Daily horoscopes for 11th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 11th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:30 pm


Even though there are no obstacles standing in your way right now, you probably feel held back in some regard. You don't have enough time, you don't have enough money, or you don't have enough support. Whatever your excuse is, it's still an excuse. You have to do whatever you can do and stop focusing so much on what you are missing! Get creative and fill in the blanks yourself. You can do this, you just have to believe in yourself! Everyone else does.


If you try to explain something confusing to someone else today, you might get tongue-tied. If you do, go for visuals to get across your meaning. Pie charts, pictures, hand gestures, heck -- even interpretive dance will help you drive home what you are trying to say. There are many layers to what you are dealing with right now, so be patient. In time, you will give people such a deep understanding of your goals that they will be dying to help you achieve them.


Displaying too much aggression will do you more harm than good, right now. So try hard to be soft, today -- especially with friends and family members who might not realize that you're going through some stuff right now. Breathe through the frustration and get your distance from the people who just love pushing your buttons. The good news is that you will be around a person today who always helps put a smile on your face, so they will help you keep your cool.


You shouldn't speak or act too quickly, today -- not only will others misinterpret your goals, they could get annoyed that you're not taking care to make sure they are listening. Confidence can sometimes come off as arrogance if you do not focus more on the people you are talking to. Know your audience -- try to listen more to what people are saying and not saying. This extra effort will help you avoid arguments and make a better impression on some influential people.


Pressure, what pressure?! The tension you're feeling right now in your life will completely disappear if you just give yourself some time here and there today to process what you're going through. There is no reason to panic, no reason to worry. Take a deep breath, and you will slowly feel your positive thinking building back up to effective levels. And once that happens, you'll actually start to feel some enthusiasm for what you are doing right now.


Making choices can be tough, but today it will be delightful to examine your options and figure out the best one for you. From picking a lunch item off a menu to deciding where to go on your next big vacation, your brain is going to love weighing the pros and cons in order to come up with the perfect solution! It's a good day to take an unexpected turn, too -- in the midst of your usual routine, you should remember to choose to do something that no one expects.


You'll be like a bright ray of sunshine wherever you go, today -- no one can get depressed when you are around! Even if you aren't feeling as happy as a clam, you'll be giving off some major cheerful energy, so just go with it. It's a great day to be around other people, so try to join in on a group outing that you don't usually make an appearance at. People don't just want to spend time with you -- they need to spend time with you. So go and spread the love around.


Embracing new ideas and projects feels like a lot of fun for you right now, but not everyone else will share your hunger for innovation today. A lot of people who will be around you today are being extra cautious, and they might not be willing to take a gamble like you are. That's okay -- don't try to change their minds about it, just do what you want without them. Pushing your agenda too hard will turn people off, and it probably won't be successful.


Pretending that a problem will just go away some day isn't a solution -- it's only going to cause you more stress down the line. Just like removing a bandage, the faster you deal with it, the less pain you will feel. So if you need to discuss a sensitive issue with someone who's known to have a trigger temper, be direct, be honest and be prepared for questions. You can't avoid this conflict. All you can do is begin it on your terms, which is an advantage.


It's going to be simple for you to stay on top of maintenance issues right now -- in fact, it might even give you a charge! Making sure that all your bills are paid, your important errands are run, and people's birthdays are remembered are tasks from which you will get a great sense of accomplishment. You see the bigger picture --- that by making small but consistent efforts to keep these things in line now, you will save yourself a huge amount of headache and inconvenience, later.


A person who will be annoying to you today doesn't realize that they are pushing one of your biggest buttons, so try not to get too angry at them. There is a lot of subliminal stuff happening right now between you two, and the communication is not going to improve any time soon. That's why you have to walk on eggshells around them and do your best to grin and bear whatever they throw at you. They aren't trying to get you mad, and that counts for something.


People in your social circle seem to be playing a game of follow the leader, today -- and the leader is you! Suddenly, everyone loves the music you're listening to, is dressing the way you're dressing, and talking about the stuff you're talking about. All this imitation is probably not conscious on their part, so don't feel threatened or mocked by the act. They just admire you -- a lot more than you realize. So now that you know they're paying attention, keep on giving them a good example to follow.


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Post by sanaysuri » Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:05 pm

ya it's good

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