Daily horoscopes for 14th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 14th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:30 pm


If you are asked to help out with a big group event, it would be in your best interests to lend a hand -- even if you don't think you have the time to take on anything new. Some big opportunities could come into your life from being involved with this event or these people, so remember that. You have to think about long term gains, right now. Your karma account could use a few more deposits. But when you're ready to cash in on it, you will love the returns you get on your investment!


You are totally right if you think that if you have problems you should be able to tell them to your friends. But you are totally wrong if you think that if you have problems you should give them to your friends to solve. The people in your life can offer you support and encouragement, but they can't make all your stress or unhappiness go away. If you feel they are letting you down because they aren't running to your rescue, you need to reevaluate how you define friendship.


Your travel plans might be just about set in stone, but resist the urge today to finalize reservations and book tickets -- there is a slight chance that things could change, and you need to stay flexible right now. The odds are good that you will know the real deal by the end of the day, so don't worry that you will miss out on bargains or special limited time deals. If frustration hits, just cast your mind forward and imagine how much fun you'll have when your departure date finally arrives.


More than ever, your visions of the future are important to foster, today, whether that happens through daydreaming, 'what if' conversations with friends, or just simple hoping. You've been in a fog about an issue for a while. You're not sure how to proceed, and this indecisiveness could leave you feeling stuck in a rut. But if you spend some energy imagining what you would like your life to be like, you will give the universe a few clues about what to send you, in terms of opportunities.


Quite a few opinionated people are going to be in your day, and they are not going to keep quiet about their opinions. The good news is that you know how to handle them with grace. All you need to do is listen to what they think -- and then totally ignore their advice. It's the best way to keep yourself from getting angry and flying off the handle. They think very differently from you, but that is all part of the diversity of living, so you need to accept it.


One of your closest friends is starting a new venture, and they need your support more than ever. You're only too willing to give it -- until you learn more about why they are doing it. Your philosophies are in direct opposition on this thing, but you need to put that aside. Respect their opinions and separate yourself from the issues they are tackling. It's not about your beliefs, it's about theirs. If you are their friend, you need to give them encouragement, not criticism.


You are doing an excellent job of not letting fear guide your life! You know how to act in a way that will get you closer to what you want -- not further away from what you don't want. Keep that focus today when outside voices start telling you to 'beware.' They might be correct about a potential threat, but how is it going to help you to sit and stew about it, wringing your hands? You have to keep your eyes on the prize and let those nervous nellies do all the fretting for you.


If you are in the midst of developing a new relationship, be very careful not to get too wrapped up in this other person's life, right now. You don't want to negatively affect your sense of independence -- you will need it too maintain a healthy confidence. This is a wonderful transitional period in your life, though -- and today is a good day to address the balance between the life you lead alone and the life you lead in partnerships and friendships.


An awful lot can be communicated with nonverbal communication, so let your eyes and your body do all your talking today. Instead of tossing off a flirty comment, why not just give 'em a wink? You'll make your point a lot faster and more creatively. But this plan shouldn't just be put to use in romantic contexts. Even in business meetings or other professional environments, you should try to say things with as few words as possible. You'll make your point a lot more clearly.


Everyone around you will be shocked by some unexpected news, today. But not you! You sensed it all along, thanks to your extremely strong intuitive powers, which are stronger than ever, right now. The fact that you will be able to take the news in stride will help you keep your edge over any competitors, and a sweet win will be closer than ever. You should feel free to move forward more often with nothing more than your assumptions to drive you. Trust your gut.


You will probably spend most of your time with adults, today, but it is going to feel like you're trapped inside of a day care center! You can expect a lot of petty behavior from surprising people, so get ready to be the most level-headed person in the world. Your first instinct will be to deal with these people compassionately, but there is probably not going to be enough time for that. It's time to deal with tantrums the way they are supposed to be dealt with.


It's easy to make sure you have a fun day -- all you have to do it start a new project! The universe is sending you strong, clear energy that will give you the spark you need to start a new fire. Interested in learning how to knit? Get the book and the basic materials, today. Always wondered if you could speak another language? Watch some foreign television and try to follow along. Your brain is more adept at picking up new ideas than it has been in a long time.


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