Daily horoscopes for 1st March, 2007

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Daily horoscopes for 1st March, 2007

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:01 pm


<span id="intelliTxt">You may not even be looking for a new romance, but that won't matter to someone who's trying to turn your head. So you'll have to stay consistent in how you react to this person's flattery today. If you want more, you should encourage it. But if you don't, do not send mixed signals. The situation could escalate in a way that'll end up making you both unhappy. Nip things in the bud. Be gentle and kind, but say what you really mean and be clear about what you really want.



<span id="intelliTxt">Making the right choices in life can be hard to do, so you have every right to feel proud -- even joyful -- about the decisions you've been making lately. You have examined some difficult situations and chosen the right path. You are a strong person -- stronger even than you know. Have confidence that although you haven't completely put recent hard times behind you, you soon will.



<span id="intelliTxt">Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean that you can't get along with her or him famously. If you opted out of being friends with all people who thought about life differently, you'd have a very boring social life. The yin and yang of this relationship creates an exciting intellectual reward, and debates can be fun. You have so much more to offer than mere congeniality, and people are just as attracted to your rough edges as they are to your smooth ways.



<span id="intelliTxt">Making any extravagant moves is not a good idea right now. You need to behave in a low-key manner and avoid grabbing for too much attention. Paradoxically, moving to the sidelines will end up getting you noticed all the more (but noticed by the right people and in the right way). If you are working on developing a romantic relationship, you should definitely avoid over-the-top gestures. They could send the wrong message and turn that special someone off.



<span id="intelliTxt">Have the confidence to do what you want today -- don't be afraid to boldly go where you've never gone before. Sure, you might not know how everything works at first, but that doesn't have to put you at a disadvantage. After the first five minutes, your nerves will stop jangling, and you'll even start to feel a sense of accomplishment. Take a deep breath, and then step out of your comfort zone -- and relish that 'Wow! I can really do this!' sensation.



<span id="intelliTxt">The personalities of the people you encounter might be more than a little bit overbearing today, so it would be very wise for you to build in some alone time in the middle of the day. Give yourself an hour or two to get back to your happy place, where you don't have to bite your tongue constantly. Holding back what you really think might give you a headache, so plan a short getaway in the next few days to relax and clear your mind.



<span id="intelliTxt">Exercise your creative muscles today, and you will strengthen your resolve. Look at challenges from a different angle, and find an ingenious strategy. What you want to happen next in your life can happen only if you create a plan -- so get to brainstorming! Ask some of your smart friends what they would do in your shoes. In the afternoon, drawing, dancing, singing or creating any other kind of art will help you clear your mind and will bring you joy.



<span id="intelliTxt">A boss or another authority figure could cause you some big problems today, and you may have to put your personal life on hold for a few days to deal with them. The good news is that this interruption in your regularly scheduled programming will be an enjoyable change. This is your time to shine brightly and promote yourself to people in power as the star you are. This is not an inconvenience; it is an open door.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your luck is changing today -- which could be either good or bad. If you've recently felt as though the entire universe has been conspiring to give you delightful surprises, your well of good fortune is going to get a bit drier. But if you've felt as though nothing has been going your way, you're going to see a very nice change in direction! From finding twenty dollars in the laundry to getting that phone call you've been hoping for, things will definitely start to look up!



<span id="intelliTxt">Your social circle is doing some significant rotating and revolving right now, and you may be feeling a bit off-balance. There are some friends who seem to make your life so effortless and easy -- while others seem to be too demanding of your time and attention. When you examine these two camps, do not automatically assume that your place is with the people who make things easy. After all, it's the challenges in your life that teach you the most about yourself.



<span id="intelliTxt">One of your firmest beliefs will start to soften today, when a mounting pile of contradictions begins to make you question things. Changing your mind might initially feel uncomfortably like admitting a mistake, but if you look at the big picture (and you should), you'll see that revising your outlook is a smart and responsible thing to do. People will admire you for your courage, maturity and open-mindedness.



<span id="intelliTxt">Having a rich fantasy life right now will keep you energized and feeling positive. You can control everything in your imagination, so give it a try! Exercise your power by imagining yourself the way you want to be, with all the resources, money and attention you crave. Daydreaming is a very effective way to entertain yourself, especially when things get a bit boring today (and they will). Amuse yourself with images of how things would be in you were in charge.



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Phoenixx Charmed
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Daily horoscopes for 1st March, 2007

Post by Phoenixx Charmed » Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:12 am

For myself.... I really hope that my luck will change for the better!! All I have been having for almost 2 years is misfortunes one after another!!!

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Re: Daily horoscopes for 1st March, 2007

Post by mysqlerror1194 » Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:17 pm

[quote="Phoenixx Charmed"]For myself.... I really hope that my luck will change for the better!! All I have been having for almost 2 years is misfortunes one after another!!![/quote]

absolutely man!! even i have been having hiccups recently ...
having my fingers crossed and hoping for the best ... for everyone ...

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Phoenixx Charmed
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Re: Daily horoscopes for 1st March, 2007

Post by Phoenixx Charmed » Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:53 pm

I am hoping the best for all as well.... I try to keep putting positive energy out... Goddess Knows I have put my fair share of negativeity out over the years!!

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