Daily horoscopes for 12th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 12th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:30 pm


Today some important people will be paying attention to you. Are you ready? Whenever the bright spotlight is aimed right at you, it's important to take your time. Plan your actions ahead. Knowing that eyes are on you might get your nerves pulsing, but don't try to rush ahead and show them something just for the sake of showing them something. You've got to impress them with a true display of what you can do. The pressure may be on, but you can excel under it.


You can finally reach a compromise in an ongoing power struggle with a friend today -- if you just choose the path of least resistance. So what if you have to give in to what you think are their unreasonable demands? For right now, it's the correct strategy to follow. If you keep pushing back, you run the risk of derailing everything, including your relationship! This is more important to them than it is to you, so just give in. You won't regret it.


When you have an intellectual discussion today (and you most certainly will), try to see things from the other person's perspective. Be more compassionate about where they are coming from and what they have been dealing with. They could be coming from a very emotional perspective and not using logic to their advantage. You are confident enough in your point of view to not have to browbeat or be dogmatic. Go for a softer, gentler communication style today.


There is an exciting surprise coming your way, right about now, so get ready to have your daily routine knocked on its ear! You have been waiting for an excuse to ditch your plans for the day, and now you've got it. You have learned to be flexible in the face of chaos, and you will have a great time zigging and zagging throughout this day. People will be impressed, and there's no doubt they will try to pry your secrets out of you. Tell them it's just a special knack you have.


In order to build up your ego, you need to stop focusing so much on what other people think about you -- especially when the people who you are surrounded by right now don't have any business being critical of others. They're more insecure than you are, so you are only wasting your time by caring about their opinions. Just make the choices and actions that will make you proud of yourself -- and don't worry about anyone else. If people want a big competition, don't play along.


Your daily routine will be slightly disrupted by someone who doesn't know the first thing about how to be flexible -- they can't bring themselves to see things from any other perspective but their own. Luckily, you have enough flexibility for the both of you, so it won't take any time at all for you to come up with a plan that will make them happy and make you happy at the same time. Your diplomatic aplomb will be noticed by important people -- and it will soon be rewarded, too!


You have more curiosity that the average cat, right now -- and if you follow it, you will end up having a very good time, indeed! Is there a person you've always wanted to talk to? Today you'll have the chance to pick their brain and find out what's up with them. Is there a sport or hobby you've always found interesting? Give it a whirl, today. Is there a food you've always wanted to try? Go out today and taste it. Taste more different flavors in life, and you'll end up loving life more.


Travel is on your mind right now, so much so that it might be causing some real problems with your older relatives. They want you to stick around in one place a little longer, but you need to stretch your legs! You need to follow your own urges -- and you need to figure out a way to communicate that to them. Put yourself in their shoes, and have some compassion. That will help you figure out how to have the conversation you need to have with them.


Like it or not, you have to share the people you love in life with other people. You don't own your friends, and you can't have a monopoly on all of their free time. So if you're getting worried that one of your best friends is spending too much time with someone else, relax. You have nothing to worry about! Keep an open mind about this new relationship of theirs -- it could bring some good things to your life in ways that you don't understand just yet.


This is not a good time to strategize your life based on how much money you want to make. Your career advancement should be structured around what you want to learn, what you want to gain experience doing, and the types of people you want to interact with. Doing something just because it will earn you more money than something else is way too shortsighted. And you don't want to be stuck in a trap later on, unable to break free. Focus on what you want to do, not how much you want to make.


Odd and unusual things will be very attractive to you, today. You're more interested in what sticks out like a sore thumb than in what fits right in, and this mood of yours is especially strong in terms of people. When someone makes waves, today, you won't get frustrated or annoyed -- you'll be intrigued. Do not miss the opportunity to know this person better. Read a few pages of this book in order to get a real idea of how attractive they truly are.


When was the last time you had an honest-to-goodness daydream? You know, the kind you used to have in school that were so engrossing and distracting that you didn't hear it when the teacher called on you? If the answer is anything other than 'yesterday,' you need to pick a fantasy today and go for it! You'll have the down time to do it, whether it's during gnarly traffic, at a lengthy meeting or right before bed time. You've got to exercise your creativity and have fun!


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