Daily horoscopes for 2nd November, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 2nd November, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:30 pm


Are you ready to move forward on that big project or relationship? Then go! You are capable of making some major strides right now, so take action. And take no prisoners! You feel strong, which means that you are strong -- so focus all of that strength on making the changes you want. Whether it's losing weight, building a bookshelf, or getting a date with that amazing certain someone, you can make it happen if you start today. You have to move on this goal before you lose sight of it.


The outside world does not have much to offer you right now -- so it's the right time to go off on a solo trip or just spend some quiet time by yourself at home. It's not that you aren't interested in having fun. It's just that the energy of other people will likely be more taxing than relaxing for you now. Use this downtime to get philosophical about life and think through some recent challenges in your life. You handled them well, but how could you have done better?


You and another person make great partners, but you haven't been getting along too well lately. Could it be time for a break? If this is a work partnership, talk to the higher ups and see if you can start working with new people for a while. Tell them that it will help you develop new professional and interpersonal skills and they'll figure something out. If this is a personal relationship, then you just need to go off on your own for a while. Alone time will help.


After a long period of feeling like you have no control over you own schedule, today puts you back in charge of your time! So what's the first thing you should do? Schedule yourself some alone time -- set aside at least an hour today where you do something for yourself. Whether it's taking a nap, seeing a movie, or just staring out the window, you need to relish the sensation of having no one to report to, and no deadlines to worry about. Little freedoms like these make life so much sweeter.


Just when you got all comfortable in your new routine, along comes an opportunity for you to go on an interesting adventure, today. Are you up for it? You may have to give up some of what you've worked for in order to take advantage of this chance, and there are no guarantees this time. So if you are ready for a quieter phase of life, you might want to let this opportunity pass you by. But if all you crave is more stimulation, then grab at it with both hands!


It is much easier to surround yourself with the people you love than you think -- all you have to do is ask them! Sure, it can be hard to align schedules and work out all the tiny little details, but it's worth the effort and people are ready for any excuse to spend more time with you. So give them one -- in the form of a sweet and simple social invitation. If you want to get out and go, then get up and get going! Make the phone calls, send the emails, and get things cooking.


You have the ability to be very expressive today, which means it is a great day to make your point and motivate other people. Everyone you speak to today is going to be able to understand the subtle nuances you're trying to communicate, and most likely even agree with your points. So if you are running for office, trying to impress some influential people, or just trying to get noticed by that cute certain someone, today is the right day to make your move!


For too long, you have been hiding what you have to offer from others -- being shy and coy can be cute for a while, but you are building up walls between yourself and the people who want to know you better. So today, you need to take a bigger risk and reveal a little bit more about yourself to someone. Pick one person to tell a semi-secret to. They'll love the fact that you trust them, and you'll be rewarded with a stronger connection. Try it, you'll like it!


You should try to unleash some of your creativity, today. It can help you feel more powerful, more free and most importantly -- much happier. Whether you want to write some poetry, doodle some meaningless drawings, make up silly songs, or just get in some more time knitting that scarf, anything you can do to express yourself will help you feel more grounded and more centered in who you are. Make time to do the things that don't just add to the bottom line.


If you feel that your life lacks some discipline right now, then that's a sure sign that it does! It's not such a big deal to have a messy car or bedroom, but the clutter around you is getting a little bit out of hand in other areas of your life -- and it's starting to bother you too much. So today, spend some time putting order back into your world. Cleaning is a mindless task, but by being that way it gives you a chance to let your mind wander and clear itself out, too.


This day should be full of an outgoing energy, which means that you should also be in a more outgoing mood. It's a great day for connecting with strangers and re-connecting with long-lost friends. If you have been thinking about someone from your past a lot lately, why not do an online search and see if you can find out where they are now? Believe it or not, they would love to hear from you. Nothing may come of it, but it will certainly add some sparkle to your day.


Your physical appearance is not always an accurate reflection of your inner self -- but if you are feeling that disconnect growing too wide, pay attention to it. Whether you feel like you need to lose weight, gain weight, or just get a haircut, you should make an effort today to start the transformation. You've been putting it off for far too long, and that's why you are feeling a growing dissatisfaction. It's an easy problem to solve, especially if you start solving it now.


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