Daily Horoscope

Check your daily horoscope here, before beginning your day.

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Daily Horoscope

Post by kbloganathan » Sun 05 Jul, 2009 7:51 am

I am not fully believing daily horoscopes . It depends on your mood when you see them.

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Post by ugastudent » Mon 20 Jul, 2009 11:41 pm

I have to admit I agree

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Post by DancingFlame » Mon 31 Aug, 2009 8:52 pm

i don't believe all the of them but i do believe most of them will give some insight weather it's 100% or not, it's up to us to use them as stepping stones and its our actions that make them come true. if there dealing with astrology then obviously they see what your planets are doing and put it into writing. it's like if your birth month comes up, obviously you'll be more lucky, you will be at your height and maybe due to this our bad traits may also come out as well. they can also use your houses as well. family, home, love etc. i find the best way to see which ones are true or not is, get a few sent to your email study it for awhile and see which ones is true 50% of the time more than others, maybe monthly horoscopes would be better. i love astrology but, i do think numberology is way better for an individual person because even though alot of sites describe your sign it's not always right and can make u judge people before you have even gotten to know and that goes for horoscopes as well.

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sun moon stars space

Post by heruthegreat » Tue 08 Sep, 2009 6:13 am

its math science and unity of the all. let the mind expand

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Post by noremorse828 » Thu 08 Oct, 2009 11:53 am

dont believe in dayly horoscopes becouse they are only based on the zodiac signs,
not even on the planets and or the numerology for your birth day etc..
so the basis can be true, but becouse there are so much things affecting this zodiac signs
there isnt much left of the truth. becouse the day the month and the year you are born,
the planets ad even your name is affecting your life, then there is your mood and what;s
going on around you. what is the mood of your family do you have money problems,
did someone just died who you love etc... so many things that can affect the day.
so i dont believe in a daily horoscope, only in a horoscope for your whole life, and thereby
also the information used of the horoscopes of your friends and family and the numerology.
i think then you can get a realy good horoscope telling you more about your self.

so a daily horoscope only based on the zodiac signs.. cant be right.

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utilty of daily horoscope

Post by Madhavacharya » Sun 11 Oct, 2009 9:28 am

There are two types of daily horoscope.One is from Sun sign & other is from Moon sign which called RASHI BHAVISHYA in Vedic astrology.Roots of rashi bhavishya, are deep in India mostly in rural area.There are certain intricacies in the calculations but when acquainted it is very much useful in daily life. There is a practice of observing RASHI GHATCHAKRA in routine works like,People short travels, govt jobs,interviews etc.People have faith in it & they follow it.

Little Nugget
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Post by Little Nugget » Mon 26 Oct, 2009 11:10 pm

I am not sure if I believe in the horoscopes either but in all honesty you are supposed to read them after the day is over because if you read them before the day is started then you already expect your day to go that way and that is not fair.

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Daily Horoscopes are too Generic

Post by Tamaria3 » Sun 02 May, 2010 10:12 pm

I would say the reason why Daily Horoscopes are not very accurate is because some of the planets take a long time to change their positions. The horoscope may apply, but you might feel the energy of that transit affecting you before or after the actual day of the horoscope. Weekly Horoscopes are a bit better, and Monthly Horoscopes are far more accurate.

The other reason is that people are complex beings, made up of many different energies, sometimes even conflicting. Say you have an Aries Sun, but a Pisces Moon and Pisces Ascendant, for example. In that case, the Pisces Horoscope might actually be more accurate for you most of the time.

If you want to get the most out of your Daily Horoscope, you should find out what your Ascendant and Moon Signs are and read all three. Hope that helps!


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Benefits of daily horoscope

Post by Astrovidhi11 » Fri 19 Aug, 2016 12:01 pm

Daily horoscope tell you what you should do and what not to do to achieve your daily task. Try it and Believe it once

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