Daily horoscopes for 23rd October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 23rd October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:30 pm


If you are feeling under the gun, today, remember that there is strength in numbers! Get your gang in on the task and you will feel back in control in no time. Things will start happening faster than you could have hoped for, and the teamwork mentality will inspire you to ask for more help more often! These people want to be a part of whatever you're doing, so do not hesitate to call on them again in the future. You will never be in danger of losing your identity if you associate with others.


Don't hesitate to take control and push things in the right direction. That is, in the direction you want! If you spend any more time wandering around, wondering what to do next, you are going to regret it. The time to act is now! You know what you want so go out and do whatever you have to do to get it. You don't have to be arrogant about getting your way, but you should still be forceful about what you want. The time for waiting for it to be given to you has passed.


Your temper has been tempered, and you are ready to listen to people whose opinions usually drive you up a wall. Instead of finding these people annoying or troublesome today, you will enjoy debating them and learning how they've come to their (in your opinion) illogical opinions. The two of you might still never find accord, but at least you will feel good that you have given them the respect they deserve. You've heard them out, and now you can move forward.


You can let yourself ignore the external world for at least a little while. Turn off your phone and avoid the television news. Grab one of your favorite books and lose yourself in another world. Or go for a long walk in a beautiful spot. The noise of the modern world has been adding to your stress level -- once you remove it, even for a day, you will feel refreshed and energized enough to go back to your daily routine and excel. It's a great day for enjoying the art of doing nothing.


You'll be bursting with some odd and unique creativity today, which will help you figure out how to tackle the same old tasks you do every day in a new and even exciting way! From the way you take a shower in the morning to the way you brush your teeth before going to bed, your mind is eager to experiment, so let it. Sure, you may feel silly at times, but no one will be watching. Plus you will have your curiosity satisfied. And that isn't something you can claim every day.


After cheering on the underdog for so long, you're delighted that they are starting to be a superdog. The fact that they aren't returning your phone calls as often as they used to might make you nervous -- have they forgotten that it was you who supported them all that time? No -- they have not forgotten! Have faith in them. You were there for them when they needed you, and they will be there for you. They're just very busy right now, and have things going on that don't concern you. Be patient.


Trust the critical eye of someone you trust with your feelings. Their feedback will help you see the bigger picture and understand just how very close to your goal you truly are! You've lost objectivity about the struggle you've been going through, and you deserve to know the real truth -- that you are almost there! Why not plan a celebration, so that when you do cross that finish line you'll know just where to go, what to do, and who to do it with!


If you have been distracted by problems, then get moving! Being active is one of the very best ways to cheer yourself up and get yourself feeling better about what is going on. Clarity comes when you're sweating and your heart is pumping. Exercise is also a great way to remind yourself how much power you have over your life. If you want to change things, then change things -- your body and your attitude are completely under your control. So don't forget it!


There are many options laid out in front of you today, but don't worry about how you are going to pick just one -- because it's going to pick you! Something will land in your lap early in the day that will offer you a lot of challenges, as well as a lot of growth and reward. So don't be afraid to go for it. It might be uncomfortable at first, but you will have an ally in this journey who can show you the ropes and help you get your bearings.


Your generosity is helping build your reputation -- people know that you are willing to give them time and energy, so you can expect a lot more attention. The trouble is, some of that attention will be from some very needy people. To maintain your boundaries, just be clear about them! Let folks know that you are willing to help them out, but only so much, and for so long. And hold on to your resources more tightly -- you can share them, but you should not give them away!


Be very careful not to let yourself get caught up in a power struggle, today. You might think you are on the right side -- but how do you really know? It's just not worth the risk if the wrong person loses out and starts looking at you in a different light. In order to preserve your reputation, you've got to refuse to choose sides. That might not make everyone happy, but you'll end up in a better place by not aligning yourself one way or the other.


You will be in no mood for pulling information out of anyone today -- if they don't come right out and tell you what they need, you will want to just move on. Unfortunately, you won't be able to. So opt for the drama-free approach and just ask them what they mean. Cutting to the chase might not be their style, but it's going to save you time and help you do what you need to do -- so don't worry about how they will react. You need to know what you need to know.


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