Horoscopes for 12th August, 2005

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Horoscopes for 12th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Some heavy feelings might be weighing you down, but the sooner you address them, the better. You don't have to solve or get rid of them -- in fact, just acknowledging that they're there might be enough to give you a little breathing room for now. Afterward, think about going for a long walk, run or finding some other physical way of gaining release. Once you've done that, you'll feel like a burden's been lifted off your shoulders.



<span id="intelliTxt">Even if high school was a long time ago, it's easy (almost scarily easy) to slip back into that mentality. Who's got the newest, shiniest stuff? Who's a teacher's pet? Who's the popular one who so, like, totally doesn't deserve it? Put the brakes on this kind of thinking and remind yourself that one of the benefits to being an adult (along with no curfew) is that you've learned that there is far more to life than how people look and what they own.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your mental acuity usually extends to a wide range of topics, but right now the stars are giving you the power to go for depth rather than breadth. You've got the ability to perceive layers of meaning and analyze the subtleties in a way that wasn't available to you before. Is there a work stalemate you need to move? A relationship you want to unblock? Make sure you use this newfound skill in areas that need it most.



<span id="intelliTxt">Mulling over your past decisions and contemplating what might have been is guaranteed to make you feel crazy -- so don't do it, no matter what. Push aside all might-have-beens and concentrate on the here and now; you'll find that people will sense the change in your energy and become much more receptive to your thoughts and ideas. Remember to keep that perspective as you go throughout your day -- and beyond.



<span id="intelliTxt">Being irresistible is a state of mind that's not foreign to you, but the stars give you some extra depth and magnetism during this moment. Left, right and center, people are falling under your spell as if you were a master hypnotist. Even you can't believe your level of charisma. While romantic and grandiose fantasies are crowding your head with delightful scenarios, don't let them distract you from some real-life opportunities.



<span id="intelliTxt">Break away from limiting or inhibiting worldviews by engaging in a deep conversation with someone whose intellectual powers meet or even exceed yours. It's hard to understand where someone's coming from until you make a full attempt to explore their point of view. Fortunately, the stars have given you an open, curious mind and the willingness to work on this aspect of yourself. Use these powers to their fullest extent.



<span id="intelliTxt">Find a way to take a break and soak up the sun. You're about to plunge into some very deep and demanding waters when it comes to a project at work, so make sure you spend some time outdoors enjoying yourself to restore a sense of balance and ease. The ambitious career plans you're about to put into motion will benefit you all the more if you're not feeling burned out and exhausted before you start working on them.



<span id="intelliTxt">Leave the routine chores to someone else. Some extraordinary meetings are yours to be had if you're ready to meet them face to face. The mundane has no place in your day, especially when your charisma is this powerful. Expect to meet the right people as you're placed in extraordinary situations throughout your day. It's a win-win situation wherever you end up -- you know how to make the most of the opportunities coming your way.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're just in a strange mood or feeling off balance -- that's all. Really? If that's the case, then why are you trying so hard to make sure that what you're feeling isn't a big deal? Dismissing your emotions right now isn't the best course of action, although superficially it may seem like the easiest thing to do. What you need to do instead is take a good, long look at what's going on in your heart.



<span id="intelliTxt">You've got the whole world on your shoulders, or at least that's what it feels like. Well, it's time to do something about that, or you could end up with a rather painful crick in your neck -- and aren't those things just the dickens to work out? It's true that not everyone can be quite so competent and on the ball as you, but someone could rise to the occasion surprisingly well if you give them a chance to take on some responsibility.



<span id="intelliTxt">Moving up your own personal career ladder could be thrilling -- and yet just a little bit terrifying at the same time. On no account should you beat yourself up for having mixed feelings about being successful. After all, the price of getting what you want is having to deal with ... getting what you want. And while in many ways it's a great thing to achieve so much, it can be stressful, too. Take some time out to deal with these feelings.



<span id="intelliTxt">Learn to tread water before you plunge into uncharted depths, especially during a moment like this. Some of the work you've been doing may have stirred up a few surprising emotions or old pieces of your history that you don't feel quite up to dealing with right now. And that's fine if you want to leave them be for now. You know that they're there, and you'll deal with them when the time is right, not before.



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