Daily horoscopes for 13th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 13th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:30 pm


What visions do you have for your future? If you haven't given thought to where you want your life to be in the next five, ten, or twenty years, today is a great day to put your mind to the task. It's more important than ever for you to understand what you want for yourself, and it won't take long for you to put together some fantasies about what you'd ideally like to have. And fantasies can be the blueprint for your reality if you're ready to put in the necessary efforts.


It's important that you have a healthy respect for teamwork today. While it might not be the most efficient way to get things done, it will definitely ensure the best solution to the group's problems. Some of the people on your team might rub you the wrong way, but this is a wonderful opportunity to get to know them better and find a new way of appreciating the value they bring to the group. After all, they wouldn't be a part of the team if they weren't valuable, right?


Your ability to see a common thread weaving through many diverse opinions will be extremely valuable, today -- there are warring parties, and it's up to you to play diplomat. Believe it or not, you may be the only person who can ensure that cooler heads prevail, right now. Start by suggesting that everyone make an effort to see things from a new point of view. Share what you think they all have to gain from this negotiation, and peace is sure to follow.


Be more conservative with your money, today. Avoid making any significant purchases, at least for a couple of days. Everything might look do-able right now in terms of your budget, but there are hidden costs that you don't know about yet. Being safe instead of sorry is always a better choice, especially where your wallet is concerned. If need be, you should distract yourself from shopping by running some errands or doing simple chores around the house


A friend or partner might be making big mistakes right now, but you can't abandon them when they need your guidance most. Their relationship issues are not going to get cleared up overnight, so be prepared for long conversations that don't go anywhere. But as a friend, you need to listen to them and support them -- just like they have done for you in the past. Stay patient and positive. You can help them through this period in their life just by being yourself.


You'll be asked to give your feedback, today, which is nothing new -- people value your perspective on things. But today, the person who wants to know what you think has an extremely delicate ego. So make sure that you make your criticism constructive, not just critical. Don't be stingy with the sugar coating, either -- chances are, they are more interested in hearing how smart or wonderful they are than in hearing the truth about what you think they could do to improve their project or idea.


Success will come if you rely more on your imagination, today -- it will help you maneuver around obstacles and get people in your side. Your creativity will enable you to craft some transformations for the things or people in your life that make you a little unhappy. You can create self-fulfilling prophecies. Annoyed with a bully? Imagine them gone, and they will be. Eager to get to know someone better? Picture yourself sitting next to them, engrossed in deep conversation.


Your day will offer you a little bit of everything -- there will be a little bit of fun, a little bit of work, and even a little bit of romance if you play your cards right! Take a look at your day's schedule and you'll be able to get a good idea of what might happen when -- except for the romance part. When and if that happens, it should throw you for quite a loop! Be open to hearing new ideas and get ready to join someone on a last minute adventure.


You know you're smart, and your confidence and intellectual strengths will come in very useful today. They'll help you get noticed and connect with people who can offer you the opportunity you have been waiting for. So don't shy away from innovative ideas that make you feel strange or confused. You're at your best when you're forced to figure stuff out -- and it will be your ability to solve a puzzle that will show important people that you are a force to be reckoned with.


A new adventure is coming your way, today -- but you will have to meet it halfway. Go out exploring later in the day after your work is done. Travel is a wonderful idea right now, even if it's just a few hours' drive away. Get online and start planning: Which local sights and festivals might you want to see? Even if your finances are a bit tight, a little bit of research will reveal to you that there are lots of fun free things going on right in your own neck of the woods.


The brilliance of your ideas might not be recognized right away, but that should not prevent you from sharing them with people, today. If people respond to what you propose with blank stares, it's just because they don't understand what you are saying -- not because they know that you are wrong. There will be enough collaborative energy humming around everyone to encourage them to give you the benefit of the doubt, which is all you need, right now.


You'll find that there will be no scarcity of scintillating conversations flying around today -- so if you've been having a strong desire to get philosophical and deep with someone, this is the day to do it. Your intellect is one of your most interesting features, and it's bound to captivate anyone you set your sights on today. Whether you need to grow a personal relationship or a professional one, you'll be able to do it with minimal effort now.


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