Horoscopes for 15th August, 2005

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Horoscopes for 15th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Your motto could be 'don't fence me in.' If anyone tries to set limits or strictures on what is or isn't possible for you right now, you'll very firmly and clearly tell them to get the heck out of the way -- or they might just get knocked down. Hey, as long as they have enough warning, all's fair. Just keep in mind that they mean well, even if their advice is totally off base. Be kind when you tell them that you know exactly what you're doing.



<span id="intelliTxt">Tiptoe around someone who seems like they might be in a grumpier mood than normal. That doesn't mean you have to muffle everything you say and do, of course, but an extra dash of sensitivity when dealing with them will definitely make your day (and theirs) go a whole lot more smoothly. Don't think that they won't notice, either. They'll return the favor and then some if you're ever in a similar situation.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're eloquent beyond a shadow of a doubt, but try not to let your gift of gab run away with you -- or your audience's interest. It's tempting to get up and stay up on your soapbox for as long as possible, but will that really drive your message home? Falling in love with the sound of your own voice could counter any good influence you have. So make sure to pay attention to how your audience is behaving, and let that be your guide.



<span id="intelliTxt">Waiting for a sign to go out and treat yourself kindly? Well, wait no longer -- the stars are giving you the green light when it comes to doing something truly fantastic for yourself. If someone tries to give you a hard time about taking care of yourself, remind them (and, most importantly, yourself) that you take care of others just plenty, and that it's about time it was your turn, thank you very much. Now go out there and indulge.



<span id="intelliTxt">Make the most of the bounteous energy flowing through you early on in the day and push through any obstacles that present themselves. Once these mighty efforts are out of the way, you'll find that all you've accomplished gives you a solid foundation upon which you can relax. Enjoy your victory and make sure you plan some way to celebrate -- perhaps an impromptu party or daytrip is in order? Why not?



<span id="intelliTxt">You're in a challenging spot: torn between the safety and comfort of your known rituals and routines, but knowing deep down that it's high time to kick up the traces and try something new. Stop fretting about what you 'should' do and figure out what it is that you want to do. Don't forget that it's always possible to compromise between the two desires as well -- maybe instead of quitting your job, you could ask for a new project or set of responsibilities.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're very good at giving, but it can become such an ingrained habit that you cut yourself off from your own feelings. Rather than disconnecting by convincing yourself that others' needs are more important than yours, find a way to get back in touch with that lively, fun part of yourself that has the capacity to just enjoy what's going on in the now. The stars guarantee a good time if you put yourself first right now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Playing follow-the-leader really isn't your thing, especially since you're usually quite certain about your own path, but right now the fun and camaraderie of joining in with the crowd seems pretty darned appealing. Why not let yourself go along with the group for right now? Not only will you enjoy the change of pace, but you'll meet some new types who'll brighten up your life in just the right way. This is exactly the pick-me-up you need.



<span id="intelliTxt">Keep that confident smile up and running, because you're definitely way ahead of the game. Not only are your ideas innovative and intriguing, but they're exactly what the doctor ordered when it comes to an old and sticky situation. Test-drive any high-powered career opportunities that come your way, and make sure to cultivate contacts. Options abound wherever you look, so keep those eyes wide open.



<span id="intelliTxt">Look to your past to provide the answers you need. This is especially true if you've hit a bit of a roadblock when it comes to where you're heading in the future. What patterns, imbalances, problems have been reoccurring themes in your life? What brings you joy? What are you gifts? All those answers and more lie in your history, especially if you're able to view it with a detached and discriminating eye.



<span id="intelliTxt">People who need people are the luckiest people just about anywhere -- and you head up the list of those people-loving types right now. You're looking to mingle with all different types and get some fresh experiences under your belt -- and fortunately for you, the universe has heard your request and is prepared to provide for you in spades. So get ready to greet an extremely fascinating parade of personalities.



<span id="intelliTxt">The powers that be might have very different ideas about your place in the company or a project you've been working on. Be patient and hold your tongue. You don't have to make any decisions or resolve anything right now -- in fact, the more comfortable you are with a mutable and flexible situation, the more likely that the outcome will be far more to your liking than if you force something to happen.



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