watching television, or surfing the internet aimlessly. Make sure you use this time for something productive. Bake some cookies, read a book, call up a long lost friend. Do something that doesn't drain your wallet, yet offers some concrete output you can feel proud of.


They say that friends are the family you choose for yourself -- and today you will be reminded yet again how well you have chosen! When someone backs you up in a potentially embarrassing situation, make sure you let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life. Let them gain the recognition that they have been working so hard to achieve in your eyes. People want to impress you, so you should let them know when they have succeeded. And some day, they will do the same for you.


If someone is telling you that you need to add more discipline and structure into your life, they are probably projecting their own needs on to you -- so take what they say with a grain or two of salt. Even if they are in a position of authority over you, they have no right to tell you how to live your life. Perhaps you could suggest to them that they need to spend more energy on what they are doing and little less on what you are doing. You are doing just fine, don't worry.


You have friends in high places who are just itching to reach down and give you a hand up the ladder -- whether it be corporate connections, a great stock tip or just some 'been there, done that' advice that could really put you over the hump. So the million dollar question is: How come you're not letting them help you? This pride thing has gotten out of hand. It's one thing to not want to appear needy in front of people you admire, but it's quite another to sacrifice your progress for your ego.


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