Horoscopes for 14th August, 2005

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Horoscopes for 14th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Every action occurs for a reason. You have no problem making decisions, but you might be surprised at some of the results. That's fine -- who wants to control all the outcome all the time? That's way too much stress, and leaves zero room for surprises. And a day without surprises can be a pretty dull day indeed. So be fearless about making decisions, and resolve to be unattached to the outcomes. You might find that something delightfully expected comes about.



<span id="intelliTxt">A partnership might be ready to proceed at full speed -- the lights are green and there's a clear stretch of road ahead. Whether it's a business or personal relationship, you're more aware than ever that there's more here than meets the eye, and that it deserves your full commitment and a willingness to explore all the fantastic possibilities that lie ahead. So talk it over with your partner. You'll find that they're willing to expand this situation as well.



<span id="intelliTxt">Usually you're all about variety, but right now you have the intensity and focus of a laser. Your usual love of change (and the quicker the better, too) has developed into a decided taste for lingering and discovering the depths of your topic du jour. It might be a little bit off-putting at first -- normally metamorphosis is more your style, but you may end up enjoying this change of pace so much that you incorporate it into your daily life.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feeling overwhelmed? That's not surprising, consider how many different directions are presenting themselves right now. You're not the only one in this situation, either, but don't let others' reactions influence how you behave. Let everyone else run around like the sky is falling while you go your own way. After you get the lay of the land and apply your impeccable logic to the situation, the solution will present itself.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your already intriguing persona expands even further, thanks to some strong celestial motivations to break beyond your known boundaries. Right now, you're all about delving into the past for answers and firming up connections in the present. Go ahead and let this brave new you surface in all areas of your life. Socially, it's time to listen to your own drummer, while in your career you suddenly see farther than you ever could before.



<span id="intelliTxt">Now is your time to be exceptional. The stars give you an all-access pass to the inner workings of your heart and soul, which in turn helps inspire you in all that you endeavor. These intangible but incredibly important resources give you the advantage, especially when it comes to using your creativity to make or participate in something bigger than yourself. Dig deep and contribute as much as you can.



<span id="intelliTxt">Lately you've been reevaluating what your ideas about romance are. How much of what you need from a relationship has been dictated to you by others? Well, you're ready to toss all that aside and focus on your genuine needs and desires from that special someone in your life. It might be a formidable task to tackle, but finding someone who can keep up with you will be ultimately a very rewarding venture.



<span id="intelliTxt">Apply yourself and your irresistible combination of energy, high spirits and radiant confidence to shedding some lifestyle habits that were once comfortable, but are now starting to chafe. After all, the familiar can easily become a restriction if you let it stop you from exploring different directions. The stars want to see you grow and change, which might mean letting go some of what you think you need to retain.



<span id="intelliTxt">Mysteries and secrets capture your full attention right now, and with very good reason. Your subconscious is working on unraveling a few knotty puzzles in your own life. Rather than worrying them and simply making them more snarled and confused, take your conscious mind off on a vacation. Play a puzzle, get some friends together for word games or go see a movie. The inner workings of your heart and soul are at work on the problem.



<span id="intelliTxt">Feel like you need somebody to lean on? Well, that's fortunate, because there are people who are more than willing to be your rock when you need a place to rest. The most important part is up to you, however -- you have to be willing to reach out and let them know that their aid would be most appreciated (not to mention needed at a time like this). Then sit back and watch the cavalry ride to your rescue.



<span id="intelliTxt">You, out of all the signs, are one of the most socially conscious and concerned. You're genuine in your desire to make this world a better place, and you love collaborating with others to come up with ways to make that happen. This ever-present impulse gets even stronger under the current celestial influence. You're able to dig deep and come up with even more ideas and innovative ways to implement them.



<span id="intelliTxt">Trust is one of the most important things to build -- not only trust with other people, but trust in yourself. Do you listen to your own instincts? Do you pay attention to your feelings, or do you dismiss them as not being important? Now is the time to examine your attitudes toward how you deal with yourself. There's no need to make any sudden changes. Simply sit and think about patterns of behavior that you've noticed in yourself.



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