Horoscopes for 13th August, 2005

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Horoscopes for 13th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Normally you're totally direct about what you want and completely unafraid of going out there and getting it. Today, however, might be a little different -- the stars have given you a little dose of introspection to your normally exuberant and outgoing self. Use this energy to examine any feelings that might be holding you back. Once you do a little psychic groundwork, you'll find it easier than ever to reach your goal.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your normally placid exterior might be a wee more aware of any pricks and stings even if they're not directed at you. The stars make you able to perceive things below the surface that you might otherwise miss, but the other side of that ability is seeing slights that might not actually be there. Remember to take nothing personally and remember that you can't know everything that's going on with someone else, and your day will be a breeze.



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars give you the gift of insight and compassion -- an extremely useful duo. Someone in your life needs a helping hand, and you're just the one to supply it. You're able to settle down and really listen to what they need to say. These do-gooder impulses can be addictive -- soon you'll want to extend your aid and abilities not just to people in your immediate social circle, but to the community at large.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's important to take some time and contemplate where you are and what you've accomplished before you launch into your next big project. So take some time and think about all the goals you've reached and appreciate fully the situation that you're currently in. If someone tries to push you into making a start right now, firmly tell them that you'll move when you're ready to -- no sooner and no later. Enjoy the present.



<span id="intelliTxt">Ambition colors your day, so go ahead and flex those leadership muscles to let everyone know that you're a major player. Be careful, however, that someone in a powerful position doesn't view your actions as disrespectful. After all, you want to move higher, not depose people. Make sure you go out of your way to convey the depth of your ideas and the passion behind your actions, and they'll be sure to be on your side.



<span id="intelliTxt">You've got far more options than you realize, and a much wider range of opportunity than you give yourself credit for. It might seem unfathomable in all its possibility, but give yourself a chance to explore all the avenues available to you before settling on one. Be brave and consider the road less traveled, because right now could be a magical time to make connections and have experiences that expand your boundaries.



<span id="intelliTxt">Right now, your desires are right on the surface. You're like a snake shedding its skin -- you're ready to shuck off anything that inhibits or restricts you, whether that means purging your wardrobe of items that don't fit, giving a boring friend the boot or ridding yourself of bad habits that you know hold you back. You're feeling rebellious and ready to rock, but it's no pose -- these impulses come from a deep and trustworthy place.



<span id="intelliTxt">The spotlight's on you as the stars amp up your already considerable personal magnetism and make you practically irresistible. Expect crowds to gather around you as you leave your house -- you're that fascinating, both to folks you know and those you haven't even met yet. While it would be tempting for some to rest on their laurels in the middle of all this adoration, you have no interest in simply lying around. You're all about action.



<span id="intelliTxt">Turn up the volume on your inner voice and listen to what it's trying to tell you. The message may not be clear right away, but your guiding wisdom is trying to tell you something very important, so stop and listen before you miss it. Try meditation, yoga or tai chi to access this part of yourself. It's worth the effort -- getting in tune with your inner self will help resolve some issues you're having in the visible world.



<span id="intelliTxt">Dive, dive! That's the stars' command for the day. Whatever you're doing, go deep, deeper, deepest. That advice applies whether you're in a yoga class or trying to work the knots out of a personal relationship. Settling for surface solutions or superficial answers really won't cut it today, no matter how quick and easy they seem -- and you're one sign that really understands the value of building things that last.



<span id="intelliTxt">Normally having to perform in front of an audience doesn't faze you -- not one little bit. Now, however, you may be feeling just the slightest bit exposed to all and sundry in the face of some very deep, very private matters that are going on in your life. If you feel like you're being pushed beyond your comfort zone either at work or at play, say the word and retreat to mull over your emotions in the privacy of your own home.



<span id="intelliTxt">Is there a lifeguard on duty anywhere? If not, you may want to call on a dear friend, relative or your sweetie to stand watch while you hold your nose and dive in to some deep water. Old emotional business might be emerging that you thought was forever sunk from sight. Be brave as you explore what's coming up. To paraphrase the poet Rumi, where there is ruin, there is also hope for buried treasure.



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