Daily horoscopes for 26th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 26th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:30 pm


Are you feeling some anti-romance feelings right now? Feelings are just feelings, so don't let this worry you. If you're single, you're going to start to appreciate your independence in a whole new way. But if you're in a relationship or just starting one, you might struggle with this sudden urge to be by yourself. Your partner will understand if you need your space, so don't be afraid to ask for it. Chances are, the distance will help you both rejoice in coming back together.


You can reach an important agreement with an authority figure if you both agree to follow the same path, no matter where it leads. Alliances with people who are more powerful than you can be extremely hard to create -- but they are the most valuable alliances you can ever have. So if you have to give a little bit more than you wanted to in order to win this person's trust and favor, do it. It might cost you a little bit in the short run, but in the long run it will be worth any sacrifice.


This is a good day to have some good old-fashioned fun -- you've got good people around you, and there are lot of good ideas forming about how to spend your time together. Try to do something that will cause a few belly laughs if you can -- activities that take people out of their comfort zone have a way of enabling people to laugh at themselves and stop taking life so seriously. Poke fun at the problems you have, and suddenly they will stop looking so scary.


Be extravagant and bold, today -- now is not the time to hide your light under a bushel! Get back in touch with your more outgoing nature and stop worrying about what people might think of you. Who cares what others think, anyway? You need to feel good about yourself -- and the best way to make that happen is to speak up and make that joke that's on the tip of your tongue. So what if it annoys someone? As long as you're not insulting, you are free to spout off.


When it comes to starting a new romance, mixed signals aren't going to stop you, today! You know what you feel, and it doesn't matter that the other person hasn't returned the sentiment -- or does it? Take a step back today and ask yourself once and for all if you are wasting your time. And then, ask your crush the same question. Your confidence in this situation is critical -- you have to let them know that they could be missing out big if they miss out on you.


Your ego got bruised recently, and it's perfectly healthy to spend some time nursing it. But you should try to start shifting back into normal life, today. Getting back to the action will help you snap out of any self-pity you've been feeling and remind you how capable you are. You have learned something from this humbling experience, so arm yourself with this knowledge, today. It will help you avoid making all of the same mistakes you made before.


This is a good day to celebrate yourself! At least once a year, whether it's on your birthday or not, you have to give a cheer for who you are and what you bring to the world. Make some time to do something just for yourself today -- take yourself out for a long lunch, convince some buddies to meet you after work for dinner, schedule a spa day, or go shopping for something you don't really need. Take on the possibilities of the day and resist the comfort of a rote routine.


Use flattery in your favor today -- it's a perfectly acceptable tool to use, as long as it's based in truth. People know when they're being fed a line, so instead of going on and on about how wonderful or attractive someone is, just toss a flirty comment out. Watch someone transform from mildly interested in helping you to wildly interested in continuing the conversation. And when you get them in the palm of your hand (and you will), try to be gentle!


Make sure you are realistic about today -- you must balance your optimism with caution, and not believe everything you see right away. Be a little bit more skeptical and don't shy away from questioning authority. This is not a time to take anything for granted -- while you want to think the best of people, sometimes it's just not smart. There is too much duality in the air, and too many people who are just saying what they think you want to hear.


Today, if you give in to someone else's demands, you will only be showing them that they can push you around. And their one simple request today will snowball into bigger and more complicated demands in the future. You need to put a stop to this growing dynamic between the two of you, now. Nipping it in the bud might cause some tension at first, but it is far better than setting yourself up to be repeatedly taken advantage of. Set the terms of your relationship straight.


Giving in might not be something you really feel like doing today, but the pain you feel in letting go of one of your hopes will be a lot smaller than the amount of pain you will feel if you fight to the end for everything you want. Compromise is an enlightened choice for you, right now. Not only will it end the growing tensions, it will show the other person that you are a lot more mature than they are. And then next time you bump heads, you will definitely have the upper hand.


Instead of getting bored by the idea of a routine, right now you will find a great deal of comfort in knowing what is going on in your daily life for the next few days. A predictable schedule isn't always so bad -- sometimes it's nice to be drama-free! There aren't any mysteries for you to solve right now, which should suit you just fine! This period of stability will give you the firm foundation you need to let your mind wander to the next big task you should tackle.


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