Daily horoscopes for 30th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 30th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:30 pm


You have been putting aside your own interests and needs for so long that you might be losing sight of what they actually are! Today is a good day to put yourself first once again, and do whatever you want to do -- when you want to do it. No one will get upset if you reschedule a meeting or postpone a date. In fact, you might be doing them a favor. You cannot decide on your next move by checking in with other people, anyway. Check in with your self, with your heart.


Be careful not to overdo it, today -- keeping things on an even keel will do wonders for your energy level and your social life. So if you're going to a party, don't put on your very best outfit and bring an expensive gift. Just be yourself and that will make people feel more comfortable. At work, don't make a big show out of your latest idea -- just present it, argue for it, and then let the chips fall where they may. Being too loud will only show you in a bad light.


A small snag could trigger your temper today, and leave you feeling frustrated -- and maybe even a little embarrassed for losing your cool. But later in the day, the universe will send you some high energy that will make you feel good. This attitude resetting will enable you to look at this obstacle and see it in a new light. Suddenly, you'll see a way around it -- a short cut! Things might get off to a rocky start, but they are sure to work out by the end of the day.


You need to take care of issues around your home right now, so try to put your household on the top or your priority list. Whether it's minor repairs, major renovations or just some rearranging of furniture, putting physical energy into your intimate surroundings will energize you and fill you with a sense of pride that you haven't felt in quite a while. Get creative in your tasks, too -- and ask a friend to help you out if the job is too big for just one person.


Today, some people will agree with you, and some people will not. And you need to learn how to accept those who don't see things the way you do. They're not trying to dismiss you, they're just being themselves. You can't waste your energy picking fights with people about things you cannot change -- namely, the way they think. If you butt heads with someone, just move on to other people and other things. Agree to disagree, and save your strength for things you can actually change.


Be wary of people who are pushing you to make a big purchase today, especially if they occupy a partnership role in your life. Anyone who is pushing you to make a decision might have ulterior motives -- although not necessarily bad ones. But you cannot afford to spend your money on something unless you know the whole story behind why they feel so strongly that you should buy it. This is not the time to let yourself get pressured into anything. Take things at your own pace!


The power balance in one of your more complicated relationships is starting to be an issue -- you two do not have equal power, and it doesn't look like this imbalance is likely to change any time soon. So what can you do about it? Investigate another partnership, that's what. Even if you are the one who holds all the cards, it isn't healthy to have a relationship that is this off-center -- and it simply won't last much longer unless you two come to a serious agreement.


You cannot take popular opinion seriously, right now. The mob mentality is all based on the lowest common denominator -- and common you are not! Disregard things that are too trendy right now and opt for quality clothing and goods that have stood the test of time. It's awfully easy to just go along with the crowd, but the crowd never goes anywhere interesting, do they? Swim upstream today and carve your own niche out of life. It's much more rewarding.


Today, your presence at work will be required by a group of important people who are looking for a solution -- and they think you have it! This is not a time to get nervous, though -- this is a time to get very, very excited! The fact that they need you shows just how valuable you are, so use that to your advantage in the future. Make note of this episode and remind people about it when it's time to talk about advancement. People have short memories, so it's up to you to remind them.


Do you think that the people who are in positions of authority over your life are not interested in what you have to say, right now? Nothing could be further from the truth -- they are dying to pick your brain. Ignore anyone who tries to keep you out of important discussion, today -- they are just jealous of the fact that your profile is getting higher and you are surpassing them in the eyes of important people. You count, too -- in fact, more than just about anyone else, right now.


Finishing other people's sentences will be easy to do today, you're so in synch with the folks you'll be working with. But it might be in your best interest to keep this level of connection to yourself -- knowing that you can practically read their mind will not set people at ease. Having this level of synergy with everyone will boost your confidence and enable you to move the conversation in a direction that will include more opportunities for your personal or career growth.


If you're dealing with a group of people today, try to push your own agenda a little bit more forcefully than you normally would. Instead of just going along with the crowd, be a little bit more firm about what you want to do. Being extra-insistent will enable you to get exactly what you want -- without annoying anyone or making them feel pressured. Why? Because you have more charm and charisma than the average person.


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