Daily horoscopes for 21st August, 2005

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Daily horoscopes for 21st August, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:00 am


<span id="intelliTxt">Proceed with your regularly scheduled programming rather than turning your life topsy-turvy on a whim. The stars value routine, regularity and consistency above all right now. So even if you're wistfully eyeing those travel brochures for Timbuktu, remember that virtue is its own reward. There is plenty of time for thrills and excitement -- the thrills and excitement that you want, that is -- especially if you make sure to take care of everything on your to-do list now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Big ideas abound. You're feeling inspired and ready to change your life -- and possibly the world while you're at it. (Hey, why not? You're a pretty industrious type.) Rather than worry about implementing all these theories right away, take some time to mull them over. Let your mind feel free to explore all the avenues of possibility rather than trying to set boundaries and solidify plans right away. Make sure you have a pen to write everything down.



<span id="intelliTxt">Solving career issues might be slow going right now. The stars signal that you may be slogging through some heavy emotional mud when it comes to your attitude about work and success, and now is the time to address those old feelings before making any moves. After all, when you do make your move, you want to follow it through all the way to the end, right? So don't put any pressure on yourself to come to a decision now.



<span id="intelliTxt">Tap into the incredible energy that's on top right now, because you can move mountains if you so desire. It's an especially good time to direct your focus and willpower toward a project you've been dying to initiate or some other area of your life where you've been wanting to see progress. Anything can -- and will! -- happen when you've got that special spark, and the stars promise you plenty of it right now.



<span id="intelliTxt">They look great, they say all the right things and then there's just that magic connection you two have. Hold on there, partner. Look before you leap, especially if you're considering diving into some deep emotional waters. If you're not careful, you could seriously bump your head, especially if this person turns out to be just a touch more shallow than you thought. Reserve judgment and action until you know them better.



<span id="intelliTxt">Are you feeling slightly disconnected and maybe just a touch distant? To remedy that, clear out some time that's dedicated to social upkeep and call those friends, family members and sweeties that you've been promising to get to at some point. Well, there's no time like the present. If you follow through with your calls and contacts, your social life should receive just the kick in the pants that it needs.



<span id="intelliTxt">A cloud of goodwill may be temporarily turning everything in your sight rosy and glowing, so beware of making any long-term decisions that will seriously impact your future. If someone presses you for an answer, let them know that you need to wait until you're good and ready before deciding. Wait until this influence passes and you're able to view things with a more detached perspective and a slightly more jaundiced eye.



<span id="intelliTxt">In order to achieve it, first you have to dream it. Go ahead and let your imagination have free rein. Keep a dream journal, see an exotic and unusual art exhibit; basically, try an activity that's beyond your usual scope of experience to stimulate your creativity and give you plenty of material to draw upon as you think about what's next on your horizon. Your sign needs lots of stimulation to keep your interest from flagging, so seek it out.



<span id="intelliTxt">Listening to someone close to you ruminate on the patterns in their personal life can give you a lot of unexpected but welcome insight into your own. It's a great and relatively painless way to learn about yourself and get the impetus to make some changes for the better. Before you figure out how to put these thoughts into action, make sure you really heard and absorbed the wisdom at the heart of the lesson.



<span id="intelliTxt">The stars give your creativity a dose of high-octane gas, so rev 'er up and let 'er go. It's time to break out your sketchpad, clay, clarinet -- whatever it is that lets you noodle around and explore all kinds of artistic avenues. You're sure to feel inspired with these kinds of celestial influences. In fact, you may have so much fun playing around with this 'hobby' that you look for ways to incorporate it into your regular, everyday life.



<span id="intelliTxt">Tying up loose ends is your area of expertise, especially when it comes to financial and personal matters. In fact, the stars signal that you might have matters popping up in both areas that you need to address. Is there a debt that's been hanging over your head for far too long? If you can't pay it off, now is the time to figure out how you're going to deal with it. How about a relationship that needs work? Give it some TLC, too.



<span id="intelliTxt">It's time to really pay attention to yourself. If necessary, turn off all communication devices and let your loved ones know that this day is all about you and taking care of your needs. That may mean watching three of your favorite comedies in a row, or spending all day with a good book. You may feel the need to get on a roller coaster with your best pal and howl during the loop-de-loops. Whatever it is, make sure you do it today.



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