Horoscope for May 26th, 2005

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Horoscope for May 26th, 2005

Post by swetha » Thu May 26, 2005 7:48 am

Welcome back to the world of the living. You've been working hard lately and haven't taken time out to do much of anything else -- so play, of course, has been at the very bottom of that list. Well, it's time to make up for all that, starting tonight. Get in touch with your friends and family members. The heavens have arranged for all of you to be in the mood for love, laugher and lots of hugs.

Here's another blessed day off from feeling as if you and you alone are responsible for everything that happens in and around your world. This makes two in a row, so you may begin to feel a bit spoiled, but that doesn't mean that you should let guilt creep into the equation. You've earned this, so enjoy it with the companion(s) you've chosen to share in the good feelings.

You're still in the mood to deal with facts and figures, to talk things over in an unbiased, objection fashion and, in general, to take care of business. That's not your usual style, of course. You'd much rather play than work, and you've always put pleasure right at the top of your priority list. At the moment, however, you won't even recognize yourself, so don't be surprised if your loved ones are caught a bit off guard by all this.

Someone you love is acting as if you're the one and only priority in their life -- and while you're not used to this, you're not about to argue about it. They've been working far too hard for far too long, and you're just glad to be seeing them. While you've got their attention, of course, you might want to schedule one of those nice, long heart-to-heart chats you two haven't had ever since they discovered the virtues of working overtime.

That invitation to get out of the house and celebrate sounds good, doesn't it? So no matter what you're up to tomorrow morning, why not pretend that you've got nothing but time and the luxury of sleeping in as late as you like? You might be tired, but you'll amble into work with a great big grin and a terrific attitude, and just about everyone will be tickled for you.

An authority figure who isn't exactly across the street is still reachable, and you know it. So whether you decide to consult with them via a long-distance call or an email, you can still reap the benefits of their experience -- if you're smart enough to back away from your pride long enough to ask. There's no shame in looking for advice. What's shameful is refusing to ask for it when you know that you need to.

There's only so much you can do, since cloning hasn't yet been legalized or perfected, and you can still only be in one place at a time. So when your family members and your best friends all insist on your time and attention at the same moment, you'll have a decision to make -- and you'll need to make it quickly. Your only option is to figure out what your personal priorities are and to act on them.

You're famous for thinking things over -- and over, and over, and over again. Truth be told, you've been known to obsess -- just a little -- every now and then. So now, with a rather serious issue on the table, your loved ones will be more than surprised to see you reacting in what can only be called a spontaneous manner. It's okay. Once they're over the shock, they'll love it. They may even encourage you to keep up the good work.

In your opinion, life is far too short to waste on organizing and categorizing. You'd much rather go out and play with interesting, unusual people and leave the scrubbing to others more comfortable with the task. At the moment, however, you're actually in the mood to clean, and as usual, you won't be doing it halfway. You might try to stop yourself before you wash the paint off the walls, though -- unless you want to stay up all night painting too.

If anyone is fond of 'just the facts, ma'am,' it's you. Embellishing those facts or adding details that have more to do with wishful thinking than the absolute truth just isn't your style. Mention all those things to anyone who approaches you now and insists that you give them your opinion on the story they're just dying to share. Otherwise, mention that you also won't be shy -- or gentle -- about letting them know what you really think.

You come off as freewheeling and risk-loving, but when it comes right down to it, you're as bound to duty and responsibility as any of your famously diligent friends. You don't advertise it for precisely the reason you won't be happy about letting it show now: because there's always someone who wants to put you in a position of authority. At the moment, though, you won't be upset about that position.

If anyone deserves some quality time with strictly platonic acquaintances -- the kind who want nothing more from you than a couple of good giggles and some intelligent, charming company -- it's you, especially after what you've been dealing with lately. All those thoughts about what's important and what's not took the fun out of things. Now, however, it's time to put that behind you and remember what it was like to giggle.

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Joined: Wed May 25, 2005 9:45 am

Post by epson0001 » Thu May 26, 2005 10:12 am

hello swetha,
thanks for the update :smt003

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