Daily horoscopes for 26th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 26th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:30 pm


Trying is much more important that achieving, right now. You can't get caught up in winning a foot race -- you have to focus more on the art of running and how to enjoy your part of the process. Remember, work doesn't feel like work when you're having a good time doing it. So if your daily routine is all about winning recognition, then you need to make some adjustments. Your day should be all about learning new things and enjoying the ins and outs of your job.


Being aware of your place in this world is hard sometimes, but today you can feel like you're more a part of things than ever before. If you step back and look at a group activity from the perspective of an outsider, you will suddenly see where you belong -- and what value you bring to everyone. The attachments you feel to other people are growing stronger, but they are not growing into a stranglehold. They're more like a supportive hug. It's a great day to spend with a lot of people at once.


Your popularity will skyrocket today, thanks to all of the wonderful advice that you are giving out for free. You know how to help people get to the next stage of their plans, and you also know how to tell them what they need to hear without making it sound like a lecture. Set up a loose schedule for the day, because you'll need to be prepared for frequent interruptions from people who need your wisdom. But you won't mind. Helping people will give you a rush, right now.


At work or at school, those in power will be delegating some major responsibilities, and they have their eyes on you for a plum position. This is what you have been waiting for -- so make sure you are prepared for the extra work (and extra rewards!). First, clean up your work area. Then, free up your calendar. You're going to need all the free time and free space you can find. This is the beginning of a very tiring, yet very exciting period for you!


It's your choice if you want to loan a friend money, but make sure that's the extent of your role in their finances. Just because you've given them some money doesn't mean they think that you should have any say in how they spend it. Giving is giving. So if that matters to you, then you need to tell them that there are strings attached. It's important to have your expectations made clear so that the other person can understand the bargain they are striking.


Today is a great day for solving puzzles, reviewing ideas, and any other kind of task that requires a great deal of focused brain power. Right now you have a solid knack for looking at lots of little details and seeing the big picture instantly. It's almost as if you can see into the future, but not quite as spooky! That upcoming social event is back on your brain, and today you'll see a sign that you won't have to worry about how it goes anymore.


There is a lot of drama going on around you, and some of it might accidentally affect your life, today. Tempers are flaring, and someone might be a bit terse with you -- but you cannot take anything personally! Don't let yourself get caught up in the heated emotions of other people. Just stay cool and try to stay as uninvolved as you possibly can. Do nothing at all today that you might regret tomorrow! Play it safe. Play all by yourself, if need be.


Sometimes it's easier to have a good time when you are not trying so hard. So ease up and just relax. It's a good day to hang with your friends and just be together. There is no need to go into full planning mode. Just call folks up and agree on a place to meet, then see what happens. It won't take long for one of you to come up with something interesting to occupy the day. There is too much creativity swarming around the group to avoid it, even if you tried!


An authority figure will be difficult to track down today, but you're still going to need to do whatever it takes to find them. They have the answers you need, and you cannot move forward without their involvement! The good news is that you have the dedication and creativity required to stay ahead of the details. You have a good handle on what is going on, today. You're sharp and you're on a roll! Watch for people to start following your impressive example.


In terms of your emotional life, you are in relatively good form, right now. You are feeling grounded, and you have the right perspective on what to work on next. So turn your attention to matters in the material world. Conserve a little bit more of your money. Cut back on some of your excessive spending. Get more aggressive in your savings plan (you do have a savings plan, right?). Your focus is sharp, so making big changes like these should be simple.


You've got the wonderful ability to read subtler signals and see what's beneath the surface, and boy oh boy, will it come in handy, today! Following your gut is all you need to do today to succeed -- even if you take one or two big risks. So it's a great day for taking a gamble in love or in your career. Other people might not understand why you're going the route you're going, but your certainty will keep them from worrying about you. You'll surprise them by the end of the day.


No matter what you need today, you have friends who can help you get it. Need a recommendation for a new dentist? Ask a friend with a bright smile. Looking for a new lunch spot? Ask someone who's always into the latest food trends. Toss questions out to your people today, and you will get some surprising, insightful, and very helpful answers. The relationships you have in your life do more than make you feel good -- they can be extremely useful, too.


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