Horoscopes for 18th August, 2005

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Horoscopes for 18th August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Grit your teeth, even if you know exactly what this situation requires. Someone's in charge here, and unfortunately, that's not you (even though you'd do a stellar job). Try to be patient while the powers that be work out the kinks with this plan. If you can suggest an alternative in a diplomatic matter, by all means do so. However, don't barrel ahead and try to force people to go along with your plan, no matter how good you think it is.



<span id="intelliTxt">Get outside. If possible, stay outside all day. Too many hours cooped up indoors can lead you to feeling disconnected with the things that really matter, and your sign more than most needs regular contact with nature. If you've got something to mull over, take a hike (literally) and do your thinking around a lot of trees. You'll find that all that natural growth makes your thoughts grow in surprising and enlightening ways.



<span id="intelliTxt">A sweetheart or partner may have something on their mind that they're not talking about, and it's giving you a case of the heebie-jeebies -- especially if it's making them indulge in a bad case of double-talk and subterfuge. Ask them flat out if they've got something that needs discussing and see where it goes from there. Under no circumstances acquiesce to their agenda -- especially if you sense there's an unspoken agenda behind it.



<span id="intelliTxt">Just when you're moving up the career ladder with a big new promotion that entails more hours, your sweetie may say that they need to see more of you at home. The stars present you with a two steps forward, three steps back kind of situation right now, which may seem more frustrating and possibly even alarming than you'd like. However, with your prowess you can turn these back-and-forth movements into a graceful tango.



<span id="intelliTxt">You're absolutely unshakable in your current stance, but you might want to rethink that attitude before it hardens into noncompliance. Narrow-mindedness won't get you anywhere but in a whole lot of trouble right now, so make sure you give a fair hearing to all opinions -- yes, even the ones that are in opposition to yours. You don't necessarily have to change your mind, but you do have to know what's out there.



<span id="intelliTxt">There's an undeniable urge to take a little walk (hardly a walk, even -- more like a wee stroll) on the wild side. However, right now it's best to acknowledge those urges but act on them later and instead concentrate yourself on putting in some big-time effort so you can see some big-time rewards. While it may be momentarily frustrating to sublimate your need for freedom, you'll be thankful later when you see the results.



<span id="intelliTxt">You've been so busy double-checking the bottom line and dotting all the i's and crossing the t's that you forgot to check in on that little thing called your life. It's true that others depend on you, but you have to make taking care of yourself a priority as well. Right now is an ideal time to work on ways to expand your horizons so you don't feel stifled by your daily routine. Find ways to flex your freedom no matter how small.



<span id="intelliTxt">When you put your mind to something, it's look out world! There's a definite goal in your sights right now, and you're absolutely determined to make it there no matter what. Rest assured that your task is easily achievable, especially with the amount of drive and perseverance you have going on. Make sure you exercise your tact and use diplomacy, and things will go especially smoothly in your business dealings.



<span id="intelliTxt">For you, money is something to be enjoyed, shared and used for the common good, but a more fiscally conservative side of your personality is emerging right now, which may not be a bad thing. After all, generosity is a desirable quality, but in order to be generous, you have to be sure that you have resources to draw on. Break out a calculator and work your finances. Make sure you can take care of yourself as well as others.



<span id="intelliTxt">The trick to succeeding -- as you very well know -- is to take your work seriously, but never yourself. So while you are rolling in a lot of well-deserved success right now, remember that it's important not to get a swelled head. Not only could that alienate you from potential allies for your next venture, but it might cloud that remarkably sharp perceptiveness that's been the key to so much of your good work.



<span id="intelliTxt">Some people like to think there's a reason for everything, and boy, if you ran across one of them right now, you'd sure like to give them a good talking-to. Recently, there have been a few events that make you question what the heck is going on, and what exactly you're supposed to do about it. It may be that the universe is telling you to do nothing -- just accept the events without judgment. For now, that'll have to do.



<span id="intelliTxt">Practical matters are at the top of the list, which makes for a pleasant round of productivity and accomplishment. You're happily getting your hands dirty as you set about solving problems and tying up loose ends that may have been tripping you up for ages. Tackle your to-do list with enthusiasm while this can-do energy is flowing through you, but make sure to quit when it's appropriate. You don't want to overdo it, after all.



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