Horoscopes for 16th August, 2005

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Horoscopes for 16th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">You know what you want, and you're pretty impatient to get it. While your success is almost completely assured, it still behooves you to be on your best behavior. Try and remember those around you in your headlong rush to reach your goal. After all, you're going to have to see most (if not all) of these people at a later date after the thrill of victory, and it would be so much better not to have to apologize for stepping on someone's toes, don't you think?



<span id="intelliTxt">An encounter with a new culture or a new way of doing things opens your eyes to the possibilities in ways you never dreamed of. Your willingness to learn combined with your charm leads to building bridges that might just prove pretty permanent. Go ahead and explore this situation to the fullest extent possible. You'll love what you learn. It just goes to show you that it's always worth it to take a chance.



<span id="intelliTxt">A turn of events is certainly surprising, but it could be just what the doctor ordered. You have two choices here: you can sulk and pout and complain that this wasn't what you expected and refuse to deal with the situation at all. Or you could acknowledge your disappointment, make the best of what have and then end up being rather pleased with the recent circumstances, which could turn out to be very beneficial. Your choice.



<span id="intelliTxt">Finally you'll summon up the courage to cut ties with a less-than-pleasant acquaintance or a sarcastic 'friend' who almost always left you feeling worse after you two spent time together. That move toward freedom will leave you feeling lighter and freer -- not to mention more confident -- than you have in ages. Now go and celebrate your own personal independence day in a manner that you find absolutely delightful.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your contagious sense of fun and boundless enthusiasm attract willing hordes to your side -- now you just have to decide what to do with them. You're the ringleader in this fun-filled circus of a day, and everyone's waiting to see what you direct them to do. Not a problem, since the main concern you have is how to maximize the fun for everyone involved. With that kind of motivation, everything just has to go swimmingly.



<span id="intelliTxt">Isn't it time to stop pretending that you don't want more? The stars are asking you to come clean about what you genuinely are passionate about. Right now, duty and responsibility are necessary, but you need to make room in your life for some fun and games as well -- whatever it takes to put the sparkle back in your eye. You remember that saying about all work and no play and what it does to people? Take it to heart.



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars are about to send you on a trip for your own good. While you may initially grumble at this sudden change of plans, you'll return from your unexpected sojourn feeling refreshed and revived by the experience. So go ahead and leave your safe ways behind -- you can always come back to them later. Who knows -- you may even learn something new that becomes a permanent part of your lifestyle.



<span id="intelliTxt">Boosting your spirits is a top priority, and the stars give you plenty of chances to do just that. Someone with a talent for merry-making gets thrown into your path and invites you to follow along in their madcap wake. You're initially reluctant, but your curiosity overcomes any misgivings you might have -- and with fantastic results. Give yourself entirely to the moment and enjoy going with the flow.



<span id="intelliTxt">Embrace the unexpected like a dear and welcome friend. While surprises and change make other signs of the zodiac jittery and nervous, you've learned to take advantage of every opportunity the cosmos decides to give you. It's this kind of attitude that ensures you'll have a rollicking good time no matter what happens today. When you're thrown for a loop, you know how to turn it into a somersault.



<span id="intelliTxt">This a test -- and this is only a test, not the absolute final word on your plans, so keep that in mind before you jump to any conclusions or commit yourself to one course of action. Above all, don't panic. What you're facing now is, in the grand scheme of things, pretty unimportant, no matter how it otherwise might seem. Keep a cool head and evaluate where you stand. Once you get past the fear, you'll see a simple solution.



<span id="intelliTxt">If you're up for it, the stars have all kinds of mind-expanding and growth-inducing ideas in mind for you right now. So, are you up for it? Well, what a silly question -- of course you are! These transformative experiences might not appear in a form you're expecting, so make sure you keep an open (yet very focused) mind as you go about your daily business. Paying attention is more than half the battle.



<span id="intelliTxt">Messes can be just so darn, well, messy. Resist the urge to go around and tidy everything up, however. The more amorphous things are, the more possibilities abound. If you go around putting things in a box, you might just be cutting yourself off from some very lovely opportunities. Give the situation (and yourself) some room to grow and expand. If you can, do some yoga to stay flexible. More importantly, practice mental yoga at all times.



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