Horoscopes for 17th August, 2005

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Horoscopes for 17th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Feeling a little like the lunatics are in charge of the asylum? A boss, manager or some other kind of big cheese type may not be quite the figure of cool, calm and collected authority you were hoping for. If that's the case, don't stamp your feet and air your grievances to anyone who'll listen. Instead, keep your head even while others around you may be losing theirs. Hopefully everyone will notice your example and follow it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Someone might be prone to proselytize in your presence, but you don't have to provide a permanent audience, especially if you have your own life to lead -- and you very definitely do. If you feel up to it, go ahead and engage them in a little open-minded debate. You might just expose them to a whole different point of view that they've never considered, and you can consider that your good deed for the day.



<span id="intelliTxt">Your airy fancies and let's-build-castles-in-the-air mentality is firmly grounded in earthy concerns (and earthy delights) right now. The stars anchor you in some very steadfast influences that make you want to see concrete results and follow your plans through to some kind of resolution. Make sure you get the most out of this bout of perseverance -- you could lay the groundwork for some great things to come.



<span id="intelliTxt">Speak your mind, and you'll see results. Now, this isn't always the easiest thing in the world for you to do, but the stars will give you the gumption to state your thoughts without a fuss and without any kind of personal agenda. Whether you're addressing who gets to lead the latest project at work or telling your sweetie that no, you've never liked coconut cream pie, your needs will be met today when you voice what they are.



<span id="intelliTxt">Professionally, you're at a turning point, and while you may feel your enthusiasm beginning to lag, it's important to remember that you'll get back exactly what you put into on-the-job tasks. You know you've got the deeds to back up your words, so make sure that you devote your time to doing just that. While your confident way with words is normally irresistible, concrete action is much more appropriate at this time.



<span id="intelliTxt">Although it may feel like today is full of tests and turning points, don't let the pressure -- self-induced or from others -- get to you. Instead, follow your instincts and do what you think is best. Go ahead and push yourself to the limit, but take your own sweet time if you're dealing with unknown territory -- your performance depends on how well you understand what's going on, so a thorough understanding is crucial.



<span id="intelliTxt">Following routines and obeying orders won't feel very fulfilling right now -- on the contrary, it'll feel like you're kowtowing and knuckling under to authority for no good reason. You're a rebel and you need to feel free of strictures, especially ones that don't make any sense to you. Find ways to convert this strong energy into something useful, and preferably far away from the presence of bosses or other authority figures.



<span id="intelliTxt">Anyone with any perception knows that when it comes to business matters, you're the wrong sign to mess with, but you may run across someone right now who's not too observant -- and apparently doesn't value their hide at all! Fortunately, your shrewdness steps in and saves the day, especially when it turns out the deal on the table is the absolute worst thing for all parties involved. Just go easy on the poor soul who thought they could fool you.



<span id="intelliTxt">Of all the changes you've embraced, this one is the most shocking. Could your daring, game-for-anything self actually be feeling quiet and conservative? Say it ain't so! Actually, you're quite enjoying your newly restrained and low-key persona. It's a nice change of pace and gives you some much-needed moments for contemplation. Go ahead and roll with this feeling and enjoy the insight it provides.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're getting so many congratulatory pats on the back that you might need to wear something padded to cushion yourself. Some people (some jealous people, that is) might call it luck, but you know better. In your case, 'luck' was composed of equal parts talent, perseverance, hard work and opportunity. So go ahead and smile pretty for the cameras as they record your success for all posterity. How sweet it is!



<span id="intelliTxt">You have very strong ideas about how to do things, which may not always conform with the accepted way of how to do things. Rather than waste time arguing about whose way is the right way, get down to business, and you'll find that the day practically flies by. Things that you thought were going to be enormous problems will somehow take care of themselves (especially when you give them a gentle nudge or two).



<span id="intelliTxt">Assistance appears just when you need it -- and it may even come without you having to request it. Your workplace karma shines right now when a coworker comes riding to your rescue just in the nick of time. You're suitably grateful, of course, but there's no need to overdo the thanks. After all, you've helped out plenty of your office mates in your time -- it was just a matter of them noticing you needed help.



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